Bitget Launchpad Commitment Calculation
Users participating in Bitget Launchpad promotions can calculate the number of tokens to be allocated based on the following formula:
Allocated tokens = average token amount of the user’s commitment ÷ sum of all users’ average token amounts x all tokens in the Launchpad promotion
Note: The allocated amount can’t exceed the individual cap (take the following Individual Cap for reference)
For example, there are 100,000,000 of Tokens A for one featured Launchpad promotion. There are 8 users committing token. A user commits 5000 token, and the other 7 users commit 65,000 token. Then the allocated tokens for the user = 5000 token ÷ 70,000 token x 100,000,000 = 7,142,857 Tokens A (around 7.14% of the total). Details are as follows (Table 1):
Allocation Table (Table 1)
User |
Token Committing Amount |
Percentage |
Allocated Amounts |
User A |
20,000 |
28.57% |
28,571,429 |
User B |
15,000 |
21.43% |
21,428,571 |
User C |
12,000 |
17.14% |
17,142,857 |
User D |
8000 |
11.43% |
11,428,571 |
User E |
5000 |
7.14% |
7,142,857 |
User F |
4000 |
5.71% |
5,714,286 |
User G |
3000 |
4.29% |
4,285,714 |
User H |
3000 |
4.29% |
4,285,714 |
Total |
70,000 |
100,000,000 (Token A) |
About the Individual Cap
To manage risk, Bitget sets an individual cap for Launchpad promotions. When users exceed the cap, their excess tokens will be redistributed to other users who have not yet reached their cap.
Take the above Token A project as an example (take Table 1 for reference). If the promotion has set an individual cap of 20,000,000 for Token A, User A and User B have already reached the cap, so the excess should be subtracted from the original allocated amount. Details are as follows (Table 2):
Allocation Table (Table 2)
User |
Token Committing Amount |
Percentage |
Allocated Amounts (after Individual Cap) |
User A |
20,000 |
28.57% |
20,000,000 |
User B |
15,000 |
21.43% |
20,000,000 |
User C |
12,000 |
17.14% |
17,142,857 |
User D |
8000 |
11.43% |
11,428,571 |
User E |
5000 |
7.14% |
7,142,857 |
User F |
4000 |
5.71% |
5,714,286 |
User G |
3000 |
4.29% |
4,285,714 |
User H |
3000 |
4.29% |
4,285,714 |
Excess |
10,000,000 |
Total |
70,000 |
100,000,000 (Token A) |
In Table 2, the excess tokens of Users A and B are 10,000,000. These tokens will be reallocated based on the committing percentages from other users who have not reached their individual cap (Table 3).
Allocation Table (Table 3)
User |
Token Committing Amount |
Percentage |
Allocated Amounts (final version) |
User A |
20,000 |
28.57% |
20,000,000 |
User B |
15,000 |
21.43% |
20,000,000 |
User C |
12,000 |
17.14% |
20,000,000 |
User D |
8000 |
11.43% |
13,913,043 |
User E |
5000 |
7.14% |
8,695,652 |
User F |
4000 |
5.71% |
6,956,522 |
User G |
3000 |
4.29% |
5,217,391 |
User H |
3000 |
4.29% |
5,217,391 |
Total |
70,000 |
100,000,000 (Token A) |
Take User C as an example (take Table 1 and Table 3 for reference). Before the individual cap is introduced, User C can get 17,142,857 Token A. After being introduced, User C can get 20,000,000 of Token A.
About token Deduction
After checking the allocated amounts of tokens for all users, the deducted amount of token will be calculated based on the token swap ratio according to the following formula:
Deducted token amount = allocated amount x (token A ÷ token price)
Take User C as an example (Table 3). Assuming token A ÷ token = 0.000222222, then the deducted amount of token for User C is 20,000,000 x 0.000222222 = 4,444.44 token.
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