Your security, our priority
Bitget Protection Fund
We regularly monitor the Bitget Protection Fund and the industry cybersecurity landscape to make sure that our funds remain adequate to protect our users.
The fund is currently valued at $422 M.
6,500 BTC
*Based on the entry price at 12:00 AM (UTC) every day. View Bitcoin's live price
Why do we need a protection fund?
The Bitget Protection Fund gives our platform an extra layer of resilience against cybersecurity threats.
In addition to our Proof of Reserves, the fund shows that we’re committed to protecting your assets, and that we operate with transparency and integrity.
Users who have their accounts compromised or assets stolen or lost due to events not attributable to their own actions or trading behavior may make a claim through the Bitget Protection Fund.
Learn how to protect your assets
Read our Academy articles on how to protect your account on Web3.
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*Bitget shall have the right to conduct investigations on the compromised accounts and/or the lost assets, and claims may be subject to the investigation result.
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