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Earn up to 12% APR returns with Bitget Wealth Management's BTC principal-guaranteed product.

2024-12-05 16:0031730

Earn up to 12% APR returns with Bitget Wealth Management's BTC principal-guaranteed product. image 0

Bitget Wealth Management has launched the principal-guaranteed BTC Earn product with high returns. Tailored for long-term investors, it helps navigate market volatility while achieving stable, consistent asset growth.

This product is exclusively available to Bitget VIP users, with a minimum investment of 0.5 BTC. Users can subscribe and unlock at any time, ensuring liquidity and flexibility.

Supply is limited, so don't miss out!

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Key features of the product:

BTC Wealth Management product
Highlights Unique BTC product with guaranteed principal and high returns.
Market research Research and analysis suggest that Bitcoin's market trajectory in 2025 is expected to be bullish.
Target users Long-term bullish holders
Investment coin BTC
Minimum investment amount 0.5 BTC
Expected APR 8% – 12% potential returns
Subscription time Subscribe anytime
Interest accrual time Day T+1 (subscribe on day T)
Interest distribution time Interest is distributed on the 1st and 15th of each month.
Is the product unlockable Yes, but unlocking can only be initiated after interest accrues.
Crediting time after unlocking Credited on the 5th and 18th of each month.
Underlying investment type Quantitative investing


1. What is the investment coin for the product?

This product is designed for BTC investments, with interest paid in BTC.

2. When will I receive the returns?

Interest is distributed on the 1st and 15th of each month. For example, if your subscription starts accruing interest by day 15, interest will be distributed to your spot account before 6:00 PM on day 15 (UTC+8).

If your subscription starts accruing interest after day 15, the interest will be distributed to your spot account before 6:00 PM on the 1st of month M+1 (UTC+8).

3. Is this product principal-guaranteed?

Yes, this product guarantees principal protection for VIP users.

4. Is this product unlockable at any time?

Yes. You can submit an unlocking request once your order begins accruing interest.

If you subscribe to a product with a 15-day settlement period, you will be able to get the principal and interest of your investment on the 5th or 18th of the month or the following month. For example, if you initiate an unlocking request before the 15th of month M, the unlocked assets will be credited to your spot account before 8:00 AM(UTC+8) on the 18th of month M.

If you initiate an unlocking request on or after the 15th of month M, the unlocked assets will be credited to your spot account before 8:00 AM (UTC+8) on the 5th of month M+1.

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