
Reminder notice for your bank deposit account update

2023-07-18 07:0013264

In order to provide you with better services and an enhanced client experience, your Bitget bank deposit account will be upgraded soon.

The details are below.

1. Your account with the bank name "LHV PANK" will be closed on July 25 (UTC). A new account will be opened to replace your old one. Your balance will be transferred to the new account.

2. The account with the bank name "LHV PANK" will not be able to receive any incoming transfers after July 25 (UTC). All incoming transfers will be automatically rejected and returned.

3. A new account with the bank name "BANKING CIRCLE S.A" will be opened between July 25 (UTC) to July 28 (UTC). Bank deposits will be unavailable from July 25 (UTC) until your new account is opened. You can check your page to see if your new account is ready.

4. All new accounts will be set up by July 28 (UTC). Make sure that subsequent transfers are directed to the account with the bank name "BANKING CIRCLE S.A" when you deposit or withdraw your funds.

Contact us at no later than July 25 (UTC) if you have any queries or concerns regarding your account.

Thank you for your understanding. Bitget will continue to provide you with the best services.

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