Eslatma: Ushbu veb-sayt loyiha ishqibozlari tomonidan yaratilgan. Veb-saytdagi ma'lumotlar loyiha hamjamiyatidan olingan ma'lumotlar va yangiliklar asosida to'planadi va tuziladi. Uning asosiy maqsadi manfaatdor tomonlarga loyihani yaxshiroq tushunishga yordam berishdir va hech qanday sarmoyaviy maslahat emas. Tashqi havolalarga kirish xavfini baholaganingizga ishonch hosil qiling. Uchinchi tomon veb-saytlari Bitget veb-saytiga aloqasi yo'q.



$SLERF The new sloth on the block. 100% in the LP and circulation NO TEAM TOKENS CA: 7BgBvyjrZX1YKz4oh9mjb8ZScatkkwb8DzFx7LoiVkM3

Ijtimoiy tarmoq
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Kripto birja yoki hamyon orqali SLERF dollar sotib oling

Buy $SLERF on Bitget ExchangeBuy $SLERF on OrcaBuy $SLERF on Raydium

$SLERF nima

$Slerf emerged with a vision to be a fun and engaging meme coin, brimming with exciting content to propel its journey forward. However, on launch day, disaster struck when a major mishap resulted in the accidental burning of $10 million worth of $Slerf tokens, intended for distribution among 25,000 trusting presale buyers.

In response to this unforeseen turn of events, $Slerf's Dev, overwhelmed with dismay and confusion, swiftly convened an X Space session to address the situation and answer questions with complete and total transparency. This act of accountability not only unified the community but also attracted widespread attention from influential figures within the ecosystem.

In the immediate aftermath of its launch, $Slerf rocketed to an all-time high market cap of $750million within a few hours. Impressively, the day 1 24-hour trading volume surged close to $2.5billion, surpassing even the likes of ETH and USDC in trading volume.

Renowned artist Beeple and other influential personalities within the crypto space took notice of $Slerf's plight, with many extending their support and encouragement. Also, major news agencies and media outlets covered the situation, amplifying $Slerf's story and thrusting it into the forefront of the crypto world.

Amidst the outpouring of support and attention, $Slerf's team, in collaboration with LBank, one of the most prominent exchanges, wasted no time in springing into action. They swiftly established a community donation fund to address the losses incurred by the presale buyers, with the unwavering intent on ensuring their reimbursement. This initiative, fueled by the unity and resilience of the community, marked a pivotal moment in $Slerf's journey.

Despite the initial setback, $Slerf found itself buoyed by the overwhelming support of both the community and influential figures in the ecosystem. Together, they embarked on a journey of transforming adversity into an opportunity for growth. With the collective effort and unwavering dedication of its supporters, $Slerf stands on the brink of becoming the foremost meme token of all time.

As $Slerf continues its journey, the tale of its rise from setback to success is far from over, promising new chapters and achievements yet to come… Slerf is werf.To be continued...

$SLERF ni kim va qachon joylashtirgan

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Birja orqali $SLERF tokenni qanday sotib olish mumkin

Birja orqali $SLERF tokenni qanday sotib olish mumkin - Birja hisobini yarating

Birja hisobini yarating

Bitget ilovasini yoki siz tanlagan birja ilovasini App Store yoki Google Play do'konidan bepul yuklab oling. Ish stoli foydalanuvchilari saytiga borishlari, Bitgetda elektron pochta manzillari/mobil telefon raqamlari bilan ro'yxatdan o'tishlari va hisoblarini himoya qilish uchun kuchli parol yaratishlari mumkin.

Birja orqali $SLERF tokenni qanday sotib olish mumkin - Hisobingizni tasdiqlang

Hisobingizni tasdiqlang

Shaxsiy ma'lumotlaringizni to'ldirib va haqiqiy fotosuratli shaxsni tasdiqlovchi hujjatni yuklab, shaxsingizni tasdiqlang. Bitget hisobingizni tasdiqlaganingizdan so'ng kredit/debet karta yoki bank hisobini qo'shing.

Birja orqali $SLERF tokenni qanday sotib olish mumkin - Bir oz USDT oling

Bir oz USDT oling

$SLERF hisobiga o'tish uchun hisobingizda USDTni ushlab turing. Agar sizda USDT bo'lmasa, siz to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kredit/debet karta/bank hisobvarag'i orqali tez xarid qilish orqali xarid qilishingiz yoki hamyoningizdan USDT to'lashingiz mumkin.

Birja orqali $SLERF tokenni qanday sotib olish mumkin - USDTni $SLERFga almashtiring

USDTni $SLERFga almashtiring

Spot bozorga boring va USDTni $SLERF ga almashtiring.

Hamyon orqali Solana meme coins $SLERF tokenini qanday sotib olish mumkin

Hamyon orqali Solana meme coins $SLERF tokenini qanday sotib olish mumkin - Hamyon yaratish

Hamyon yaratish

Bitget Wallet yoki o'zingiz tanlagan hamyonni App Store yoki Google Play do'konidan bepul yuklab oling. Ish stoli foydalanuvchilari Google Chrome kengaytmasini saytidan yuklab olishlari mumkin.

Hamyon orqali Solana meme coins $SLERF tokenini qanday sotib olish mumkin - Bir qancha SOL oling

Bir qancha SOL oling

$SLERF ga o'tish uchun Bitget hamyoningizda SOL bo'lsin. Agar sizda SOL bo'lmasa, Bitget hamyoningiz orqali to'g'ridan-to'g'ri sotib olishingiz, bir qismini boshqa hamyondan o'tkazishingiz yoki Bitget birjasidan bir qismini sotib olib, hamyoningizga o'tkazishingiz mumkin.

Hamyon orqali Solana meme coins $SLERF tokenini qanday sotib olish mumkin - Raydium ga o'ting

Raydium ga o'ting

Raydium ga ulaning. Google Chrome brauzerida yoki Bitget Wallet ilovasi ichidagi brauzerda Raydium sahifasiga o'ting. Hamyoningizni ulang. $SLERF token manzilini Raydium ichiga joylashtiring, $SLERF ni tanlang va tasdiqlang. Bitget Wallet hamyonni imzolashingizni so'raganda imzoingizni kiriting.

Hamyon orqali Solana meme coins $SLERF tokenini qanday sotib olish mumkin - SOL ni $SLERF ga almashtiring

SOL ni $SLERF ga almashtiring

SOL ni $SLERF ga o'zgartiring. Keyin Bitget hamyoningizda $SLERF-ni ko'rishingiz mumkin.

$SLERF tokenomika

Token ta'minoti



$SLERF tokenomika

$SLERF yo'l xaritasi

$SLERF yo'l xaritasi image 1
$SLERF is going to become a 100 Billion-Dollar meme token. The community is talking about already trying to form businesses, merch shops, partnerships, and more to really solidify SLERF as a global brand.
$SLERF yo'l xaritasi image 2