Bitget P2P Shield: Building a secure and reliable P2P trading environment
Bitget is committed to providing a secure and reliable P2P trading environment for all users, building trust and confidence in your P2P journey.
To achieve these purposes, we're thrilled to introduce Bitget P2P Shield, a program that serves as:
● A Dose of Confidence: We want you to feel confident and protected when using Bitget P2P Trading.
● A Bulwark Against Fraud: In the unfortunate event that you encounter fraud, Bitget P2P Shield offers compensation to mitigate your losses.
● Elevated P2P Experience: We strive to continuously improve the platform and your trading experience.
Bitget P2P Shield provides financial protection to users who fall victim to fraudulent activities while conducting P2P transactions on our platform. Under the Bitget P2P Shield, all Bitget P2P users across all the P2P markets can raise appeals and will get 100% compensation when they lose funds due to Bitget P2P platform reasons.
However, please kindly note that Bitget P2P Shield cannot be held responsible for losses caused by user-related reasons. We encourage all users to remain vigilant and trade with caution.
Here are 7 points to protect yourself from P2P scams:
1. Before releasing crypto, always thoroughly verify if the correct amount of payment has been successfully deposited into your bank account or e-wallet.
2. Never cancel an ongoing order after making the payment.
3. Do not forget to mark it as paid after making payment.
4. Do not share email, phone number, or telegram in a P2P trade.
5. Do not trust any screenshots, sms, email, or Telegram account.
6. Always check if the payment sender's name matches the KYC name of the sender on the P2P platform.
7. Do not trade with strangers outside the P2P platform.
Always raise an appeal in any of the above-mentioned situations in a P2P trade!
Learn more about How to Avoid Common P2P Scams, and Trade safely with Bitget P2P!