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Get Pledge Rate History

Frequency limit: 10c/1s (UID)


Get pledge rate history

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/earn/loan/revise-history
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:your apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-SIGN:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameters

orderIdStringNoOrder ID
reviseSideStringNoRevise side
down: supplement collateral to turn down
up: withdraw collateral to turn up
pledgeCoinStringNoPledge (Collateral) coin
startTimeStringYesStart time, ms, only supports querying the data of the past three months
endTimeStringYesEnd time, ms
pageNoStringNopageNo default 1
pageSizeStringNopageSize default 10,max 100
Response example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1692436125845,
"data": [
"loanCoin": "ETH",
"pledgeCoin": "USDT",
"orderId": "1",
"reviseTime": "1692436102448",
"reviseSide": "down",
"reviseAmount": "10",
"afterPledgeRate": "64.75",
"beforePledgeRate": "65"

Response Parameters

loanCoinStringLoan coin
pledgeCoinStringPledge (Collateral) coin
orderIdStringOrder ID
reviseTimeStringAdjust time
reviseSideStringRevise side
down: supplement collateral to turn down
up: withdraw collateral to turn up
reviseAmountStringAdjustment quantity
afterPledgeRateStringPledge Rate Percentage after adjustment
beforePledgeRateStringPledge rate percentage before adjustment

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