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您今天對 VTRADING 感覺如何?



VTRADING 的即時價格是今天每 (VT / USD) $0.02061,目前市值為 $0.00 USD。24 小時交易量為 $33,779.33 USD。VT 至 USD 的價格為即時更新。VTRADING 在過去 24 小時內的變化為 0.49%。其流通供應量為 0 。

VT 的最高價格是多少?

VT 的歷史最高價(ATH)為 $0.08891,於 2024-05-30 錄得。

VT 的最低價格是多少?

VT 的歷史最低價(ATL)為 $0.01400,於 2024-08-21 錄得。


什麼時候是購買 VT 的好時機? 我現在應該買入還是賣出 VT?

在決定買入還是賣出 VT 時,您必須先考慮自己的交易策略。長期交易者和短期交易者的交易活動也會有所不同。Bitget VT 技術分析 可以提供您交易參考。
根據 VT 4 小時技術分析,交易訊號為 賣出
根據 VT 1 日技術分析,交易訊號為 賣出
根據 VT 1 週技術分析,交易訊號為 強力賣出

VT 在 2025 的價格是多少?

根據 VT 的歷史價格表現預測模型,預計 VT 的價格將在 2025 達到 $0.03461

VT 在 2030 的價格是多少?

2030,VT 的價格預計將上漲 0.00%。 到 2030 底,預計 VT 的價格將達到 $0.07158,累計投資報酬率為 +238.52%。


過去一年,VTRADING 價格上漲了 -71.86%。在此期間, 兌 USD 的最高價格為 $0.08891, 兌 USD 的最低價格為 $0.01400。
時間漲跌幅(%)漲跌幅(%)最低價相應時間內 {0} 的最低價。最高價 最高價
全部時間-68.85%$0.01400(2024-08-21, 101 天前 )$0.08891(2024-05-30, 184 天前 )


24 小時交易額
24 小時交易額/市值
0 VT
總供應量 / 最大供應量
1,000,000,000 VT
1,000,000,000 VT
ICO 價格
$0.03000 ICO 詳情


100 筆評分


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用戶還在查詢 VTRADING 的價格。

VTRADING 的目前價格是多少?

VTRADING 的即時價格為 $0.02(VT/USD),目前市值為 $0 USD。由於加密貨幣市場全天候不間斷交易,VTRADING 的價格經常波動。您可以在 Bitget 上查看 VTRADING 的市場價格及其歷史數據。

VTRADING 的 24 小時交易量是多少?

在最近 24 小時內,VTRADING 的交易量為 $33,779.33。

VTRADING 的歷史最高價是多少?

VTRADING 的歷史最高價是 $0.08891。這個歷史最高價是 VTRADING 自推出以來的最高價。

我可以在 Bitget 上購買 VTRADING 嗎?

可以,VTRADING 目前在 Bitget 的中心化交易平台上可用。如需更詳細的說明,請查看我們很有幫助的 如何購買 指南。

我可以透過投資 VTRADING 獲得穩定的收入嗎?

當然,Bitget 推出了一個 策略交易平台,其提供智能交易策略,可以自動執行您的交易,幫您賺取收益。

我在哪裡能以最低的費用購買 VTRADING?

Bitget提供行業領先的交易費用和市場深度,以確保交易者能够從投資中獲利。 您可通過 Bitget 交易所交易。

您可以在哪裡購買 VTRADING(VT)?

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加密貨幣投資(包括透過 Bitget 線上購買 VTRADING)具有市場風險。Bitget 為您提供購買 VTRADING 的簡便方式,並且盡最大努力讓用戶充分了解我們在交易所提供的每種加密貨幣。但是,我們不對您購買 VTRADING 可能產生的結果負責。此頁面和其包含的任何資訊均不代表對任何特定加密貨幣的背書認可,任何價格數據均採集自公開互聯網,不被視為來自Bitget的買賣要約。




1 VT = 0.02061 USD
在所有主流交易平台中,Bitget 提供最低的交易手續費。VIP 等級越高,費率越優惠。

VT 資料來源


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2024/10/20 18:17
Introducing Puffer: Revolutionizing Ethereum Staking Puffer enhances Ethereum staking with its innovative Validator Tickets (VTs) and EigenLayer restaking. Key benefits: 1. *Improved Incentives*: VTs incentivize node operators (NoOps) to perform optimally, ensuring rewards for stakers. 2. *Reduced Barriers*: 1-2 ETH collateral requirement, making staking accessible. 3. *Enhanced Security*: Anti-slashing technology protects staker ETH. 4. *Simplified Operations*: No rug-pooling oversight needed. 5. *Growth Fuel*: Continuous rewards despite validator queues. *How Puffer Works* 1. Stakers deposit ETH, receiving pufETH tokens. 2. NoOps lock pufETH and VTs to run validators. 3. VT prices reflect daily validator earnings. 4. NoOps earn 100% of validator rewards. *Validator Tickets* 1. Represent one day of validator rights. 2. Priced based on expected daily earnings. 3. Burned upon validator exit. *Puffer's Impact* 1. Democratizes staking with lower collateral. 2. Aligns NoOp incentives with staker interests. 3. Enhances Ethereum stability. Join the Puffer community to stay updated. Resources: - Puffer Website - Ethereum Documentation - EigenLayer Information Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency markets are volatile.
2024/10/20 18:05
Introducing Puffer: Revolutionizing Ethereum Staking Puffer enhances Ethereum staking with its innovative Validator Tickets (VTs) and EigenLayer restaking. Key benefits: 1. *Improved Incentives*: VTs incentivize node operators (NoOps) to perform optimally, ensuring rewards for stakers. 2. *Reduced Barriers*: 1-2 ETH collateral requirement, making staking accessible. 3. *Enhanced Security*: Anti-slashing technology protects staker ETH. 4. *Simplified Operations*: No rug-pooling oversight needed. 5. *Growth Fuel*: Continuous rewards despite validator queues. *How Puffer Works* 1. Stakers deposit ETH, receiving pufETH tokens. 2. NoOps lock pufETH and VTs to run validators. 3. VT prices reflect daily validator earnings. 4. NoOps earn 100% of validator rewards. *Validator Tickets* 1. Represent one day of validator rights. 2. Priced based on expected daily earnings. 3. Burned upon validator exit. *Puffer's Impact* 1. Democratizes staking with lower collateral. 2. Aligns NoOp incentives with staker interests. 3. Enhances Ethereum stability. Join the Puffer community to stay updated. Resources: - Puffer Website - Ethereum Documentation - EigenLayer Information Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency markets are volatile.
2024/10/20 15:36
Native restaking 🥩 A native restaker is an Ethereum PoS validator that restakes their 32 ETH to
Native restaking 🥩 A native restaker is an Ethereum PoS validator that restakes their 32 ETH to operate Eigenlayer AVSs. Native restakers are awarded AVS fees in exchange for their service, but are subject to penalties if they break the AVS's rules. To engage in native restaking, validators must point their withdrawal credentials to an EigenPod contract which then opts-in to restaking and chooses its AVSs. Native restaking allows validators to better utilize their ETH capital and hardware to supplement their PoS rewards. However, the 32 ETH requirement is too high a barrier for most to participate. Additionally, some AVSs may require far greater computational requirements than what is expected from PoS. Puffer aims to address this through its PufferModules. Puffer Modules 🐡$PUFFER At its core, the Puffer protocol is a collection of PufferModule contracts. Each module controls an EigenPod that functions as a single native restaker but is composed of many NoOp-controlled validators. Modules are filled with the validators of NoOps whose sole job is to perform Ethereum PoS validation. The validators' ETH is then restaked and used as collateral for EigenLayer AVSs. During Puffer's initial phase, the responsibility of operating the AVSs is delegated to a DAO-chosen restaking operator (ReOp), who provides the service in exchange for a portion of the generated AVS fees. The protocol decides which AVSs the modules are assigned, allowing restaked ETH to be allocated to AVSs according to the protocol's risk preferences. Given the delegation risk, the NoOps are awarded commission on the AVS fees with the rest returned to the protocol, helping grow the value of pufETH. This allows NoOps with less than 2 ETH to earn rewards from native restaking. Restaking Operators Restaking Operators (ReOps) are operators whose job is to perform all the required AVS duties on behalf of a given restaking module. ReOps may also be NoOps within their own or other modules. ReOps are expected to perform well to maximize restaking rewards for their own benefit and that of the NoOps in their module and pufETH holders downstream. In the Puffer protocol, ReOps operate through RestakingOperator contracts, which allows governance to decide their AVS selections through the PufferModuleManager contract. Joining a module 👈 To hold strong to our alignment with Ethereum's ethos, it is always permissionless for NoOps to join a module and deploy an Ethereum validator. To join, NoOps lock 1 or 2 ETH collateral and lock validator tickets, which represent a long-term commitment to run a validator in the module. Their collateral is then locked as pufETH and they are provisioned 32 ETH to deploy their validator to the module's EigenPod contract. The NoOp is now entitled to keep all of the PoS rewards (consensus and execution) generated by their validator. The NoOps that joined PufferModules will also receive restaking rewards. Restaking risks and mitigations 🚧 The concept of restaking, while promising, introduces certain inherent risks to stakers and NoOps alike. These primarily revolve around the vulnerabilities of smart contracts and potential AVS slashing risks. Through the sustainable rewards that it can offer, restaking can reshape the dynamics of the liquid staking market, which is currently on a dangerous path towards complete centralization. Restricting ReOps To ensure a safe transition into the world of restaking, Puffer will rely more heavily on governance to decide restaking qualifications during its nascent stages. During this time, only reputable ReOps with excellent performance that have been selected through governance will be eligible to operate the AVSs on behalf of a given module. As Eigenlayer, AVSs, and Puffer’s anti-slashing mechanisms mature, proven NoOps will have the option to become ReOps without DAO-approval. Restricting AVSs As an open platform, EigenLayer allows anyone to deploy an AVS. Thus, allowing PufferModules to service any AVS would expose the stakers and NoOps to too much slashing risk. To mitigate this risk, Puffer requires the DAO to onboard new modules, carefully vet the allowed AVSs, and manage the allocation of modules to AVSs. Validator Tickets Validator Tickets are the evolution to Puffer's initial "Smoothing Commitment" research collaboration with Justin Drake, and are closely related to the recent "Execution Tickets" proposal that was added to Ethereum's roadmap. Overview The idea is simple but powerful: pufETH: People stake their ETH and receive pufETH, a token representing their staked ETH within the Puffer protocol, which is used to fund Ethereum validators. Validator Tickets (VTs): VTs are ERC20 tokens that grant the holder the right to run a staker-funded Ethereum validator for a day. VTs are minted by ETH deposits. This ETH goes towards compensating pufETH holders for financing validators. Running Validators: To run a validator, a node operator must lock VTs and lock in 1 ETH of pufETH as collateral. Pricing VTs: The price of a VT is set based on the expected daily earnings from running a validator. This price directly influences the expected pufETH APR. Benefits: VTs create new trading opportunities, address “rug-pooling”, and incentivize good performance. pufETH holders earn rewards immediately when VTs are purchased. Consuming VTs allows the node operator to keep 100% of the validator’s earnings. The status quo Typically, Liquid Staking Protocols (LSPs) use two methods for validators: Unbonded Model: Validators don't need to lock up collateral. This is good for growth but risky because penalties affect the staking pool, and it often requires specially approved validators (permissioned / KYC). Bonded Model: Validators lock collateral for their operation period. This method is more secure and allows for any validator to join, but slows LSP growth as it requires a large amount of ETH upfront per validator. Puffer uses the bonded model as it is more ethos-aligned, but adds VTs to address some of its shortcomings. How are VTs used? Validator Tickets supplement validator bonds. When registering a validator, the NoOp locks 1 ETH worth of pufETH as a bond and deposits at least 28 VTs. In exchange, they are allocated 32 ETH to run a validator, and are entitled to 100% of the Proof of Stake (PoS) rewards they produce over as many days as VTs they've deposited. In other words, NoOps pay pufETH holders ETH upfront to run a validator. Each VT represents one validator-day of expected Proof of Stake (PoS) rewards. The payments to mint VTs directly pay pufETH holders, creating strong growth dynamics. This mechanism is favorable for stakers, capital efficient, and incentivizes for optimal NoOp performance. Upon exiting a validator, the number of locked VT tokens, corresponding to the number of days the validator was active, will be burned and the remaining locked VTs may be retrieved by the NoOp. Why? ~ NoOp Incentives The success of an LSP largely depends upon the performance of its NoOps. Traditionally, having NoOps deposit collateral has been a method to ensure alignment with the protocol's objectives. The logic is simple: with a financial stake in play, NoOps have a deterrent against going offline, suffering slashing penalties, or engaging in nefarious activities like MEV theft ("rug-pooling"). If they were to engage in such activities, they'd stand to lose their collateral. While this collateral approach discourages penalties, it does not strongly incentivize performance. For instance, a "lazy" NoOp could alternate between being online and offline, ensuring their validator balance stays at 32 ETH. This strategy results in no reward generation for the LSP, but also no collateral loss for the NoOp. Puffer changes this incentive landscape through the use of VTs. Since NoOps have already purchased VTs, they stand to gain nothing from underperforming since they cannot recoup this initial payment (as days pass and their VTs are burned), even if they maintain their validator balance. Thus, for a NoOp to turn a profit, they must perform at least on par with the average validator. Those who excel can earn even more. While VTs provide strong disincentives for slashing, to further protect the staker's ETH, Puffer requires a 1 or 2 ETH bond and for NoOps to use anti-slashing technology for defense-in-depth. This new approach neatly tackles two traditional problems: Rug-pooling: With NoOps entitled to all the MEV they generate, there's no longer a need to police or penalize them for rug-pooling. Lazy NoOps: Since stakers get a proxy for PoS rewards upfront via minting VTs, they aren't adversely affected if a NoOp underperforms. Requirements For PoS stability and NoOp incentive alignment, 1 or 2 ETH worth of pufETH and a minimum of 28 VTs are required to be deposited at registration time. Their duration begins at the moment their validator is activated on the beacon chain, and each VT represents 1 day or 255 epochs. Assuming they deposited 28 VTs, after 28 days of validating, the NoOp's validator will be automatically ejected, its 32 ETH returned to the protocol, and bond returned. If they wish to extend their duration, NoOps can deposit additional VTs at any time. NoOps who have Validators with unconsumed VTs (e.g deposited 100 VTs) may retrieve them from the protocol (e.g., 72 VTs). Pricing Validator Tickets Prices of Validator Tickets are secured and posted by RedStone Oracles. The VT Oracle module is fully automated and data is delivered every 12 hours or if the deviation is 10% on MEV payouts or 5% on consensus rewards. The contract can be seen on the ValidatorTicketPricer contract events page here. The pricing module is the heart of the properly functioning Puffer system. Puffer’s stability is based on the correctness of the price from RedStone. Puffer Logo Validator Tickets are Puffer's novel addition to the validator lifecycle in LSTs. Validator Tickets are the evolution to Puffer's initial "Smoothing Commitment" research collaboration with Justin Drake, and are closely related to the recent "Execution Tickets" proposal that was added to Ethereum's roadmap. Overview Minting VTs The idea is simple but powerful: pufETH: People stake their ETH and receive pufETH, a token representing their staked ETH within the Puffer protocol, which is used to fund Ethereum validators. Validator Tickets (VTs): VTs are ERC20 tokens that grant the holder the right to run a staker-funded Ethereum validator for a day. VTs are minted by ETH deposits. This ETH goes towards compensating pufETH holders for financing validators. Running Validators: To run a validator, a node operator must lock VTs and lock in 1 ETH of pufETH as collateral. Pricing VTs: The price of a VT is set based on the expected daily earnings from running a validator. This price directly influences the expected pufETH APR. Benefits: VTs create new trading opportunities, address “rug-pooling”, and incentivize good performance. pufETH holders earn rewards immediately when VTs are purchased. Consuming VTs allows the node operator to keep 100% of the validator’s earnings. tip Before EigenLayer restaking is live, selling VTs is pufETH's source of rewards. The status quo Typically, Liquid Staking Protocols (LSPs) use two methods for validators: Unbonded Model: Validators don't need to lock up collateral. This is good for growth but risky because penalties affect the staking pool, and it often requires specially approved validators (permissioned / KYC). Bonded Model: Validators lock collateral for their operation period. This method is more secure and allows for any validator to join, but slows LSP growth as it requires a large amount of ETH upfront per validator. Puffer uses the bonded model as it is more ethos-aligned, but adds VTs to address some of its shortcomings. How are VTs used? Using VTs Validator Tickets supplement validator bonds. When registering a validator, the NoOp locks 1 ETH worth of pufETH as a bond and deposits at least 28 VTs. In exchange, they are allocated 32 ETH to run a validator, and are entitled to 100% of the Proof of Stake (PoS) rewards they produce over as many days as VTs they've deposited. In other words, NoOps pay pufETH holders ETH upfront to run a validator. tip For stakers, this means the value of pufETH increases every time a VT is minted. Each VT represents one validator-day of expected Proof of Stake (PoS) rewards. The payments to mint VTs directly pay pufETH holders, creating strong growth dynamics. This mechanism is favorable for stakers, capital efficient, and incentivizes for optimal NoOp performance. Upon exiting a validator, the number of locked VT tokens, corresponding to the number of days the validator was active, will be burned and the remaining locked VTs may be retrieved by the NoOp. Why? ~ NoOp Incentives The success of an LSP largely depends upon the performance of its NoOps. Traditionally, having NoOps deposit collateral has been a method to ensure alignment with the protocol's objectives. The logic is simple: with a financial stake in play, NoOps have a deterrent against going offline, suffering slashing penalties, or engaging in nefarious activities like MEV theft ("rug-pooling"). If they were to engage in such activities, they'd stand to lose their collateral. While this collateral approach discourages penalties, it does not strongly incentivize performance. For instance, a "lazy" NoOp could alternate between being online and offline, ensuring their validator balance stays at 32 ETH. This strategy results in no reward generation for the LSP, but also no collateral loss for the NoOp. Puffer changes this incentive landscape through the use of VTs. Since NoOps have already purchased VTs, they stand to gain nothing from underperforming since they cannot recoup this initial payment (as days pass and their VTs are burned), even if they maintain their validator balance. Thus, for a NoOp to turn a profit, they must perform at least on par with the average validator. Those who excel can earn even more. While VTs provide strong disincentives for slashing, to further protect the staker's ETH, Puffer requires a 1 or 2 ETH bond and for NoOps to use anti-slashing technology for defense-in-depth. This new approach neatly tackles two traditional problems: Rug-pooling: With NoOps entitled to all the MEV they generate, there's no longer a need to police or penalize them for rug-pooling. Lazy NoOps: Since stakers get a proxy for PoS rewards upfront via minting VTs, they aren't adversely affected if a NoOp underperforms. Requirements For PoS stability and NoOp incentive alignment, 1 or 2 ETH worth of pufETH and a minimum of 28 VTs are required to be deposited at registration time. Their duration begins at the moment their validator is activated on the beacon chain, and each VT represents 1 day or 255 epochs. Assuming they deposited 28 VTs, after 28 days of validating, the NoOp's validator will be automatically ejected, its 32 ETH returned to the protocol, and bond returned. If they wish to extend their duration, NoOps can deposit additional VTs at any time. NoOps who have Validators with unconsumed VTs (e.g deposited 100 VTs) may retrieve them from the protocol (e.g., 72 VTs). Pricing Validator Tickets Prices of Validator Tickets are secured and posted by RedStone Oracles. The VT Oracle module is fully automated and data is delivered every 12 hours or if the deviation is 10% on MEV payouts or 5% on consensus rewards. The contract can be seen on the ValidatorTicketPricer contract events page here. The pricing module is the heart of the properly functioning Puffer system. Puffer’s stability is based on the correctness of the price from RedStone. During Puffer's Phase 1, VT prices will be posted by the Guardians. The prices are calculated with the following formula, where This capital-efficient approach means that barriers to entry are reduced, enabling a broader range of participants to contribute to securing the network without having to commit a full 32 ETH. Fuels Growth: The VT model is a game-changer for LSPs. It ensures that the LSP continues to earn rewards even when the validator queue is long. In traditional setups, lengthy validator queues could stifle an LSP's ability to grow, but with VTs, this obstacle is greatly diminished. No More Rug-Pooling Oversight: The previous need to constantly watch over and penalize rug-pooling activities added overhead and complexity that may only be solvable with in-protocol solutions like MEV-Burn. With NoOps entitled to 100% of the execution rewards they generate, this oversight becomes unnecessary, simplifying operations. Addresses Lazy NoOps: Traditional bonded models do not fully disincentivize NoOps from denying the pool rewards by going offline frequently. With VTs, NoOps are naturally incentivized to perform their best since their upfront payment cannot be recouped through subpar performance. Slash Resistant: With a combination of just 1 ETH collateral, favorable NoOp incentives, and Puffer's anti-slashing technology, the risk of staker ETH getting penalized from an irresponsible NoOp is considerably reduced. MEV Lottery: NoOps can participate in the MEV lottery, an attractive proposition for many, without having to lock up 32 ETH. This opens the door for more NoOps to benefit from potential MEV gains, further incentivizing participation.$PUFFER


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