Bitget Crypto Loan adds VIRTUAL,HBAR,USUAL,MELANIA and more.
Bitget Crypto Loan now supports the borrowing or use of the following coins as collateral:
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Coin |
Loanable |
Collateral |
How to get started with Flexible Crypto Loans on Bitget?
Visit the Bitget Crypto Loan page and select "Flexible Loan." Then, choose the coin you want to stake as collateral and the coin you wish to borrow. After entering the borrowing amount, you’re all set!
For more information on Crypto Loans, refer to:
1. Strategic Arbitrage Using Bitget Crypto Loans: How To Optimise Bitget Launchpad Investments
2. Strategic Arbitrage Using Bitget Crypto Loans: How To Maximize Your Bitget PoolX Locking
3. Bitget Premier Loans Introduction
4. Crypto Without Limits: Your Ultimate Guide to Bitget's Flexible Loans
5. Bitget's Crypto Loan at a Glance
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users should conduct their own research and invest at their own discretion. Bitget shall not be liable for any investment losses.