Bitget Wallet Token(BWB) | Bitget Launchpad

Bitget Wallet is the ultimate Web3 multi-chain wallet, offering a comprehensive platform that includes wallet, Swap, NFT Market, DApp Browser, and Launchpad features.
Total supply10,000,000 BWB
Number of participants52,257
Promotion period

Project timeline



Commitment phase


Distribution phase


Distribution ends


10d0024b93a70ef8562ae11ae5bc1184Commit BGB
Supply5,000,000 BWB
Total committed80,828,403.98 BGB
Subscription hard cap50,000 BWB
My commitment limit (average holdings)0 BGB
My commitment0 BGB
My share0 BWB
fcfda5844dcb17d3416221e202dd1266Commit USDT
Supply5,000,000 BWB
Total committed435,590,912.81 USDT
Subscription hard cap25,000 BWB
My commitment limit (average holdings)0 USDT
My commitment0 USDT
My share0 BWB

Project Details

Project Introduction
Bitget Wallet is the ultimate Web3 multi-chain wallet, offering a comprehensive platform that includes wallet, Swap, NFT Market, DApp Browser, and Launchpad features. Supporting over 100 public chains, such as Ethereum, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Polygon, and Avalanche, Bitget Wallet aggregates top DEXes and NFT marketplaces to provide traders with the best trading prices.
Launchpad details
  • Token
  • Total BWB supply
    1,000,000,000 BWB
  • Launchpad pool for BGB holders
    5,000,000 BWB
  • Launchpad pool for USDT holders
    5,000,000 BWB
  • Exchange rate
    1 BWB = $0.15 (BGB swap price will be announced after the holding calculation period ends)
  • Individual cap for BGB holders
    50,000 BWB (1% of the pool)
  • Individual cap for USDT holders
    25,000 BWB (0.5% of the pool)