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Order Channel


Get order information. Initial subscriptions will not trigger any push notifications.

Data will be pushed when the following events occurred:

  1. Place orders
  2. Orders are filled
  3. Cancel orders
  4. Modify orders
Request Example
"op": "subscribe",
"args": [
"instType": "SPOT",
"channel": "orders",
"instId": "BTCUSDT"

Request Parameters

opStringYesOperation, subscribe unsubscribe
argsList<Object>YesList of channels to request subscription
> instTypeStringYesProduct line type
> channelStringYesChannel name
> instIdStringYesProduct ID, e.g. ETHUSDT
default:subscribe all symbols
Response Example
"event": "subscribe",
"arg": {
"instType": "SPOT",
"channel": "orders",
"instId": "BTCUSDT"

Response Parameters

argObjectSubscribed channels
> instTypeStringProduct type
> channelStringChannel name
> instIdStringProduct ID, e.g. ETHUSDT
codeStringError code, returned only on error
msgStringError message
Push Data
"action": "snapshot",
"arg": {
"instType": "SPOT",
"channel": "orders",
"instId": "BTCUSDT"
"data": [
"instId": "BTCUSDT",
"orderId": "1",
"clientOid": "1",
"size": "8.0000",
"newSize": "500.0000",
"notional": "8.000000",
"orderType": "market",
"force": "gtc",
"side": "buy",
"fillPrice": "26256.0",
"tradeId": "1",
"baseVolume": "0.0003",
"fillTime": "1695797773286",
"fillFee": "-0.00000018",
"fillFeeCoin": "BTC",
"tradeScope": "T",
"accBaseVolume": "0.0003",
"priceAvg": "26256.0",
"status": "partially_filled",
"cTime": "1695797773257",
"uTime": "1695797773326",
"stpMode": "cancel_taker",
"feeDetail": [
"feeCoin": "BTC",
"fee": "-0.00000018"
"enterPointSource": "WEB"
"ts": 1695797773370

Push Parameters

argObjectChannels with successful subscription
> instTypeStringProduct type
> channelStringChannel name
> instIdStringYes
actionStringPush data action, snapshot or update
dataList<Object>Subscription data
> instIdStringProduct ID, e.g. ETHUSDT
> orderIdStringOrder ID
> clientOidStringCustomized order ID
> priceStringOrder price
> sizeStringOrder amount
when side=buy, it represents the amount of quote coin;
when side=sell, it represents the amount of base coin.
> newSizeStringnewSize represents the order quantity, following the specified rules:
when orderType=limit, newSize represents the quantity of base coin,
when orderType=marketandside=buy, newSize represents the quantity of quote coin,
when orderType=marketandside=sell, newSize represents the quantity of base coin.
> notionalStringBuy amount, returned when buying at market price
> ordTypeStringOrder type, market: market order. Limit: limit order
> forceStringOrder validity, GTC: normal limit order, good till canceled. post_only Post only. FOK: Fill or kill. IOC: Immediate or cancel.
> sideStringOrder direction
> fillPriceStringLatest filled price
> tradeIdStringLatest transaction ID
> baseVolumeStringNumber of latest filled orders
> fillTimeStringLatest transaction time
> fillFeeStringTransaction fee of the latest transaction, negative value
> fillFeeCoinStringCurrency of transaction fee of the latest transaction
> tradeScopeStringDirection of liquidity of the latest transaction
> accBaseVolumeStringTotal filled quantity
> priceAvgStringTotal average filled price. If the filled orders are 0, the field is 0.
> statusStringOrder status
live:new order;
partially_filled:partially filled;
filled:full filled;
cancelled: cancelled;
> enterPointSourceStringOrder source
> feeDetailList<Object>transaction fee list
>> feeCoinStringTransaction fee currency
>> feeStringOrder transaction fee, the transaction fee charged by the platform from the user.
> cTimeStringOrder creation time, milliseconds format of Unix timestamp, e.g.1630410492847
> uTimeStringOrder Update time, milliseconds format of Unix timestamp, e.g.1630410492847
> stpModeStringSTP Mode
none not setting STP
cancel_taker cancel taker order
cancel_maker cancel maker order
cancel_both cancel both of taker and maker orders

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