Competitions and promotions
Join AnimeCoin Community Campaign Now to Win Your Share of $5,000 ANIME!
2025-01-23 10:0011305
Bitget announced that ANIME is listing on Bitget! In order to show our warm welcome, we have set aside a reward pool of $5,000 ANIME for our special new joins during this period. Participate in the event and join Bitget now to receive your exclusive token airdrop. So, what are you waiting for? Join today!
Campaign Period: 23 January 2025, 14:00 – 30 January 2025, 14:00 (UTC)
Complete 3 tasks below and win $10-$20 ANIMEairdrop:
Join both Bitget Discord and BGB Holders Group
Sign up, download Bitget APP and complete KYC
Complete an ANIME spot trade of any amount
Complete net deposit of over 100 USDT to receive another $10 ANIME airdrop
Terms and conditions:
The campaign is only open for new Bitget APP users who have registered and downloaded through the specified link and not open for affiliates. Users must register before downloading.
Rewards are limited to 200 winners and will be distributed according to the rule of first come first serve.
Deposit Amount = Total Deposit Amount - Total Withdrawn Amount. Internal transfer of funds will not be included.
Campaign rewards can not be received at the same time as other platform campaigns. Rewards will be distributed within 7 working days after the campaign completion.
Any mischievous behavior is strictly prohibited. Bitget has the right to revoke the participants' right to receive rewards.
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