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Get MainSub Transfer Record

Rate limit: 20 req/sec/UID


Get transfer record

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/spot/account/sub-main-trans-record
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameters

coinStringNoToken name
roleStringNoTransfer out type(default:initiator)
initiator initiator
receiver receiver
subUidStringNoSub-account UID
If empty, it only query the records that transfer from main account
startTimeStringNoThe start time of the billing history, i.e., getting the billing history after that timestamp
Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
endTimeStringNoThe end time of the billing history, i.e., getting the billing history before that timestamp
Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
The interval between startTime and endTime must not exceed 90 days.
clientOidStringNoOrder ID customized by user
limitStringNoNumber of results returned: Default: 100, maximum 100
idLessThanStringNoRequests the content on the page before this ID (older data), the value input should be the transferId of the corresponding interface.
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1700556280430,
"data": [
"coin": "USDT",
"status": "Successful",
"toType": "usdt_futures",
"fromType": "spot",
"size": "1020.00000000",
"ts": "1691476360467",
"clientOid": "1072695092616896512",
"transferId": "19413182",
"fromUserId": "1816709347",
"toUserId": "2868631835"

Response Parameters

coinStringToken name
statusStringStatus of transfer
Successful: Successful
Failed: Failed
Processing: Processing
toTypeStringRecipient account type
spot: Spot account
p2p: P2P account
coin_futures: Coin-M futures account
usdt_futures: USDT-M futures account
usdc_futures: USDC-M futures account
crossed_margin: Cross margin account
isolated_margin: Isolated margin account
fromTypeStringSender account type
spot: Spot account
p2p: P2P account
coin_futures: Coin-M futures account
usdt_futures: USDT-M futures account
usdc_futures: USDC-M futures account
crossed_margin: Cross margin account
isolated_margin: Isolated margin account
tsStringTransfer time, Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
clientOidStringOrder ID customized by user
transferIdStringTransfer order ID
fromUserIdStringthe user ID who initiate the trasnfer ID
toUserIdStringThe user ID who receive the trnasfer

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