Bitget P2P Now Supports Most of the Popular currencies from across the world!
2024-02-12 16:09014090
Bitget P2P is delighted to announce that our users can now purchase USDT and other crypto currencies by using their bank accounts and local payment methods from the following countries with ease.
Country | Currency supported on BITGET P2P |
Afghanistan, Algeria, Belgium, Benin, Chile, Cuba, Georgia, Guatemala, Laos, Malaysia, Panama, Portugal, Switzerland, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Guatemala, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Norway, etc. | USD |
Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, Croatia, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Norway, etc. | EUR |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, British Virgin Islands, British Indian Ocean Territory, etc. | GBP |
Australia | AUD |
Russia | RUB |
Japan | JPY |
Canada | CAD |
Turkey | TRY |
India | INR |
Vietnam | VND |
Brazil | BRL |
Mexico | MXN |
Nigeria | NGN |
the Philippines | PHP |
Thailand | THB |
Ukraine | UAH |
South Africa | ZAR |
Indonesia | IDR |
Argentina | ARS |
Colombia | COP |
Arab | AED |
Pakistan | PKR |
Venezuela | VES |
Dominica | DOP |
Peru | PEN |
Bangladesh | BDT |
Hong Kong | HKD |
Taiwan | TWD |
Malaysia | MYR |
Belarus | BYN |
Uzbekistan | UZS |
Poland | PLN |
Kenya | KES |
Nepal | NPR |
Ghana | GHS |
Egypt | EGP |
Kazakhstan | KZT |
Tajikistan | TJS |
Uganda | UGX |
Morocco | MAD |
Azerbaijan | AZN |
Chile | CLP |
Uruguay, Argentina | UYU |
Kyrgyz | KGS |
We invite users and merchants from all the above mentioned currency markets to experience a
P2P trade on Bitget. Many exciting rewards, and extra affordable USD T prices are waiting for you!
You can also reach out to us on telegram
@Bitgetlamelo for any queries regarding Merchant application or email us at
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