Daily Economic Value of Blockchain Solana , which includes transaction fees and tipping MEV (maximum extractable value), reached a record high of $7,93 million.
The Real Economic Value of Blockchain Solana has been growing since the end of September. On October 19, the previous record of $7,07 million was set, on October 21 it rose to a new maximum of $7,6 million, and on October 22 – to $7,93 million.

The Real Economic Value of Blockchain Solana
According to blockchain analytics firm Blockworks Research, the main economic value of blockchain is Solana consists of commissions (Jito) and priority fees. These two sources of income together account for more than 90% of the network's value.
As of October 22, Jito accounted for 48,3% of the revenue generated Solana . Priority fees accounted for 48,9% of revenue. Basic fees and voting fees accounted for only 0,8% and 2% of revenue, respectively.
BlockWorks Research data also shows that stakers, SOL burners and validators Solana receive the largest share of revenue, while Jito Labs receives the smallest. For example, on October 22, stakers received 41,6% of all revenue, followed by validators with 30,1%. SOL Burn received 25,8%, while Jito Labs received 2,4%.