Competitions and promotions

[MENA Exclusive] Download Bitget APP to get 0.1 SOL Check-in and share 100 SOL

2024-06-28 11:130433

[MENA Exclusive] Download Bitget APP to get 0.1 SOL Check-in and share 100 SOL image 0

Download Bitget APP now, to get real-time market information, trade more smoothly, and participate in popular airdrop activities with no delay!

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Campaign period: 28 Jun - 11 July, 2024 23:59 (UTC+8)

Download the APP now to enjoy numerous benefits

[MENA Exclusive] Download Bitget APP to get 0.1 SOL Check-in and share 100 SOL image 1

Promo 1: First-time download APP to get up to 0.1 SOL

During the promotion, regardless of the registration time, if you download the APP for the first time and log in successfully, you can get a random airdrop of 0.02-0.1 SOL. Limited to the first 2,000 people, first come first served!

Promo 2: Check-in and share the 100 SOL Prize pool

During the promotion period, regardless of the registration time, you can complete any form of trading, subscribe to earn products and other tasks through the APP to receive up to 0.05 SOL airdrops. The total reward for the event is 100 SOL, first come first served.

Complete the task via APP

User Type

Rewards (SOL)

Trade ≥ $50

Only available for first-time participation via the APP


Trade ≥ $2000

All users


Subscribe Earn Product ≥ $50

Only available for first-time participation via the APP


Terms and Conditions:

  1. The campaign is only for users in the MENA Region, including Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, KSA, Oman, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, and Jordan.

  2. Rewards will be distributed within 14 working days.

  3. Trading bonuses are only valid for 7 days after distribution in the “Reward Hub”. Please use them promptly before they expire.

  4. Only main accounts will be eligible for this promotion. Market makers, API traders, and institutional accounts are ineligible for the event.

  5. Users with the same IP address and users who exhibit fraudulent behavior such as self-dealing during the promotion will not receive any rewards.

  6. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the promotion. Users who participate in multiple activities at the same time only enjoy the highest rewards.

  7. All the rewards will be distributed in a first-come, first-served basis

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