Get All Positions
Rate limit: 5 requests/sec/UID
Returns information about all current positions with the given productType
HTTP Request
- GET /api/v2/mix/position/all-position
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
productType | String | Yes | Product typeUSDT-FUTURES USDT professional futuresCOIN-FUTURES Mixed futuresUSDC-FUTURES USDC professional futuresSUSDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures demoSCOIN-FUTURES Mixed futures demoSUSDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures demo |
marginCoin | String | No | Margin coin, capitalized. e.g. USDT |
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 21312312312321,
"data": [
"marginCoin": "USDT",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"holdSide": "long",
"openDelegateSize": "0.01",
"marginSize": "9.6695050093373343",
"available": "0.01",
"locked": "0.09",
"total": "0.01",
"leverage": "20",
"achievedProfits": "0",
"openPriceAvg": "25000",
"marginMode": "isolated",
"posMode": "hedge_mode",
"unrealizedPL": "1",
"liquidationPrice": "24144.1124161806977798",
"keepMarginRate": "0.004",
"markPrice": "25100",
"breakEvenPrice": "24778.97",
"totalFee": "1.45",
"deductedFee": "0.388",
"takeProfit": "3",
"stopLoss": "2",
"takeProfitId": "11111111",
"stopLossId": "11111111",
"marginRatio": "0.1082149545822005",
"cTime": "1691382137448",
"uTime": "1691382137999"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
>symbol | String | Trading pair name |
>marginCoin | String | Margin coin |
>holdSide | String | Position directionlong : long positionshort : short position |
>openDelegateSize | String | Amount to be filled of the current order (base coin) |
>marginSize | String | Margin amount (margin coin) |
>available | String | Available amount for positions (base currency) |
>locked | String | Frozen amount in the position (base currency) |
>total | String | Total amount of all positions (available amount + locked amount) |
>leverage | String | Leverage |
>achievedProfits | String | Realized PnL(exclude the funding fee and transaction fee) |
>openPriceAvg | String | Average entry price |
>marginMode | String | Margin modeisolated : isolated margincrossed : cross margin |
>posMode | String | Position modeone_way_mode positions in one-way modehedge_mode positions in hedge-mode |
>unrealizedPL | String | Unrealized PnL |
>liquidationPrice | String | Estimated liquidation price If the value <= 0, it means the position is at low risk and there is no liquidation price at this time |
>keepMarginRate | String | Tiered maintenance margin rate |
>markPrice | String | Mark price |
>marginRatio | String | Maintenance margin rate (MMR), 0.1 represents 10% |
>breakEvenPrice | String | Position breakeven price |
>totalFee | String | Funding fee, the accumulated value of funding fee during the position,The initial value is empty, indicating that no funding fee has been charged yet. |
>takeProfit | String | Take profit price |
>stopLoss | String | Stop loss price |
>takeProfitId | String | Take profit order ID |
>stopLossId | String | Stop loss order ID |
>deductedFee | String | Deducted transaction fees: transaction fees deducted during the position |
>cTime | String | Creation time, timestamp, milliseconds The set is in descending order from the latest time. |
>assetMode | String | single : single asset mode union multi-Assets mode |
>uTime | String | Last updated time, timestamp, milliseconds |