Best Sharer Phase 4
Dear Bitget users:
Bitget is about to launch Best Sharer Phase 4
1. Time: December 30, 2020 (UTC+8)
2. About Best Sharer:
(1) Join Bitget Official English Telegram
(2) Share the profit rate picture of your current position and @ official personnel
(3) Fill in Google forms for registration. If you do not fill in, you may not be able to receive the reward
3. Rewards:
(1) The user with the highest profit rate during the event will receive 50 USDT trading trial fund
(2) The user with the second/third highest profit rate during the event will receive 20 USDT trading trial fund
4. The reward will be issued to your BTC/USDT contract account within 3 days when the event ends
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Quantitative Market Maker
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Official English Telegram Group
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