
Bitget Telegram App Center invites developers to submit apps and bots!

2024-10-30 07:0051772

We're excited to announce that the Bitget Telegram App Center is now live and available to all users! After receiving positive feedback during internal testing, the platform is ready to showcase a host of apps to our users. We invite developers to submit their apps and bots to help us build a dynamic and diverse ecosystem.

How developers can participate:

Email submission: Submit details about your app directly to our official email at web@bitget.com. We'll promptly review your application once we receive your email.

Review criteria:

Your app will undergo a rigorous review to ensure quality and security. Please provide detailed and accurate information about your app for a smooth and efficient review.

App submission requirement: Prepare the following materials to help us better understand your app.

  • App screenshots (at least 4 images)
  • App introduction (100 words or more)
  • Feature introduction (300 words or more)
  • Benefits or value of your app (100 words or more)

Example of the email submission

Bitget Telegram App Center invites developers to submit apps and bots! image 0

Bitget Telegram App Center invites developers to submit apps and bots! image 1

Promotion resources:

To help promote your app, Bitget offers various marketing resources, including posters, copywriting, and social media support. We encourage you to fully utilize these resources to boost your app's visibility.

Promotion and cooperation opportunities:

Once your app is live, Bitget will host regular promotions, including online promotions, user engagement events, and developer discussions to help you expand your user base and increase your app's exposure.

Bitget looks forward to collaborating with developers to build a vibrant app ecosystem. Contact us at web@bitget.com if you have any questions.

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