Announcement center

Elite Traders - Insighters Unique Joint Perks

Elite Traders - Insighters Unique Joint Perks image 0
Bitget's copy trading has accumulated a large number of high-quality Elite Traders since its launch, who have been continuously contributing high-quality signal strategies to the platform. Many of these Elite Traders have also contributed excellent content to the Bitget Insights Community.
In order to further encourage the contributions of Elite Traders , we will launch exclusive benefits for trading experts in the Insights Community! Now, enter the Insights Community to share your insights, interact with other creators, expand your influence, and claim unique benefits such as Elite Trader Leveling up and Insights Community recommendation opportunities!
Elite Traders-Insights Type Top 10 in Monthly Rankings Top 20 in Monthly Rankings Top 40 in Monthly Rankings or
over 1000 Insights Followers
All Traders
Bonus Rewards Monthly Exclusive Event

(July Exclusive) Bitget Insights Ranking Challenge: Share 5000 USDT
Regular Campaign Share 3000 USDT monthly event pool!
Popular Token Rewards Distinguished ones Distinguished ones
Traffic Support Content Heated 4 Times/ Month 2 Times/ Month Once/ Month Distinguished ones
Conntent Recommand(7 Days) 3 Times/ Month 2 Times/ Month Once/ Month Distinguished ones
Recommend to Follow 2 Times/ Month 2 Times/ Month Once/ Month
Community Activist Once/ Month Once/ Month Once/ Month Once/ Month
Event Boost -
Verified KOL - -
1 On 1 Account Management -
Other Rewards Engaged by Insight Official
Chance of Branding/ Offline Events - - -
Special Swags - -
Elite Trader - Unique Perks 1 Level UP for Trader rankings
(Up to 14 Days)
✅Access to all Levels
Targeting Level "Gold" or below
Monthly Ranking Announcement: on Social Media Telegram Channels -
Exposure on Daily Picks Once a month for 7 days - -
Unique Copy Trading Badges Elite Insighters Insighters Insighters
Click the following link to register for the growth program.
Elite Traders - Insighters Unique Joint Perks image 1
Event Rules
1. To claim creator perks for the current month, creators must meet the active creator standard, which includes:
-Posts more than 30 contents per month;
-Creators must received more than 30 interactions (Like, Comment, Repost)
-Posts must be created in more than 10 days (GMT+0).
-Complete setting profile picture and nickname on Bitget Insights.
2. Monthly rankings: A leaderboard will be established based on the interaction points, from highest to lowest.
Interaction points = Total interactions obtained by the KOL * Coefficient
Coefficient = 0.5 * (1 + KOL's average monthly interactions / average interactions of Insights community KOLs)3. How to improve creator ranking: Publish a lot of high-quality content and actively engage the audience.
4. In terms of the Trader Level Up,“Gold-Platinum”, “Platinum-Extraordinary”, “Extraordinary-Legend” leveling ups are only available for Insighter with over 5K followers or ranked in Top 10 of monthly event.
5. Elite traders must achieve the following standards:
30-day ROI: Above 50%
30-day Maximum Drawdown: Below 40%
30-day Win Rate: Greater than 70%
30-day Follower Benefit: Positive
6. Bitget Insights community reserves the right to interpret the program. If the program changes, all participating KOLs will be notified one month in advance.
7. Insighters must publish their own original work and are strictly prohibited from using malicious means to generate profits, such as creating multiple accounts, brush volume, operating multiple accounts from the same IP address, publishing false or non-original content, etc. If discovered, Bitget reserves the right to delete the violating posts, exclude them from the leaderboard, cancel the rewards, or block the creator in the Bitget Insights community.
8. Campaign Previlige:Qualified Insighters have a higher chance of receiving rewards in the regular campaigns held in the Bitget Insights community.
9. Insighters perks will take effect in the following month. For example, KOLs who meet the standards in June 2024 will enjoy the perks in July 2024.
10. Bitget Insights community reserves the right to interpret the program. If the program changes, all participating KOLs will be notified one month in advance.
11. The program is valid from July 1, 00:00 to July 31, 23:59 UTC+0.
12. Reward Releasing: The qualified Insighters should complete the online sheets to claim the rewards. The Insights Copy Trading community will announce the release after the reward perks go live.
Become a Bitget Insighter
Engage in lively discussions, connect with fellow crypto enthusiasts, and share your knowledge and insights about the world of crypto in this thriving community. Every day, millions of users log in to Bitget, making Bitget Insights the ideal hub for active engagement within the crypto community.
Traders can easily develop their personal brand, expand their influence, and grow their followers through the Bitget Insights community.
If you want to increase the number of followers on Insights and quickly stand out from other content creators, you can click on "Share" on your Insights profile and share it to your other social media and community channels (such as Twitter and Telegraph).
To find out more about the Bitget Insights community, including official social media exposure, exclusive perks, priority access to new products, and more, please stay tuned to the official Bitget Insights social media community channels.
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