Bitget P2P online merchant status revoke application function
2023-07-20 08:1106295
In order to continuously optimize the P2P service experience,
Bitget P2P has now launched the merchant status revoke application function. If the corresponding requirements are met, merchants can remove the merchant status by themselves.
1. Log in to Bitget account, select [
P2P trading] - [P2P management], click [Apply to revoke merchant status].

2. After meeting the requirements as shown in the figure, the merchant can fill in the reason for the application, click [I agree to the revocation], and then click [Confirm].

3. Re-confirm whether the merchant status needs to be removed.
Attention: Once the cancellation request is submitted, you will no longer have merchant benefits.

4. After the application for revoking the merchant status is successfully submitted, it will be reviewed by Bitget staff. Please wait patiently. After the review is passed, the merchant status is officially lifted.

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