Advantages of Bitget P2P Trading
Dear Global Bitgetters,
Zero Trading Fees
No service fee for trading P2P on Bitget.
When buying cryptocurrencies from another user on the Bitget P2P marketplace, you are buying at a rate set by the users themselves.
However, there might be transaction fees to complete your payment depending on your payment method. Please check your preferred payment method to see if there is any transaction fee.
Secured Transactions Using Escrow
Bitget has an escrow service to protect buyers and sellers. When opting to secure a transaction with escrow, funds are held by Bitget and only released when the terms of the deal are met by both parties involved. Bitget P2P transactions must be completed within a certain timeframe: If either party cannot meet the terms of the deal, the cryptocurrencies or fiat will be returned to your wallet.
Flexible payment methods
Peer-to-peer exchanges allow sellers freedom to define how they want to be paid.
On Bitget P2P, you can buy and sell crypto with over 100 payment methods, including bank transfer, cash, and multiple e-wallets.
Trade at your preferred prices
Peer-to-peer exchanges bring users freedom to trade crypto at the preferred prices.
On Bitget P2P, you cannot just buy or sell crypto from the existing offers, but also create your trade advertisements to set your own prices.
Protection for your privacy
Unlike credit card or bank transfers, peer-to-peer exchanges do not collect information about buyers and sellers.
So, you can buy Bitcoin with cash on Bitget P2P and don't need to use any bank account or online wallet to make a crypto-fiat transaction.
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Disclaimer: The content of this article solely reflects the author's opinion and does not represent the platform in any capacity. This article is not intended to serve as a reference for making investment decisions.
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