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Harmony 價格

Harmony 價格ONE


您今天對 Harmony 感覺如何?


Harmony 今日價格

Harmony 的即時價格是今天每 (ONE / TWD) NT$0.3719,目前市值為 NT$5.39B TWD。24 小時交易量為 NT$319.81M TWD。ONE 至 TWD 的價格為即時更新。Harmony 在過去 24 小時內的變化為 -7.19%。其流通供應量為 14,485,461,000 。

ONE 的最高價格是多少?

ONE 的歷史最高價(ATH)為 NT$12.6,於 2021-10-26 錄得。

ONE 的最低價格是多少?

ONE 的歷史最低價(ATL)為 NT$0.04170,於 2020-03-13 錄得。
計算 Harmony 收益

Harmony 價格預測

什麼時候是購買 ONE 的好時機? 我現在應該買入還是賣出 ONE?

在決定買入還是賣出 ONE 時,您必須先考慮自己的交易策略。長期交易者和短期交易者的交易活動也會有所不同。Bitget ONE 技術分析 可以提供您交易參考。
根據 ONE 4 小時技術分析,交易訊號為 強力賣出
根據 ONE 1 日技術分析,交易訊號為 強力賣出
根據 ONE 1 週技術分析,交易訊號為 強力賣出

ONE 在 2026 的價格是多少?

根據 ONE 的歷史價格表現預測模型,預計 ONE 的價格將在 2026 達到 NT$0.4231

ONE 在 2031 的價格是多少?

2031,ONE 的價格預計將上漲 +29.00%。 到 2031 底,預計 ONE 的價格將達到 NT$1.1,累計投資報酬率為 +194.83%。

Harmony 價格歷史(TWD)

過去一年,Harmony 價格上漲了 -63.82%。在此期間,ONE 兌 TWD 的最高價格為 NT$1.61,ONE 兌 TWD 的最低價格為 NT$0.2880。
時間漲跌幅(%)漲跌幅(%)最低價相應時間內 {0} 的最低價。最高價 最高價
全部時間+253.01%NT$0.04170(2020-03-13, 5 年前 )NT$12.6(2021-10-26, 3 年前 )

Harmony 市場資訊

Harmony 市值走勢圖

ICO 價格
NT$0.1054 ICO 詳情
立即購買 Harmony

Harmony 行情

  • #
  • 幣對
  • 類型
  • 價格
  • 24 小時交易量
  • 操作
  • 1
  • 現貨
  • 0.0112
  • $123.21K
  • ‌交易
  • Harmony 持幣分布集中度


    Harmony 地址持有時長分布


    Harmony 評級

    100 筆評分

    Harmony (ONE) 簡介

    什麼是 Harmony

    Harmony 是一個區塊鏈平台,致力於平衡地解決可擴展性和去中心化問題。Harmony 2019 5 月推出,獲得了廣泛關注和投資,包括矽谷 Consensus Capital 和香港 Lemniscap VC 的支持。該平台的座右銘是「大規模去中心化」,強調順暢的數據共享,並為同質化和非同質化代(NFT)資產市場培育肥沃的土壤。

    Harmony Stephen Tse 2018 年創立,憑藉強大的基礎設施進軍市場,並保證提供高吞吐量、低延遲和低成本。這種強而有力的組合,預計將使 Harmony 處於為未來去中心化、去信任經濟奠定基礎的最前線。Harmony 與以太坊網路相容,交易速度高達每秒 2,000 筆交易,與以太坊平均 10 分鐘的交易時間形成鮮明對比。此外,該平台還提供了名為 Horizo​​n 的跨鏈功能,促進 ONE 與以太坊網路之間的順暢過渡,進而充分利用 Layer 1 網路的安全性和 Layer 2 網路的效率。


    白皮書:https://harmony.o ne/whitepaper.pdf


    Harmony 如何運作?

    Harmony 營運的核心在於其獨特的區塊鏈技術,利用隨機狀態分片,增強可擴展性,加速交易和產生區塊。該技術將資料庫劃分為較小的部分(稱為分片),有效減少延遲並預防網路壅塞。具適應性的權益證明(PoS)共識機制,結合快速拜占庭容錯協議(FBFT),提升安全性、可擴展性和快速的驗證過程。

    Harmony 在公開且快速的區塊鏈上運行,主網在以太坊網路上運行,提供 2 秒的交易終結性,費用比以太坊低 1,000 倍。這種與以太坊的協作方式取代了競爭,使開發人員更容易在網路上打造去中心化應用程式(DApp)。Harmony 的架構​​使其能夠並行處理交易,最大程度地降低通訊成本,並使超過 250 個驗證者能夠在不到兩秒的時間內達成共識。

    什麼是 ONE 代幣?

    ONE 代幣作為 Harmony 共識模型中的持份,使持有者能夠獲得區塊獎勵並促進系統的平穩運行。該社群代幣體現了 Harmony 為全球數十億人促進開放共識流程的願景。ONE 代幣可用於許多平台活動和設施,包括投票、交易費用、燃料費用、質押和賺取獎勵,已於 2020 3 月從動態通膨轉變為固定年利率。

    ONE 代幣賦予持有者治理權,使其能夠影響與網路未來相關的決策。該代幣可以用來質押、賺取收益和挖礦,為投資者提供利潤豐厚的管道,同時也為網路的穩定和成長做出貢獻。

    Harmony 對金融的影響

    Harmony 是金融領域的先驅,透過節能的解決方案、跨鏈功能和大幅降低的燃料費來解決區塊鏈的核心問題。它徹底改變跨境支付和促進加密貨幣交易方便性的潛力不容小覷。此外,Harmony 的網路展現了非同質化代幣(NFT)領域的巨大潛力,為熱衷於鑄造 NFT 的開發者提供了一個經濟高效的平台。

    透過在擴展規模的同時保持去中心化和安全性,Harmony 描繪了一個充滿希望的未來,從長遠來看,它預期每秒能處理高達 1,000 萬筆交易,比肩其他覆蓋全球的支付網路龍頭。它致力於在不影響安全性或可擴展性的情況下打造去中心化平台,使其成為區塊鏈領域的強大參與者,並有望重新定義金融領域。

    Harmony 的價格是由什麼決定?

    在動態的數位資產世界中,Harmony 代幣(ONE)的價格會受多種因素影響,而這些因素引起了加密貨幣愛好者和專家的共鳴。隨著我們進入 2023 年及未來,可預期加密貨幣市場將見證前所未有的趨勢和發展。Harmony 作為區塊鏈領域的知名參與者,其代幣價格由多種因素決定,包括市場需求、加密貨幣新聞和加密貨幣市場更廣泛的趨勢。熱衷於將 Harmony 加入加密貨幣投資組合策略中的投資者,通常會依靠全面的加密貨幣分析和加密貨幣圖表來評估 Harmony 價格的潛在走勢。此外,加密社群的情緒、加密貨幣影響者的見解以及加密貨幣活動中的討論在塑造 Harmony 的認知,以及市場價值方面將發揮關鍵作用。

    加密貨幣價格預測是一門結合數據分析與市場波動性的藝術。Harmony 的價格也無可避免地會受到加密貨幣市場波動影響。熱衷於追求 2023 年最佳加密貨幣投資的投資者和加密貨幣愛好者正在密切關注 Harmony 的發展,許多人轉而採取加密貨幣專家策劃的加密貨幣交易策略,以應對波動的市場。此外,包括加密貨幣監管和加密貨幣稅收政策在內的監管環境,也可能會明顯影響 ONE 代幣的價格。隨著加密貨幣的採用持續成長,Harmony 成為了一個有潛力的競爭者,而許多人都在思考這是否是市場的良好投資。

    當我們深入研究決定 Harmony 代幣(ONE)價格的細微差別時,必須考慮所包含的潛在風險。加密貨幣的安全性仍是最重要的議題,投資者對加密貨幣風險保持警惕,包括潛在的加密貨幣詐騙。隨著 Harmony 網路的不斷發展,為新手和經驗豐富的投資者提供了加密貨幣的廣闊前景,因此,全面了解市場動態來進行投資至關重要。透過隨時了解最新的加密貨幣新聞並與充滿活力的加密社群互動,投資者可以做出明智的決定,並有可能在 Harmony 生態系統中獲得豐厚的回報。

    Harmony 社群媒體數據

    過去 24 小時,Harmony 社群媒體情緒分數是 3.1,社群媒體上對 Harmony 價格走勢偏向 看漲。Harmony 社群媒體得分是 6,771,在所有加密貨幣中排名第 396。

    根據 LunarCrush 統計,過去 24 小時,社群媒體共提及加密貨幣 1,058,120 次,其中 Harmony 被提及次數佔比 0.02%,在所有加密貨幣中排名第 118。

    過去 24 小時,共有 354 個獨立用戶談論了 Harmony,總共提及 Harmony 206 次,然而,與前一天相比,獨立用戶數 增加 了 2%,總提及次數增加。

    Twitter 上,過去 24 小時共有 9 篇推文提及 Harmony,其中 11% 看漲 Harmony,0% 篇推文看跌 Harmony,而 89% 則對 Harmony 保持中立。

    在 Reddit 上,最近 24 小時共有 60 篇貼文提到了 Harmony,相比之前 24 小時總提及次數 減少 了 23%。


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    如何購買 Harmony(ONE)

    建立您的免費 Bitget 帳戶

    建立您的免費 Bitget 帳戶

    使用您的電子郵件地址/手機號碼在 Bitget 註冊,並建立強大的密碼以確保您的帳戶安全


    將 Harmony 兌換為 ONE

    將 Harmony 兌換為 ONE

    我們將為您示範使用多種支付方式在 Bitget 上購買 Harmony

    交易 ONE 永續合約

    在 Bitget 上註冊並購買 USDT 或 ONE 後,您可以開始交易衍生品,包括 ONE 合約和槓桿交易,增加收益。

    ONE 的目前價格為 NT$0.3719,24 小時價格變化為 -7.19%。交易者可透過做多或做空 ONE 合約獲利。

    ONE 合約交易指南

    跟單交易專家,進行 ONE 跟單交易!

    在 Bitget 註冊並成功購買 USDT 或 ONE 後,您還可以跟單交易專家開始跟單交易。

    Harmony 動態

    Velar 向聯合 Stacks 社區推出“.BTC 名稱授予計劃”
    Velar 向聯合 Stacks 社區推出“.BTC 名稱授予計劃”

    簡單來說 Velar 推出了“.BTC 名稱授予計劃”,以促進 Stacks 上數位身分的標準化,並推動“.btc”數位身分標準在比特幣生態系統中更廣泛的採用。

    Mpost2025-01-31 11:33
    福布斯:DCG 是否從朝鮮黑客洗錢活動中獲利?
    福布斯:DCG 是否從朝鮮黑客洗錢活動中獲利?

    DCG 去年 6 月至今從混幣器 Railgun 獲得了約 43 萬美元資金。有調查顯示,Railgun 可能涉嫌朝鮮黑客集團 Lazarus Group 的非法洗錢活動。

    Chaincatcher2024-11-02 00:33
    更多 Harmony 動態

    用戶還在查詢 Harmony 的價格。

    Harmony 的目前價格是多少?

    Harmony 的即時價格為 NT$0.37(ONE/TWD),目前市值為 NT$5,387,355,121.9 TWD。由於加密貨幣市場全天候不間斷交易,Harmony 的價格經常波動。您可以在 Bitget 上查看 Harmony 的市場價格及其歷史數據。

    Harmony 的 24 小時交易量是多少?

    在最近 24 小時內,Harmony 的交易量為 NT$319.81M。

    Harmony 的歷史最高價是多少?

    Harmony 的歷史最高價是 NT$12.6。這個歷史最高價是 Harmony 自推出以來的最高價。

    我可以在 Bitget 上購買 Harmony 嗎?

    可以,Harmony 目前在 Bitget 的中心化交易平台上可用。如需更詳細的說明,請查看我們很有幫助的 如何購買 harmony 指南。

    我可以透過投資 Harmony 獲得穩定的收入嗎?

    當然,Bitget 推出了一個 策略交易平台,其提供智能交易策略,可以自動執行您的交易,幫您賺取收益。

    我在哪裡能以最低的費用購買 Harmony?

    Bitget提供行業領先的交易費用和市場深度,以確保交易者能够從投資中獲利。 您可通過 Bitget 交易所交易。

    您可以在哪裡購買 Harmony(ONE)?

    透過 Bitget App 購買
    Download Bitget APP on Google PlayDownload Bitget APP on AppStore
    透過 Bitget 交易所交易
    將加密貨幣存入 Bitget 交易所,交易流動性大且費用低

    影片部分 - 快速認證、快速交易

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    如何在 Bitget 完成身分認證以防範詐騙
    1. 登入您的 Bitget 帳戶。
    2. 如果您是 Bitget 的新用戶,請觀看我們的教學,以了解如何建立帳戶。
    3. 將滑鼠移到您的個人頭像上,點擊「未認證」,然後點擊「認證」。
    4. 選擇您簽發的國家或地區和證件類型,然後根據指示進行操作。
    5. 根據您的偏好,選擇「手機認證」或「電腦認證」。
    6. 填寫您的詳細資訊,提交身分證影本,並拍攝一張自拍照。
    7. 提交申請後,身分認證就完成了!
    加密貨幣投資(包括透過 Bitget 線上購買 Harmony)具有市場風險。Bitget 為您提供購買 Harmony 的簡便方式,並且盡最大努力讓用戶充分了解我們在交易所提供的每種加密貨幣。但是,我們不對您購買 Harmony 可能產生的結果負責。此頁面和其包含的任何資訊均不代表對任何特定加密貨幣的背書認可,任何價格數據均採集自公開互聯網,不被視為來自Bitget的買賣要約。




    1 ONE = 0.3719 TWD
    在所有主流交易平台中,Bitget 提供最低的交易手續費。VIP 等級越高,費率越優惠。

    Bitget 觀點

    What is the daily trading volume of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31)?
    What is the daily trading volume of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31)? The trading volume of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) is $61,098,570 in the last 24 hours, representing a -11.30% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity. . What is the highest and lowest price for Banana For Scale (BANANAS31)? Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) reached an all-time high of $0.008236 and an all-time low of $0.0007234. It’s now trading 36.57% below that peak and 622.14% above its lowest price. What is the market cap of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31)? Market capitalization of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) is $51,875,330 and is ranked #634 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of BANANAS31 tokens (10 Billion tokens are tradable on the market today). What is the fully diluted valuation of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31)? The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) is $51,875,330. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming the maximum number of 10 Billion BANANAS31 tokens are in circulation today. Depending on how the emission schedule of BANANAS31 tokens are designed, it might take multiple years before FDV is realized. BANANAS31 to USD Chart Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) is worth $0.005193 today, which is a 2.8% increase from an hour ago and a 5.5% decline since yesterday. The value of BANANAS31 today is 5.8% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of Banana For Scale traded was $61,241,594. 7-day price history of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) to USD The daily exchange rate of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) to USD fluctuated between a high of $0.00667560 on Thursday and a low of $0.00508888 on Saturday in the last 7 days. Within the week, the price of BANANAS31 in USD had the largest 24-hour price movement on Thursday (2 days ago) by $0.00081029 (13.8%). Compare the daily prices of Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) in USD and their 24-hour price movements for the week. $BANANAS31
    *Unlocking the Potential of $BANANAS31: A Comprehensive Analysis*
    The cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility and unpredictability, with new projects emerging and existing ones evolving continuously. $BANANAS31 is one such project that has gained significant attention in recent times. In this article, we'll delve into the potential of $BANANAS31, exploring its strengths, weaknesses, and growth prospects. Understanding $BANANAS31 Before unlocking the potential of $BANANAS31, it's essential to understand the project's underlying fundamentals: 1. *Decentralized Ecosystem*: $BANANAS31 operates on a decentralized ecosystem, ensuring transparency, security, and community-driven decision-making. 2. *Unique Consensus Algorithm*: $BANANAS31 utilizes a novel consensus algorithm, combining the benefits of proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) to ensure energy efficiency, security, and scalability. 3. *Growing Adoption*: $BANANAS31 has been gaining traction, with increasing adoption rates, growing community engagement, and expanding use cases. Strengths and Weaknesses To unlock the potential of $BANANAS31, it's crucial to identify its strengths and weaknesses: 1. *Strengths*: Decentralized ecosystem, unique consensus algorithm, growing adoption, and a strong community. 2. *Weaknesses*: Regulatory uncertainty, market volatility, and the need for further infrastructure development. Growth Prospects Despite the challenges, $BANANAS31 has significant growth prospects: 1. *Increasing Adoption*: Growing adoption rates and expanding use cases could drive up demand and prices. 2. *Partnerships and Collaborations*: Strategic partnerships and collaborations could enhance $BANANAS31's ecosystem and drive growth. 3. *Technological Advancements*: Continued innovation and development could improve $BANANAS31's scalability, security, and usability. Technical Analysis A technical analysis of $BANANAS31's price action reveals several key indicators: 1. *Trend Analysis*: $BANANAS31's price trend is currently bullish, with a potential breakout above the resistance level. 2. *Moving Averages*: The short-term moving averages are above the long-term moving averages, indicating a strong bullish trend. 3. *Relative Strength Index (RSI)*: The RSI is currently in the overbought region, suggesting a potential correction or consolidation. Conclusion Unlocking the potential of $BANANAS31 requires a comprehensive understanding of its strengths, weaknesses, and growth prospects. While challenges persist, $BANANAS31's decentralized ecosystem, unique consensus algorithm, and growing adoption position it for significant growth. By monitoring technical indicators and staying informed about market developments, investors can capitalize on $BANANAS31's potential and navigate the volatile cryptocurrency market. FAQs Q: What are the key strengths and weaknesses of $BANANAS31? A: Strengths include its decentralized ecosystem, unique consensus algorithm, and growing adoption, while weaknesses include regulatory uncertainty and market volatility. Q: What are the growth prospects for $BANANAS31? A: Increasing adoption, partnerships, and technological advancements could drive up demand and prices. Q: What is the current technical analysis of $BANANAS31's price action? A: The trend is currently bullish, with a potential breakout above the resistance level, and the RSI is in the overbought region.
    *$IMT Coin: A Strategic Vision for Long-Term Sustainability and Growth*
    As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it's essential for projects to prioritize long-term sustainability and growth. $IMT Coin is one such project that has been gaining attention for its strategic vision and commitment to achieving lasting success. In this article, we'll delve into the key aspects of $IMT Coin's strategy, exploring how it's poised for long-term sustainability and growth. Community-Driven Approach $IMT Coin's community-driven approach is a crucial aspect of its strategic vision: 1. *Decentralized Governance*: $IMT Coin operates on a decentralized governance model, ensuring that decision-making is community-driven and transparent. 2. *Community Engagement*: The project prioritizes community engagement, fostering a strong and active community that contributes to the project's growth and development. 3. *Incentivization*: $IMT Coin's incentivization mechanisms encourage community participation, rewarding contributors and promoting a sense of ownership. Technological Advancements $IMT Coin's commitment to technological advancements is another key aspect of its strategic vision: 1. *Blockchain Optimization*: The project focuses on optimizing its blockchain technology, ensuring scalability, security, and efficiency. 2. *Innovation*: $IMT Coin encourages innovation, exploring new technologies and solutions that can enhance the project's ecosystem and user experience. 3. *Partnerships*: Strategic partnerships with other projects and industry leaders enable $IMT Coin to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Ecosystem Development $IMT Coin's ecosystem development is a critical component of its strategic vision: 1. *Use Cases*: The project focuses on developing practical use cases, ensuring that $IMT Coin has real-world applications and value. 2. *Infrastructure*: $IMT Coin invests in building a robust infrastructure, providing a solid foundation for its ecosystem and users. 3. *User Experience*: The project prioritizes user experience, ensuring that its ecosystem is intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible. Financial Sustainability $IMT Coin's financial sustainability is a key aspect of its strategic vision: 1. *Treasury Management*: The project implements effective treasury management, ensuring that its finances are stable and secure. 2. *Revenue Streams*: $IMT Coin develops diverse revenue streams, reducing its dependence on any single source of income. 3. *Cost Management*: The project prioritizes cost management, optimizing its expenses and ensuring that its finances are allocated efficiently. Conclusion $IMT Coin's strategic vision for long-term sustainability and growth is comprehensive and well-rounded. By prioritizing community engagement, technological advancements, ecosystem development, and financial sustainability, $IMT Coin is poised for lasting success. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, $IMT Coin's commitment to its strategic vision will enable it to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities. FAQs Q: What is $IMT Coin's strategic vision for long-term sustainability and growth? A: $IMT Coin prioritizes community engagement, technological advancements, ecosystem development, and financial sustainability. Q: How does $IMT Coin's community-driven approach contribute to its strategic vision? A: $IMT Coin's community-driven approach ensures that decision-making is transparent and community-driven, fostering a strong and active community. Q: What role do technological advancements play in $IMT Coin's strategic vision? A: Technological advancements enable $IMT Coin to optimize its blockchain technology, explore new solutions, and stay at the forefront of innovation.
    Gemini, Binance Breach Claims Surface: Is Your Crypto Account Data at Risk?
    Hackers claim they breached crypto exchanges Gemini and Binance, exposing personal information from over 100,000 users of each platform. The data – allegedly including names, emails, and phone numbers – is reportedly up for sale on the dark web, according to cybersecurity researchers at The Dark Web Informer . These unconfirmed claims heighten concerns about cybercrime risks and potential scams targeting cryptocurrency users. The Dark Web Informer’s report details claims from a hacker using the alias “AKM69.” This individual allegedly stole and is selling a database containing records for around 100,000 Gemini users. The affected users are reportedly primarily in the United States, though some records are linked to Singapore and the UK. Sensitive information allegedly includes full names, email addresses, phone numbers, and location details. The source of this potential breach remains unconfirmed. Gemini has not commented publicly on the matter, and it’s unclear whether the issue, if confirmed, stems from an internal network compromise or external factors like widespread phishing or malware on user devices. Following the Gemini report, a separate hacker identified as “kiki88888” reportedly offered over 132,000 records for sale, claiming they contain Binance user data including emails and passwords. The authenticity and origin of this claimed Binance data are also unconfirmed. The Dark Web Informer suggests compromised user devices are one possible vector if the data proves legitimate. Binance has faced similar, unverified claims before; last September, the exchange investigated and denied a hacker’s claim of accessing 12 million user records. Related: Eyes Own AMM, Thwarts Bybit Hacker’s Laundering Attempt The data allegedly stolen from users of both exchanges is reportedly being marketed on dark web forums for various malicious purposes. Common uses include targeted scams, financial fraud, identity theft, and sophisticated phishing attacks designed to steal more credentials or funds. The Dark Web Informer recently noted a broader trend of device compromises globally, with cybercriminals actively exploiting stolen personal and corporate data to execute scams, such as phishing emails or messages carefully spoofing legitimate crypto platforms. These alleged Gemini and Binance incidents align with a wider pattern of cyber threats facing the crypto industry and its users. Australian authorities, for example, issued a warning on March 21 about scam messages specifically targeting users of various crypto exchanges. These scams often use spoofed sender IDs from exchanges like Binance to trick recipients into revealing login credentials or transferring funds to fraudulent wallets. Similar phishing campaigns had also targeted Coinbase and Gemini users in mid-March, reportedly deceiving some individuals into sending cryptocurrency to attacker-controlled addresses, resulting in the permanent loss of their funds. Users should remain vigilant against unsolicited messages asking for sensitive information or requesting fund transfers. Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. The article does not constitute financial advice or advice of any kind. Coin Edition is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of the utilization of content, products, or services mentioned. Readers are advised to exercise caution before taking any action related to the company.
    Saylor’s Strategy Now Owns 84% of Top 10 Public Companies’ Bitcoin Holdings
    Bitcoin adoption among public companies reached new levels in early 2025, with a growing number choosing the cryptocurrency as a core treasury reserve asset. And still, Saylor’s Strategy (formerly known as MicroStrategy) holds a commanding lead in this trend, according to data compiled by Coingecko and shared on March 27. The business intelligence firm holds a staggering 506,137 BTC, worth over $44.2 billion at current prices (near $87k/BTC.) Strategy Inc.’s Bitcoin position is substantial by multiple measures. Its holdings represent roughly 2.5% of Bitcoin’s entire current circulating supply. These holdings also account for nearly 84% of the combined Bitcoin reserves held just by the top 10 publicly traded corporate holders . The company, heavily influenced by Executive Chairman Michael Saylor’s Bitcoin advocacy, aggressively built this position through calculated debt offerings and equity sales starting in 2020. Only one modest sale of 704 BTC, reported in December 2022, was conducted, primarily for tax optimization purposes. This sheer scale places Strategy Inc. in a league of its own among corporate Bitcoin accumulators. Beyond Strategy Inc., Bitcoin mining firms represent another major category of corporate BTC holders. Companies like Marathon Digital (currently holding ~26,842 BTC) and Galaxy Digital (~15,449 BTC) benefit directly from holding the asset they produce. They mine Bitcoin at operational costs significantly below its market value. This model allows them to build substantial asset reserves without the typical capital expenditure required for direct market purchases. As mining hardware and energy efficiency improve over time, this approach can become even more profitable, strengthening their balance sheets. Hut 8 Mining is also frequently cited among significant miner holders. Related: Build a Lower-Risk Crypto Portfolio: Allocation Strategy Detailed Several non-mining public companies have also emerged as key Bitcoin holders, demonstrating diverse motivations. Block Inc. (formerly Square) holds around 8,038 BTC (worth ~$702M), reflecting its early entry and continued conviction in the asset. Tesla, despite selling a portion of its initial purchase in 2022, still maintains 11,509 BTC on its balance sheet. Coinbase, as a leading crypto-native exchange, naturally holds about 9,183 BTC for operational and reserve needs. Additionally, newer entrants signal potentially broadening corporate adoption. Tokyo-based investment firm Metaplanet, for instance, has aggressively accumulated 2,888 BTC , drawing some comparisons to Strategy Inc.’s approach. Related: Metaplanet, ‘Asia’s MicroStrategy,’ Boosts Bitcoin Holdings to 400 BTC Video platform Rumble Inc. also made headlines by purchasing 188 BTC as part of its stated digital transformation strategy. This growing wave of diverse corporate interest suggests Bitcoin is becoming increasingly embedded within modern corporate finance considerations. Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is for informational and educational purposes only. The article does not constitute financial advice or advice of any kind. Coin Edition is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of the utilization of content, products, or services mentioned. Readers are advised to exercise caution before taking any action related to the company.


    在所有 Bitget 資產中,這8種資產的市值最接近 Harmony。