Competitions and promotions

Flash sale plus! Buy more USDT with our discounts!

2024-04-01 10:510208

Flash sale plus! Buy more USDT with our discounts! image 0

Buy up to 300 USDT at the cheapest price available — exclusively for first-time PHP Bitget P2P users. Don’t miss out on this incredible offer! You can use USDT to buy any crypto of your choice!
Flash sale plus! Buy more USDT with our discounts! image 1
The above merchants will support our activities 24/7.
Flash sale period: Long-term
Promotion: Buy USDT at a 3% discounted price!
During the flash sale, Bitget P2P will sell USDT at a 3% discounted price.
  • You can purchase USDT by clicking on the cheapest advertisement from our flash sale partner merchants, who will be selling up to 300 USDT at a discounted rate on the PHP P2P page.
  • This offer is exclusive to first-time PHP P2P users. Each new user can purchase between 100 to 300 USDT at a discounted price.
  • The amount of discounted USDT available each day is limited, so act fast!
For any queries regarding merchant applications, reach out to us on Telegram at @bitgetp2ppay or @Bitgetlamelo, or email us at
  1. Find out how to buy crypto on Bitget P2P here.
  2. To navigate to Bitget P2P:
Log into Bitget, then select Buy Crypto > P2P Trading. Choose your market and place an order to buy USDT.
  1. The term "new P2P users" refers to users who have never traded on Bitget P2P before.
  2. Users who are participating in other promotions cannot claim the rewards for this promotion.
  3. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify users who engage in wash trading, bulk registration of accounts, or trades that display attributes of self-dealing or market manipulation.
  4. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the Terms and Conditions. Contact us if you have any questions.

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