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Protocol Village: Euler Returns With 'V2' After $200M+ Exploit in 2023

AICoinAICoin2024/09/05 17:27

Euler, a DeFi lending protocol that suffered a $200 million-plus exploit in 2023 , says it has reemerged with the launch of Euler v2, "a meta-lending protocol that enables unlimited use cases for on-chain credit." According to the team, "the protocol will allow builders to create highly customizable borrowing and lending vaults that can be permissioned or permissionless. As decentralized finance continues to gain traction and more users seek out secure and efficient ways to manage credit on-chain, Euler v2 will play a pivotal role in scaling the crypto lending market, pushing it towards becoming a core component of the global financial system." As reported by CoinDesk in February , the project held a code audit competition earlier this year to vet the new version.

An upcoming vape-to-earn project wants to use token incentives and blockchain-enabled vapes to make nicotine addictions additions go up in smoke. Called Puffpaw, the project intends to sell specialty vapes that record their user's smoking habits on the blockchain . It will reward them in their tokens for gradually reducing their nicotine intake.

Protocol Village is a regular feature of The Protocol , our weekly newsletter exploring the tech behind crypto, one block at a time. Sign up here to get it in your inbox every Wednesday. Project teams can submit updates here . For previous versions of Protocol Village, please go here .






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