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Prix de APY Vision

Prix de APY VisionVISION

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Que pensez-vous de APY Vision aujourd'hui ?

Remarque : ces informations sont données à titre indicatif.

Prix de APY Vision aujourd'hui

Le prix en temps réel de APY Vision est de $0.1930 (VISION/USD) aujourd'hui, avec une capitalisation boursière de $0.00 USD. Le volume de trading sur 24 heures est de $0.00 USD. Le prix de VISION à USD est mis à jour en temps réel. La variation de APY Vision est de 0.00% durant les dernières 24 heures. Son offre en circulation est de 0 .

Quel est le prix le plus élevé de VISION ?

VISION a atteint un record historique (ATH) de $31.35, enregistré le 2021-11-16.

Quel est le prix le plus bas de VISION ?

VISION a un plus bas niveau historique (ATL) de $0.00, enregistré le 2021-11-16.
Calculer le profit pour APY Vision

Prédiction de prix de APY Vision

Quel sera le prix de VISION en 2025 ?

En se basant sur le modèle de prédiction des performances historiques de VISION, le prix de VISION devrait atteindre $0.3275 en 2025.

Quel sera le prix de VISION en 2030 ?

En 2030, VISION devrait voir son prix augmenter de -17.00%. D'ici la fin de l'année 2030, VISION devrait voir son prix atteindre $0.5748, avec un ROI cumulé de +197.87%.

Historique des prix de APY Vision (USD)

Le prix de APY Vision enregistre -38.89% sur un an. Le prix le plus élevé de en USD au cours de l'année écoulée est de $0.5068 et le prix le plus bas de en USD au cours de l'année écoulée est de $0.1930.
HeureVariation de prix (%)Variation de prix (%)Prix le plus basLe prix le plus bas de {0} au cours de la période correspondante.Prix le plus élevé Prix le plus élevé
Tous les temps0.00%--(2021-11-16, il y a 3an(s) )$31.35(2021-11-16, il y a 3an(s) )

Données de marché de APY Vision

Capitalisation boursière
Capitalisation boursière entièrement diluée
Volume (24h)
Classement du marché
Taux de circulation
Vol. (24h) / Cap. boursière
Offre en circulation
Offre totale / Offre maximale
5,000,000 VISION
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Notes APY Vision

Note moyenne de la communauté
100 notes
Ce contenu est uniquement destiné à des fins d'information.

À propos de APY Vision (VISION)

Les crypto-monnaies offrent un large éventail d'options d'investissement pour les investisseurs intéressés à tirer profit de leurs placements. L'une de ces options est l'APY Vision, une crypto-monnaie relativement nouvelle qui est rapidement devenue populaire parmi les investisseurs. L'APY Vision est un jeton qui a été créé pour résoudre les problèmes liés à l'investissement dans les programmes de récompenses APY. L'APY Vision est basé sur la blockchain de Binance Smart Chain, qui offre une plate-forme décentralisée pour des transactions transparentes et sécurisées. Il utilise un système de distribution de jetons unique pour récompenser les détenteurs d'APY Vision. Les titulaires d'APY Vision peuvent gagner des récompenses passives simplement en détenant des jetons APY Vision dans leur portefeuille. L'avantage de l'APY Vision est qu'il offre une solution aux problèmes fréquents que les détenteurs de tokens rencontrent avec d'autres programmes de récompenses, tels que le manque de transparence et la difficulté à convertir les jetons en liquidités. L'APY Vision offre également un rendement attractif pour les investisseurs, ce qui ajoute à sa popularité. L'APY Vision est disponible sur différentes plateformes d'échange de crypto-monnaies, où les investisseurs peuvent l'acheter et le détenir. Les investisseurs peuvent également maximiser leurs bénéfices en participant à des pools de liquidités pour augmenter la rentabilité de leur investissement. En conclusion, l'APY Vision est une crypto-monnaie innovante qui offre une solution aux problèmes fréquents rencontrés par les investisseurs dans les programmes de récompenses. Cette crypto-monnaie offre des récompenses passives aux investisseurs qui détiennent des jetons APY Vision, ainsi qu'un rendement élevé. L'APY Vision est une crypto-monnaie qui mérite votre attention si vous cherchez un investissement rentable et sûr.

Comment acheter APY Vision(VISION)

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Lien de partage:Clause de non-responsabilité. Les informations fournies ne sont pas des conseils commerciaux. décline toute responsabilité pour les investissements effectués sur la base des informations fournies sur cette page. Nous tron vivement dent recherches indépendantes et/ou de consulter un professionnel qualifié avant de prendre toute décision d'investissement.

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Lien de partage:Clause de non-responsabilité. Les informations fournies ne sont pas des conseils commerciaux. décline toute responsabilité pour les investissements effectués sur la base des informations fournies sur cette page. Nous tron vivement dent recherches indépendantes et/ou de consulter un professionnel qualifié avant de prendre toute décision d'investissement.

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Lien de partage:Clause de non-responsabilité. Les informations fournies ne sont pas des conseils commerciaux. décline toute responsabilité pour les investissements effectués sur la base des informations fournies sur cette page. Nous tron vivement dent recherches indépendantes et/ou de consulter un professionnel qualifié avant de prendre toute décision d'investissement.

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Lien de partage:Clause de non-responsabilité. Les informations fournies ne sont pas des conseils commerciaux. décline toute responsabilité pour les investissements effectués sur la base des informations fournies sur cette page. Nous tron vivement dent recherches indépendantes et/ou de consulter un professionnel qualifié avant de prendre toute décision d'investissement.

Cryptopolitan2024-06-17 18:52
Plus de mises à jour APY Vision


Quel est le prix actuel de APY Vision ?

Le prix en temps réel de APY Vision est $0.19 (VISION/USD) avec une capitalisation actuelle de $0 USD. La valeur de APY Vision connaît des fluctuations fréquentes en raison de l'activité continue, 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, du marché des cryptomonnaies. Le prix en temps réel de APY Vision et ses données historiques sont disponibles sur Bitget.

Quel est le volume de trading sur 24 heures de APY Vision ?

Au cours des dernières 24 heures, le volume de trading de APY Vision est de $0.00.

Quel est le record historique de APY Vision ?

Le record historique de APY Vision est de $31.35. Il s'agit du prix le plus élevé de APY Vision depuis son lancement.

Puis-je acheter APY Vision sur Bitget ?

Oui, l'achat de APY Vision est actuellement disponible sur la plateforme d'échange centralisée Bitget. Pour des instructions plus détaillées, pensez à consulter notre guide pratique Comment acheter .

Puis-je gagner des revenus réguliers en investissant dans APY Vision ?

Bien entendu, Bitget fournit une plateforme de trading de stratégie, avec des bots de trading intelligents permettant d'automatiser vos trades et d'engranger des bénéfices.

Où puis-je acheter des APY Vision au meilleur prix ?

Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer que plateforme de trading de stratégie est désormais disponible sur la plateforme d'échange Bitget. Bitget offre les frais de trading les plus bas du secteur ainsi qu'une profondeur importante afin d'assurer des investissements rentables aux traders.

Où puis-je acheter APY Vision (VISION) ?

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Les investissements en cryptomonnaies, y compris l'achat de APY Vision en ligne sur Bitget, sont soumis au risque du marché. Bitget fournit des moyens faciles et pratiques pour vous d'acheter des APY Vision, et nous faisons de notre mieux pour informer pleinement nos utilisateurs sur chaque cryptomonnaie que nous offrons sur la plateforme d'échange. Toutefois, nous ne sommes pas responsables des résultats qui pourraient découler de votre achat de APY Vision. Cette page et toute information qui s'y trouve ne constituent pas une recommandation d'une quelconque cryptomonnaie.




1 VISION = 0.1930 USD
Bitget offre les frais de trading les plus bas parmi les principales plateformes d'échange. Plus votre niveau VIP est élevé, plus les frais sont avantageux.

Pages liées à VISION

APY Vision WebsiteAPY Vision WhitepaperAPY Vision TwitterAPY Vision Github

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Elon Musk has proposed "Terminus" as the name for the first city on Mars, reflecting his vision of establishing a self-sustaining human settlement on the planet. This idea aligns with SpaceX's ambitious plans to transport materials and people to Mars using its Starship rocket, which is currently undergoing testing to ensure its viability for interplanetary travel 1 6 .Terminus symbolizes a new frontier for humanity, echoing themes from science fiction, particularly Isaac Asimov's works, where it serves as a metaphor for human advancement and exploration 2 4 . The concept has also inspired a meme coin named TERMINUS, which has gained significant traction in the cryptocurrency market, highlighting Musk's influence in both space exploration and digital finance 3 4 .As SpaceX continues to refine Starship technology, the dream of Mars colonization remains an exciting prospect for future generations.
2024/11/13 17:21
JUST IN: Senator Lummis Announces Push for the Bitcoin Act Within the First 100 Days of the Trump Administration In a significant development for the cryptocurrency market, U.S. Senator Cynthia Lummis has announced that she and her allies are aiming to pass the highly anticipated Bitcoin Act within the first 100 days of the Trump Administration. The announcement comes as part of a broader effort to establish clear regulatory guidelines for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the United States. The Bitcoin Act: What Does It Mean for Bitcoin? The Bitcoin Act is set to provide a framework for the legal recognition of Bitcoin as a legitimate asset class in the U.S., potentially transforming the way digital currencies are treated by government agencies and financial institutions. Senator Lummis, a long-time advocate of cryptocurrency, has been at the forefront of efforts to bring clarity to the regulatory landscape surrounding Bitcoin and its peers. The proposed legislation seeks to achieve several key goals: Clear Legal Framework: The Bitcoin Act aims to define the legal status of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, providing regulatory clarity that has been lacking in the past. This could help both individual investors and institutional players navigate the crypto space with more confidence. Taxation Guidelines: The Act would likely propose specific tax treatments for Bitcoin transactions, creating a standardized approach that avoids the current confusion surrounding how crypto gains are taxed. Support for Crypto Innovation: The bill would encourage innovation by providing protections for blockchain-based businesses and projects, ensuring they can operate in a clear and supportive regulatory environment. The Impact of the Trump Administration The potential passing of the Bitcoin Act within the first 100 days of a second Trump presidency has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency community. Trump’s prior presidency saw increasing attention on cryptocurrencies, with notable figures like Elon Musk and others pushing for greater integration of blockchain technology into traditional financial systems. If the Bitcoin Act is successfully passed, it could signal a new era for digital assets in the U.S., with Bitcoin emerging as a more widely accepted and regulated asset. This would provide legitimacy for Bitcoin as a store of value and possibly pave the way for greater institutional adoption. Why This Matters to Bitcoin (BTC) Investors The news of the Bitcoin Act's potential passage is already having an impact on Bitcoin’s (BTC) price. Investors are reacting positively to the prospect of clearer regulations and greater mainstream acceptance. With a clear legal framework in place, Bitcoin could see an influx of institutional investors and traditional financial institutions looking to integrate cryptocurrency into their portfolios and services. Additionally, widespread regulatory clarity could foster greater confidence in Bitcoin as a long-term store of value, similar to how gold is viewed in traditional markets. As Bitcoin continues to be seen as a hedge against inflation and a safe haven asset, the potential for broader adoption could see its value increase over time. Senator Lummis’s Influence and Support Senator Lummis, known as one of the most vocal proponents of Bitcoin in Congress, has made it clear that she intends to push for the Bitcoin Act with the backing of key lawmakers, especially in the wake of a Trump victory. Lummis has long been an advocate for blockchain technology and has positioned herself as a key figure in championing the cryptocurrency cause on Capitol Hill. Her efforts align with Trump's broader economic vision of embracing innovation and cutting-edge technologies. During his presidency, Trump expressed interest in digital currencies, though the regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies remained ambiguous. A Trump-led administration, in combination with Lummis's legislative push, could be the catalyst needed to push cryptocurrency regulation into the mainstream. Conclusion If the Bitcoin Act passes in the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, it would mark a landmark achievement for the cryptocurrency space, especially for Bitcoin (BTC). Clear legal and regulatory guidelines could dramatically reshape the U.S. financial landscape, allowing cryptocurrencies to thrive within a more defined framework. Investors and enthusiasts alike are eagerly awaiting further developments as the possibility of this groundbreaking legislation grows ever closer. As this legislation takes shape, Bitcoin’s role as both a store of value and an emerging asset class could see further validation and expansion, setting the stage for a more robust and regulated crypto market.
2024/11/12 10:33
Achain’s Early Ambitions: A Look Back at the 2017 Launch and Its Vision for Decentralized Developmen
In the world of blockchain technology, 2017 was a pivotal year that saw the emergence of numerous projects attempting to tackle the challenges of scalability, interoperability, and decentralized application (dApp) development. One such project that aimed to carve out its niche was Achain, a blockchain platform that sought to provide a scalable infrastructure for the development and execution of decentralized applications (dApps). Achain’s vision, launched during the height of the ICO boom in 2017, was ambitious: to create a blockchain ecosystem capable of high-performance smart contracts and cross-chain interoperability, empowering developers to build decentralized solutions without limitations. The Vision Behind Achain Achain was founded by Achain Foundation, which sought to address key pain points that many of the existing blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, struggled with, particularly in terms of scalability and cost-efficiency. The platform’s primary goals were: Scalability: Achain was designed to handle a high volume of transactions and dApps, focusing on increasing the throughput of the blockchain while minimizing transaction fees. Interoperability: One of Achain’s distinguishing features was its ambition to create an ecosystem where different blockchains could communicate and interact with each other seamlessly, a feature that would later become a critical component of the broader blockchain space. Decentralized Development: Achain also aimed to democratize blockchain development by enabling developers to build applications on its blockchain with minimal barriers to entry, providing an accessible platform for both experienced developers and newcomers. The ultimate goal was to create a robust, flexible ecosystem for decentralized applications that could scale to support millions of users without compromising security or decentralization. Achain’s 2017 ICO: The Rise of an Ambitious Blockchain In 2017, during the height of the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) boom, Achain launched its own ICO to raise funds for the development of its blockchain project. At the time, Achain was positioned as a strong competitor to Ethereum, which was the dominant platform for smart contracts and dApp development. The ICO was relatively successful, with Achain raising $15 million and securing its place among the top blockchain projects during the 2017 crypto bull market. Investors were drawn to Achain's promise of scalability and its ability to support a wide range of decentralized applications. The platform’s native cryptocurrency, ACT, was launched as part of the ICO and became the utility token for Achain’s ecosystem, enabling users to participate in the network, pay transaction fees, and engage with dApps. Key Features and Innovations Achain introduced several features that set it apart from other blockchain projects at the time: 1. Forking Mechanism: Achain’s unique forking mechanism allowed developers to create their own customized blockchains. This gave rise to a more flexible ecosystem where different projects could tailor the blockchain to their specific needs while still benefiting from the security and scalability of the Achain network. This approach to forking was aimed at fostering innovation and decentralization, offering developers a platform to build and deploy new blockchain projects without needing to start from scratch. 2. Smart Contracts: Similar to Ethereum, Achain supported smart contracts but focused on enhancing their performance. The platform offered an environment where developers could create decentralized applications using its smart contract functionality, promising lower transaction fees and faster execution times compared to Ethereum’s network. 3. Cross-Chain Interoperability: Achain was also one of the early blockchain projects to emphasize cross-chain interoperability. The goal was to allow different blockchains to communicate with each other, enabling assets and data to flow seamlessly between disparate networks. This vision was ahead of its time, as interoperability would later become one of the key areas of focus in the broader blockchain ecosystem. 4. Achain Blockchain Explorer and Developer Tools: Achain also developed a set of tools for developers, including the Achain Blockchain Explorer and an SDK (software development kit) to help facilitate the creation of dApps. These resources were designed to make it easier for developers to build, test, and deploy their applications within the Achain ecosystem. Achain’s Challenges and Market Realities Despite its early promise and ambitions, Achain faced several challenges that prevented it from becoming a dominant force in the blockchain space: 1. Competition from Ethereum and Others: In 2017, Ethereum was the clear leader in smart contract and dApp development, with a well-established ecosystem and a large developer base. Other blockchain platforms, such as EOS, NEO, and TRON, also emerged with similar goals of scalability and decentralized application development. As a result, Achain struggled to differentiate itself in a crowded and competitive market. 2. Scalability Issues: Although Achain’s focus on scalability was one of its core selling points, it faced significant challenges in achieving the level of performance promised in its whitepaper. While the platform supported fast transaction processing, it never quite reached the scale needed to compete with larger, more established blockchain networks. 3. Market Downturn: Like many other projects that launched during the 2017 ICO boom, Achain was affected by the downturn in the cryptocurrency market that followed in 2018. The sharp drop in cryptocurrency prices and the tightening of regulations around ICOs led to a decrease in investor interest and funding for many projects, including Achain. 4. Evolving Industry Landscape: The blockchain space has evolved rapidly since Achain’s 2017 launch. Newer projects focusing on layer-2 solutions, sharding, and proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms have risen to prominence, often offering more scalable and energy-efficient alternatives to traditional blockchain systems like Achain. Achain Today: Evolving with the Blockchain Ecosystem Despite the challenges it has faced, Achain has not disappeared from the blockchain landscape. The project has continued to evolve, focusing on enhancing its scalability and interoperability features. However, it has struggled to maintain the same level of visibility and market momentum as some of its competitors. In recent years, the team behind Achain has turned its focus to integrating enterprise-level solutions and leveraging hybrid blockchain models to cater to both public and private sectors. While it may not have achieved the widespread adoption it once envisioned, Achain remains an example of the early ambitions that helped shape the blockchain ecosystem and its future direction. Conclusion: Achain’s Legacy and Vision for Decentralized Development Achain’s 2017 launch was an ambitious attempt to create a scalable, interoperable blockchain ecosystem for decentralized application development. Although the project faced significant competition and challenges in its early years, Achain’s vision of democratizing blockchain development and enabling cross-chain interoperability was ahead of its time. The lessons learned from Achain’s journey highlight the complexities of building scalable blockchain solutions and the need for constant innovation in an industry that evolves at a rapid pace. While Achain may not have become the dominant force it initially aspired to be, its early ambition and contributions to the blockchain space continue to influence the way developers approach decentralized systems today. Its legacy lives on in the ongoing quest for better scalability, seamless interoperability, and more accessible blockchain development for all.

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