Guide on How to Buy Cryptocurrencies in Canada With Credit/ Debit Cards
Welcome to Bitget exchange! If you're in Canada and looking to dive into the vibrant crypto market using Canadian dollars (CAD), Bitget offers a seamless and secure gateway to purchasing your favorite digital assets. This tutorial will guide you through the process of buying cryptocurrencies with CAD on Bitget using credit and debit cards.
Step 1: Navigate to the Credit/ Debit page
Visit the Bitget website and create a new account or log in to your existing one.
Once your Bitget account is set up and verified, you are now ready to purchase cryptos with CAD!
- Head to 'Buy crypto,' select 'CAD' as your fiat, and then select the 'Credit/ Debit card' option.
- Select your preferred cryptocurrency and insert the amount of CAD, and the system will automatically calculate and display the amount of cryptocurrency you will receive.
- Then, hit the 'Buy' button to proceed.
Step 2: Link Your Card to Your Account
If this is the first time you purchase cryptos with credit/ debit cards on Bitget, the next step is to link your card to your Bitget account.
Click on 'Add new card,' input your card details, and follow the instructions to link your card.
Step 3: Buy Cryptocurrencies with CAD
With your card linked, you can now purchase cryptocurrencies with CAD.
- Enter the amount of CAD you want to spend or the quantity of cryptocurrency you wish to buy, hit 'Buy', and follow the prompts to complete the transaction.
- Upon completing the payment, you will receive a "Payment Pending" notification. The processing time for the payment may vary depending on the network and can take a few minutes to reflect in your spot account.
- You can click on 'Transaction History' to view your transaction details.
Advantages of Purchasing Cryptos with CAD on Bitget
Bitget prioritizes the security of our users' funds. We employ advanced security measures, including SSL encryption, two-factor authentication (2FA), and cold storage for the majority of the funds to ensure your assets are well-protected.
Easy Purchase
Bitget's user-friendly interface simplifies the process of buying cryptocurrencies with CAD. The platform is designed to cater to both beginners and experienced traders, making it accessible for everyone.
Fast Crediting
One of the key benefits of using Bitget is the swift crediting of funds. Deposits made using Visa and Master cards are processed quickly, allowing you to buy cryptocurrencies without significant delays.
Buying cryptocurrencies with CAD on Bitget is a straightforward and efficient process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can start building your crypto portfolio quickly and securely. Bitget is an excellent choice for Canadians looking to enter the cryptocurrency market. Happy trading!
Buy crypto via Visa and Mastercard now!