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Join Bitget Africa Group Owner Team

2023-12-29 10:000423
Join Bitget Africa Group Owner Team image 0
If you're a content creator, community group owner, blogger, or opinion leader, join the Bitget Africa Team today. Bitget helps you monetize your influence at zero cost, letting you earn up to 50% in rebates and increase your passive income effortlessly!
Campaign period:December 29 , 2023 - 11 AM, January 10 , 2024(UTC+8)
Eligibility criteria:
  1. You love the crypto industry and have insights into crypto assets.
  2. You own at least 1 Africa local telegram group/ whatsapp group /other social media with more than 300 followers
  3. If you have Nigeria/Kenya/South Africa/Ghana users will get extra bonus.
1.Monthly base salary:50 USDT
2.Monthly bonus:
Monthly First-time trade user Monthly bonus (USDT)
≥50 100
≥100 300
≥250 850
≥500 1200
Other Perks:
  1. After you partner with us, your Twitter account will be displayed on Bitget Africa, helping you get impressions of exposure.
  2. Special personalized gifts: Get exclusive personalized Bitget branded gifts,merchandise,holiday gifts.
  3. Bitget trading commission: Get up to 50% affiliate commission.
  4. Exclusive Bitget community incentives: Get up to $1000 in community-exclusive promotion airdrops, platform event announcements, and additional rewards.
  5. Get a 1-on-1 account manager: Your account manager will be happy to assist you and your community at any time.
Terms and conditions
  1. The program is available to Africa individual group owners.
  2. Only users who have passed our risk control assessment will be considered valid new users.
  3. The applicants will be assessed based on the performance of their provided account in the crypto communities. Applicants who meet the requirements will be contacted by Bitget for further meetings.
  4. Bitget reserves the right to the final interpretation of this program.

Cryptocurrencies are subjected to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users are strongly advised to do their research and invest at their own risk.
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