
Protect your bank account from being frozen with Order acceptance feature

2023-07-24 08:3903653
Many merchants have complained to us about their bank account being frozen by trading with fraudulent users.
To protect our merchants' bank accounts from being frozen, we have launched the " Order acceptance" function.
Please update your Bitget App to the latest version to access this feature.
Sell ads set
Merchant side point of view
This function gives merchants the freedom to accept or deny a P2P Order after communicating with the user.
  • When a merchant posts an AD with "Order acceptance" turned on.
  • The user can not access the banking details of the merchant, therefore can not click "paid" or transfer funds to your bank account as shown below.
Payment to be made
User side point of view
  • A user has to communicate with merchants and has to provide the relevant information asked by merchants.
  • User can see the banking details only after merchant allows the users to see it.
Buyer is paying
Merchant side point of view
  • If the merchant is unsatisfied with the user, then the merchant can cancel the order.
  • Only after merchant agrees to share payment details, buyer can see the payment details and proceed ahead with P2P order as usual.
Order acceptance sign
  • Advertisements set using the "order acceptance" feature can be identified by the above badge.
  • We also encourage our merchants to explore " Counter party trading requirements" to filter users with whom they would like to trade.
How can your bank accounts be frozen by police?
  1. If the person who has deposited money into your bank account, files a complaint with authorities against you for cheating him.
  2. If the person "X" who has deposited money into your bank account, has transferred his funds to your bank account after cheating someone, then the bank account could get frozen by police, (this is also known as chain freeze).
  3. Usually a scammers, after cheating, someone buys crypto and the victim will register a complaint to the bank to which the deposit was made.
  4. It is always extremely dangerous to accept payment from bank accounts which do not belong to the user with whom you are making a P2P trade.
  5. Use order acceptance feature to verify users and their bank accounts through P2P chat before initiating a trade.
We invite all our INR merchants to join this group for any urgent assistance with bank account freeze .
Bitget P2P has launched the Order acceptance feature only in all m arkets. If you want this feature to be available in other markets as well, please reach out to us on on telegram @bitgetp2ppay for any queries regarding Merchant application or email us at