Application for listing
Bitget prioritizes projects with strong innovation, network effects, and ecosystem value.

Application process

Application submission
Asset issuers begin the process by providing detailed information about their asset through the listing application portal.

Evaluation process
Bitget reviews the submitted details to ensure the asset complies with the necessary legal, compliance, and technical security standards.

Discussion & review
Bitget collaborates with the asset issuer to finalize agreements related to the launch plan, marketing, and listing procedures.

Listing approval
The asset will be officially listed on the exchange after approval and successful platform integration.
*There are no additional charges associated with listing on Bitget, including brokerage, application, evaluation fees, etc.
Post-listing monitoring
- To ensure high standards across our platform, Bitget continuously monitors projects after listing. We work with external partners and professionals to evaluate the ongoing performance of listed tokens. This process helps maintain a secure, transparent, and valuable trading environment.
- Bitget also conducts regular assessments based on various quantitative and qualitative factors. These evaluations ensure that all listed assets continue to meet our listing standards and provide value to our users.
- Our goal is to provide the best possible trading experience by upholding integrity and protecting investors within the blockchain ecosystem.
Beware of scams
- Bitget does not collaborate with any external agencies for token listings.
- To protect yourself, always verify any communications directly through our official verification page.
- Be cautious of individuals impersonating Bitget staff on platforms such as email, X, Telegram, WhatsApp, or WeChat.
Reporting misconduct and ethical standards
- At Bitget, we are committed to fostering a culture of transparency and fairness. Our listing team adheres to strict ethical standards to maintain the integrity of the listing process.
- If you encounter any actions or behaviors that seem inconsistent with these values, such as unethical practices or potential conflicts of interest, we encourage you to let us know. Reporting these matters helps us uphold our commitment to a fair and equitable environment for all projects.
- We take every report seriously and ensure that appropriate action is taken. You can report any concerns by contacting us at or reaching out to our management team directly.