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Octavia AI 价格

Octavia AI价格VIA


您今天对 Octavia AI 感觉如何?


Octavia AI 今日价格

Octavia AI 的实时价格为 $0.1058(VIA / USD),当前市值为$0.00 USD。24小时交易量为$747,705.6 USD。VIA至USD价格实时更新。Octavia AI 在过去 24 小时内的变化为 8.05%。它的流通供应量为 0 。

VIA 的最高价格是多少?

VIA 的历史最高价(ATH)为 $2.85,于 2024-03-02 录得。

VIA 的最低价格是多少?

VIA 的历史最低价(ATL)为 $0.03428,于 2024-10-27 录得。
计算 Octavia AI 收益

Octavia AI 价格预测

VIA 在2025的价格是多少?

根据 VIA 的历史价格表现预测模型,预计 VIA 的价格将在2025达到$0.1581

VIA 在2030的价格是多少?

预计2030年 VIA 价格涨跌为-16.00%。到2030年底,预计 VIA 价格将达到 $0.1271,累计投资回报率为+11.25%。

Octavia AI 价格历史(USD)

过去一年,Octavia AI 价格上涨了-77.53%。在此期间,VIA 兑 USD 的最高价格为 $2.85,VIA 兑 USD 的最低价格为 $0.03428。
时间涨跌幅(%)涨跌幅(%)最低价相应时间段内 {0} 的最低价。最高价 最高价
所有时间+5.26%$0.03428(2024-10-27, 55天前 )$2.85(2024-03-02, 294天前 )

Octavia AI市场信息

57,794,121.51 VIA
100,000,000 VIA
立即购买Octavia AI

Octavia AI 评级

100 评级

Octavia AI (VIA) 简介

什么是 Octavia

Octavia 是一款 Web3 加密人工智能助手,旨在满足加密社区日益增长的需求。Octavia 以其深厚的加密知识、链上信息直接访问服务和无缝互联网连接为基础,成为研究、交易和其他大量加密相关任务的重要资源。它同时连接互联网和区块链的独特能力使其能够执行广泛的功能,从进行深入研究和访问网络资源,到分析区块链交易和根据用户偏好提供个性化帮助,不一而足。

Octavia 功能的核心在于其复杂的人工智能能力,内置的记忆系统则增强了这一能力。该系统不仅能让 Octavia 学习和适应用户的个人喜好,还能确保提供越来越个性化和高效的帮助。无论是通过 DiscordTelegram 还是其他平台,Octavia 都能识别和验证用户,保持安全直接的交互。其区块链原生设计以简单的语言提供详细的交易分析,从而揭开了与区块链操作相关的复杂数据的神秘面纱,进一步增强了用户的能力。Octavia 具备网络访问、精确计算和随互动而增强的记忆力等功能,定位为仿真人工智能助手,将彻底改变用户与加密货币领域的互动方式。




Octavia 如何运作?

Octavia 的核心是将人工智能技术和区块链整合在一起,提供无缝、直观的用户体验。收到信息后,Octavia 会对其进行评估,并决定最佳行动方案。对于直接的查询,它可以根据其庞大的知识库立即提供答复。对于更复杂的查询,Octavia 会采用类似人类的研究流程,利用搜索引擎收集相关信息、访问网站并理解内容,从而提供准确而全面的答案。必要时 Octavia 会重复此过程,以确保所提供的信息符合 Octavia 在准确性和相关性方面的高标准。

此外,Octavia 与区块链技术的整合使其能够直接从区块链中获取实时数据。这一功能可确保用户收到有关代币、钱包和合约的最新信息。Octavia 的记忆系统以人类记忆为蓝本,由本地记忆、全局记忆和固定记忆组成,能够存储用户交互的信息,从新发现中学习,并保持核心知识和个性。这一先进的记忆系统使 Octavia 能够提供个性化的帮助,让每位用户都能获得独一无二的体验,满足他们的特定需求和偏好。

什么是 VIA 代币?

VIA Octavia 平台的原生实用代币。它有多种用途,包括质押、治理、访问高级功能以及参与独特的训练即赚钱Train-to-Earn)计划。用户可通过质押 VIA 代币获得奖励。用户还可通过该代币访问高级功能,通过自动交易和私密模式等增强用户体验。在治理方面,VIA 代币持有者对平台的发展有发言权,社区可以就变更提出建议并进行投票。训练即赚钱的理念奖励用户为改进 Octavia 的人工智能所做的贡献,营造了一种合作环境,让每个人都能从平台的发展和完善中受益。VIA 代币供应总量为1亿枚。

Octavia 的价格由哪些因素决定?

Octavia 代币(VIA)的价格与区块链和加密货币市场上的任何资产一样,从根本上受到供求原则的影响。影响 VIA 供求关系的因素包括 Web3 领域的最新消息、加密货币趋势以及对加密货币采用和监管的整体情绪。随着投资者和用户密切关注加密货币图表和 Octavia 价格预测,市场动态的变化往往会反映在其价格上。Octavia Web3 生态系统的整合,加上其在提供基于区块链的先进解决方案方面的实用性,使其在2024年及以后成为一项潜在收益丰厚的加密货币投资。然而,市场波动、安全问题以及不断变化的加密货币监管环境都会对其估值产生重大影响。

此外,Octavia 的价格还受到其技术进步、安全措施以及用户群中加密货币采用率的影响。随着该平台不断推出新功能和升级,这些最新发展会激发人们的兴趣和需求,从而影响 Octavia 的市场地位。加密货币分析,包括对 Octavia 表现和潜力的深入研究,对于旨在做出明智决策的投资者来说至关重要。虽然高回报有可能获得,但在投身于2024年及以后的最佳加密货币投资之前,必须考虑加密货币的风险,包括市场波动性和安全问题。掌握 Octavia 生态系统和更广泛的加密货币市场的最新消息和发展动态,对于希望了解数字资产投资复杂性的人来说至关重要。

对于有兴趣投资或交易 Octavia 的人来说,可能会有这样的疑问:在哪里可以购买 VIA 呢?您可以在 Bitget 等领先交易所购买 VIABitget 为加密货币爱好者提供了一个安全且使用便捷的平台。

如何购买 Octavia AI(VIA)

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购买 Octavia AI(VIA)

购买 Octavia AI(VIA)

我们将为您演示使用多种支付方式在 Bitget 上购买 Octavia AI

交易 VIA 永续合约

在 Bitget 上注册并购买 USDT 或 VIA 后,您可以开始交易衍生品,包括 VIA 合约和杠杆交易,增加收益。

VIA 的当前价格为$0.1058,24小时价格变化为+8.05%。交易者可通过做多或做空 VIA 合约获利。

跟单交易专家,进行 VIA 跟单交易!

在 Bitget 上注册并成功购买 USDT 或 VIA 后,您还可以跟单交易专家开始跟单交易。

Octavia AI 动态

塑造高端品牌未来的 15 个奢侈品 NFT 项目
塑造高端品牌未来的 15 个奢侈品 NFT 项目

随着奢侈品品牌的发展,NFT 证明了独家性与创新在区块链上是绝配。

OpenSea2024-11-22 06:14
Octavia (VIA):终极人工智能加密助手
Octavia (VIA):终极人工智能加密助手
Bitget学院2024-03-07 03:45
Bitget 将于今日 19:00 上线 Octavia(VIA)
Bitget 将于今日 19:00 上线 Octavia(VIA)
TechFlow深潮2024-03-06 02:24
更多 Octavia AI 动态

用户还在查询 Octavia AI 的价格。

Octavia AI 现价多少?

Octavia AI 的实时价格为 $0.11(VIA/USD),当前市值为 $0 USD。由于加密货币市场全天候无间断交易,Octavia AI 的价格经常波动。您可以在 Bitget 上查看 Octavia AI 的市场价格及其历史数据。

Octavia AI 的24小时成交量是多少?

过去24小时,Octavia AI 的成交量是 $747,705.6。

Octavia AI 的最高价是多少?

Octavia AI 的最高价是 $2.85。这个最高价是指 Octavia AI 上市以来的最高价格。

Bitget 上能买 Octavia AI 吗?

可以。Octavia AI 已经在 Bitget 中心化交易所上架。更多信息请查阅我们实用的 如何购买 Octavia 指南。

我可以通过投资 Octavia AI 获得稳定的收入吗?

当然,Bitget 推出了一个策略交易平台,其提供智能交易策略,可以自动执行您的交易,帮您赚取收益。

我在哪里能以最低的费用购买 Octavia AI?

Bitget 提供行业领先的交易费用和市场深度,以确保交易者能够从投资中获利。您可通过 Bitget 交易所交易。

您可以在哪里购买 Octavia AI(VIA)?

通过 Bitget App 购买
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加密货币投资,包括通过 Bitget 在线购买 Octavia AI,都存在市场风险。Bitget 为您提供简单方便的 Octavia AI 购买方式,我们尽最大努力让我们的用户充分了解我们在交易所提供的每一种加密货币。但是,我们不对您的 Octavia AI 购买可能产生的结果负责。此页面和本网站包含的任何信息均不代表对任何特定加密货币的认可,任何价格数据均采集自公开互联网,不被视为来自Bitget的买卖要约。




1 VIA = 0.1058 USD
在所有主流交易平台中,Bitget 提供最低的交易手续费。VIP 级别越高,费率越优惠。



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Bitget 观点

2024/11/16 16:05
很多币都说自己是龙头,那么什么样的才是龙头币??? 下面是我认为板块中潜力比较大的板块 RWA板块: ELAND:将全球房地产带入数字绿色经济。 MBD: 真实感元宇宙中的非传统、去中心化金融区。 LMR :第 0 层网络,用户可以在其中以 RWA 的形式访问各种数据。 SMT :一个为基于区块链的金融设定黄金标准的平台。PROPC :用于现实世界资产和 PropTech 解决方案的区块链生态系统。 FFM :将现实世界的收益带到链上。 LNDX :第一个用于投资和交易农田和农产品的全球去中心化 RWA 平台 LEOX :为每种奢侈品提供数字护照。 人工智能板块: KNDX :区块链 + NVIDIA Omniverse。 PALM:多平台 PaLM AI 聊天机器人使用 Google AI 技术。 AQTIS:通过人工智能和量化技术支持的 LST 为大众带来机构级投资策略。 AEGIS:通过人工智能审计解决方案开创区块链安全。 VIA:基于 Web3、由 AI 提供支持的自主助手。 ISP:基于人工智能的 Web3 开发者平台。 DePIN板块: NODL:通过使用智能手机作为节点连接世界,创建数字信任网络以实现社会公益。 IOT:代表去中心化无线基础设施的范式转变。 OCTA:用于分布式计算的可扩展且完全去中心化的云节点基础设施。 WIFI:这是一场走向免费互联网和全球 1.75 亿用户的运动。 ALEPH:提供去中心化键值存储、文件存储、功能执行和虚拟机配置。 DATA:通过安全的 P2P 分发超大规模 AI、视频和 DePIN 的实时数据。 GameFi板块: DUBBZ:在竞技游戏领域将您的技能和创作货币化 CREO:在一个通用的游戏中心中连接世界并提升 web3 游戏体验,为您带来好处。 DG:第一个获得许可的 Metaverse 赌场。 MCADE:社区、联系和共同创造的终极游戏平台。 FYN:将游戏与现实世界连接起来的多链生态系统。
2024/11/09 06:51
Weekly Highlight Posts
Time to enjoy some quality posts. All creator mentioned here will be awarded 30USDT respectively for the enlisting. Congrats to them! Phoenix786 - Ethereum Gears Up After Bitcoin Hits $76,460—Can the Bulls Push the ETH Price Above $4000? Ben__Walther. - Technical Indicator Alerts- MAAZ_BAIG. - Guide to Candlestick Patterns for Beginners (Must Learn). Bindas_B - Dogecoin (DOGE) Technical Analysis: A Potential Breakout on the Horizon? Mails. - Bitcoin Market Reacts to U.S. Election For other creators, you are always welcomed to drop your best content with us via the portal:
2024/10/10 01:30
🚀 Lombard Finance: Leading the Charge🚀 With a staggering $500M in Total Value Locked (TVL), including $300M LBTC actively generating yield in DeFi Vaults, Lombard’s LBTC has become a powerful tool, driving yield strategies across top-tier DeFi protocols like @ether_fi, @pendle_fi, and @MorphoLabs, while also lending on @GearboxProtocol and @zerolendxyz. The LBTC supply currently sits at over 8,000 BTC, with over 12,500 holders—a testament to the growing adoption and trust in Lombard's vision. Through partnerships with protocols like SatLayer and Karak, and integrations with Loop and VaultCraft, Lombard is solidifying itself as a crucial player in the DeFi ecosystem, much like stETH did for Ethereum LSTs. What makes this growth even more impressive is that it comes during a time of increased competition in the market. Lombard’s ability to capture 30% of Babylon Cap-2, staking over 7,166 BTC (around $440M), highlights the platform's dominance and appeal to large-scale participants, ensuring strong liquidity for the ecosystem. 🔑 A Vision for the Future 🔑 Lombard’s success underscores a core belief: if even just 10% of Bitcoin's $1.5 trillion market cap flows into DeFi, the current TVL across the space could more than double. This vision for a Bitcoin-fueled DeFi renaissance is not only bold but also achievable, as Lombard continues to create seamless integrations and yield strategies that attract both seasoned DeFi veterans and newcomers. However, as the market evolves, the path to continued growth in TVL may face certain broader market headwinds. To truly capitalize on its success and solidify its future, Lombard has a clear path forward: 💡 Innovative Growth Strategies 💡 1. Enhance Ecosystem Integration: Further expanding partnerships across different chains and protocols will ensure that LBTC remains a versatile asset in the DeFi space. By integrating with more Layer 2 solutions, cross-chain liquidity providers, and yield aggregators, Lombard can cement its position as a go-to solution for Bitcoin DeFi. 2. Explore Self-Custody Solutions: Allowing for partial self-custody options could attract a broader range of participants. Giving users the option to manage their assets directly, via smart contracts, will increase confidence and drive even more TVL. 3. Diversify Yield Strategies: The DeFi landscape is rapidly evolving, and providing more sophisticated and diversified yield strategies—such as risk-hedging products or leveraged yield options—will help Lombard attract a wider audience, including institutional investors looking for stable, high-yield opportunities. 4. Global Liquidity Vision: Lombard’s strategic focus on Bitcoin’s potential to reshape DeFi remains one of its strongest advantages. With the right innovation in cross-chain technology and the adoption of more intuitive user experiences, Lombard is positioned to continue leading the charge as Bitcoin DeFi grows into a dominant force within the wider DeFi ecosystem. 👉 Join Lombard Finance in leading the Bitcoin DeFi charge and become part of the future of decentralized finance.
2024/09/25 23:45
In the past 7 days, @deBridgeFinance has showcased its dominance in the cross-chain transfer space, handling significant volumes of liquidity between major blockchain networks. An example of this is the $16,775,405 moved from Ethereum to Solana, with $9,482,431 flowing back, resulting in a net movement of $7.2M from ETH to SOL. These figures highlight not only the strong demand for cross-chain liquidity but also deBridge’s efficiency and reliability in facilitating such transactions. The robust cross-chain activity facilitated by @deBridgeFinance reflects the increasing demand for interoperability in the blockchain world. 👨‍🌾 1. Ethereum and Solana are clearly dominant: Ethereum and Solana have emerged as dominant networks in terms of cross-chain transfers via deBridge. Solana sees a substantial inflow of assets from Ethereum, marking it as a favored destination for users seeking faster transactions and lower costs. However, the liquidity does not only flow in one direction—significant traffic also moves back from Solana to Ethereum, indicating a symbiotic relationship between these two ecosystems. Beyond these two giants, Ethereum also acts as a hub, facilitating transfers to other networks such as Arbitrum, Base, BNB Chain, and Polygon. 😻 The massive traffic between Ethereum, Solana, and other chains underscores deBridge’s role as a primary liquidity bridge across the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. 2. Cross-Chain Activity: Beyond Ethereum and Solana, Arbitrum and Base have emerged as popular transfer points, acting as both sources and destinations for cross-chain liquidity. The activity on these Layer 2 solutions reflects the increasing importance of scaling Ethereum while maintaining a strong connection to Layer 1 networks. Arbitrum, for example, allows users to experience faster and cheaper transactions while still maintaining access to Ethereum’s liquidity. The same applies to Base, which has been gaining traction for similar reasons. Their strong presence in cross-chain activity highlights how deBridge is facilitating liquidity migration not just between major Layer 1 chains but also across Layer 2 solutions, further expanding its ecosystem. 👨‍🔧 BNB Chain also plays a critical role in cross-chain transfers, particularly with its strong presence in transactions to Polygon and Ethereum. As one of the most widely used blockchains in DeFi and NFT ecosystems, BNB Chain’s active participation via deBridge demonstrates its significance in the broader cross-chain liquidity landscape. 👷 Other networks such as Linea, Optimism, Metis, and Gnosis also contribute to the flow of assets across chains, though at smaller scales compared to Ethereum and Solana. These chains provide alternative ecosystems with unique features that attract niche user bases. For example, Optimism and Linea offer Layer 2 scalability for Ethereum, while Gnosis focuses on secure and efficient infrastructure. Although the volume of transfers between these networks is lower, their consistent activity signals the growing adoption of cross-chain bridges like deBridge across a wider range of ecosystems. 🧑‍🔧 At the smaller end of the spectrum, Neon and LightLink demonstrate that even less established networks are starting to leverage cross-chain bridges to attract liquidity. While these chains currently account for minor traffic, their inclusion in the flow of assets through deBridge suggests that the cross-chain ecosystem is becoming increasingly diverse. 🧑‍🌾This trend indicates that as blockchain ecosystems mature, even smaller networks will play a more significant role in the overall liquidity landscape, with deBridge acting as the facilitator that binds these ecosystems together!
2024/08/22 01:50
🧵 - A thread 1/7 🚀 The "Blockchain Trilemma" 🔺, which challenges networks to achieve scalability, security, and decentralization simultaneously, has driven the emergence of innovative solutions. Among them, Aptos @AptosLabs stands out! 🛠️ Launched in October 2022, Aptos uses the unique Move language 🖥️ and targets a groundbreaking 160,000 TPS! Backed by giants like A16Z @a16zcrypto , Multicoin, and MEXC, Aptos is positioned to revolutionize the blockchain landscape. Despite the market downturn 📉, Aptos remains committed to its community and ongoing network upgrades. Let's dive into how this project is regaining market attention. 🔎 💥 2/7 💥 🔧 Scalability is Key! 🔑 Aptos, like other Layer 1 blockchains aiming to be 'Ethereum killers,' promises high scalability 📊 with low fees and fast transaction speeds 🏎️. Its advanced AptosBFT v4 consensus mechanism is the heart of this scalability push. 💡 This upgraded algorithm enhances validator synchronization through Pacemaker and Timeout mechanisms and boosts transaction processing via Linear Communication and Chaining 🔄. The addition of Quorum Store in Aptos v1.5.0 separates transaction distribution and consensus, ensuring higher throughput by addressing redundancy issues. 🚀 Aptos is on its way to achieving 1 million TPS. 🔗 3/7 🔗 💡 Parallel Execution with Block-STM 💻: Aptos takes transaction processing to the next level by introducing Block-STM, a smart contract parallel execution engine that shatters the limitations of sequential processing. With Optimistic Concurrency Control and Dynamic Dependency Estimation, transactions with independent outcomes are executed concurrently across multiple threads. This boosts throughput, reduces congestion, and enhances user experience 🎯. Aptos’s Previewnet is the testing ground for this vision, processing over 9 billion transactions in just two weeks. 💰 4/7 💰 🤑 APT Liquidity Fuels Ecosystem Growth! 🌱 With its mainnet launch and the steady increase in APT liquidity 🌊, Aptos is leveraging this growth for its ecosystem expansion. From November 2023 to April 2024, Aptos is distributing APT to individual investors, ensuring liquidity that’s vital for the network's "Composability Stage." 🔄 This stage focuses on boosting dApps by fostering organic competition among applications. A thriving ecosystem where APT liquidity plays a central role in network expansion! 🌍 🔍 5/7 🔍 🏦 Applications Powerhouses! 💪 Thala @ThalaLabs , holding over 40% of Aptos's TVL, launched an APT rewards program that skyrocketed TVL across its pools by up to 108%! 📈 Meanwhile, Merkle Trade @Merkle_Trade has gamified the DEX experience with features like XP, Missions, and Loot Boxes, attracting 68,000 traders in just three months. 🏆 These projects highlight how Aptos is using APT rewards to draw users and boost engagement, driving the network's DeFi ecosystem forward. Collaboration and innovation are at the heart of Aptos's growth strategy. 💼 🌍 6/7 🌍 🌐 Bridging Web2 & Web3 in APAC! 🛤️ Aptos isn't just building internally; it’s expanding globally 🌏, especially in the APAC region with MEXC @MEXC_Official ! Leveraging co-founders' networks, Aptos is partnering with Web2 giants like Alibaba Cloud and SK Telecom 🤝 to bring blockchain to the masses! 🌐 With initiatives like Asia region grants and community management, Aptos is solidifying its presence in the region 🌱. 🌟 7/7 🌟 🎯 Aptos's Vision for the Future! 🚀 With its cutting-edge technology and strategic ecosystem expansion, Aptos is redefining what’s possible in the blockchain space 🌌. From the AptosBFT consensus mechanism to Block-STM’s parallel execution engine, Aptos is set to achieve unparalleled scalability. And through its APT liquidity strategy and collaborations with Web2 giants 🌐, Aptos is paving the way for mass adoption and a decentralized future 🌍. Stay tuned as Aptos continues to push the boundaries and lead the blockchain revolution!


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