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Bitget Spot Margin adds ETH/BTC!
2023-07-10 08:170265
We are thrilled to announce that Bitget has launched cross spot margin for ETH/BTC.
How do we make ETH/BTC spot margin trades on Bitget?
If you anticipate an increase in the exchange rate from
ETH to BTC, you can transfer some margin to your cross margin account, borrow BTC to buy ETH, and then
sell ETH at a higher price to pocket more BTC.
If you anticipate a decrease in the exchange rate from ETH to BTC, you can transfer some margin to your cross margin account, borrow ETH to sell into BTC at a higher price, and then buy more ETH at a lower price.
Cryptocurrencies are subject to high market risk and volatility despite high growth potential. Users should conduct their own research and invest at their own discretion. Bitget shall not be liable for any investment losses.
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