Account & Security

How to Close an Account

2024-03-29 09:016860

For users who no longer uses our service, Bitget introduces a self-service feature which allows users to terminate its account within 24 hours.

Here's the step-by-step procedures to close your account on Bitget web.

Step 1: Go to [Dashboard] and click to [My Profile].

Step 2: Scroll down your page on [My Profile] and there will be an option: [Close Account].

Step 3: Next, choose [Cancel Account] to proceed.

Important Note: Before you cancel your account, make sure that:

  • There is no available assets (crypto & fiat currencies) in any of your account (spot, Futures, funding, isolated margin & cross margin) that are worth more than 5 USDT in value.
  • Any existing Futures/grid/strategy positions must be closed.
  • No subscription of Bitget Earn (saving, staking, launchpad, dual-investment, launch pool and etc).
  • No funds is being transferred to web3 (also know as Bitget Swap)

Step 4: Agrees on the terms & condition / disclaimer before you continue to [Cancel Account].

Step 5: Enter your password and security verification.

Step 6: You will not be able to cancel your account if you still have balance of assets in your account. Please refer to the Important Note from [Step 3] and make sure all funds/assets are being transferred/withdrawn out from your Bitget account before deleting it.

Once you have submitted your request, the review will take within 24 hours and your Bitget account will be permanently disabled.

Additional notes after an account is deleted:

  • All trading and login functions are no longer accessible.
  • All API private keys in your account will be disabled.
  • All authorised devices will be removed.
  • The verified identity information will be deleted.
  • No rewards will be distributed to your account.

