2024-05-10 08:00:00 ~ 2024-05-16 11:30:00
2024-05-16 16:00:00
Total supply102.45B
Notcoin started as a viral Telegram game that onboarded many users into web3 through a tap-to-earn mining mechanic.
From The Tech Bubble by Edward Ongweso Jr I am back from Las Vegas, my second visit there but first time going to CES—an annual consumer electronics trade show (CES is NOT short for Consumer Electronics Show, or anything really) where companies and countries tease glimpses of the future of consumer electronics. It may be hard to believe, but my foray into CES suggests the tech sector is getting even more removed from reality than its temporary host city. I love Las Vegas because it is one of the more honest expressions of what it means to be an American: desperately scrambling to silence the occasional stirring of what passes for a soul in this country. And, yes, the city is very fun when you don’t have a Protestant upbringing buzzing in your ear (e.g. all the food, alcohol, drugs, strip clubs, parties, dayclubs, nightclubs, spectacles, desert adventures, and gambling you could want), but only if you don’t think too hard about it. If you think about it, though, you end up in a dark place! Even before the Supreme Court struck down the federal prohibition on sports gambling in 2018, however, it was clear where we were headed. Take a 2017 Chris Hedges Truthdig column , in which he argues that a culture as committed as ours to gambling is one committed to numbing and killing itself by any means necessary: Roger Caillois, the French sociologist, wrote that the pathologies of a culture are captured in the games the culture venerates. Old forms of gambling such as blackjack and poker allowed the gambler to take risks, make decisions and even, in his or her mind, achieve a kind of individualism or heroism at the gambling table. They provided a way, it can be argued, to assert an alternative identity for a brief moment. But the newer form, machine gambling, is an erasure of the self. Slot machines, which produce 85 percent of the profits at casinos, are, as the sociologist Henry Lesieur wrote, an “addiction delivery device.” They are “electronic morphine,” “the crack cocaine of gambling.” They are not about risk or about making decisions, but about creating somnambulism, putting a player into a trancelike state that can last for hours. It is a pathway, as sociologist Natasha Dow Schüll points out, to becoming the walking dead. This yearning for a state of nonbeing is what Sigmund Freud called “the death instinct.” It is the overpowering drive by a depressed and traumatized person to seek pleasure in a self-destructive activity that ultimately kills the organism. Hedges’ column starts by talking about addiction as of 2017: the United States consumes the vast majority of opioids used worldwide, sees tens of thousands die from overdoses, spends tens of billions on painkillers, lets millions suffer from alcohol abuse, and spends well over $100 billion on heroin, methamphetamines, cocaine, and weed. These are sums eclipsed by gambling. Here are the numbers (again from 2017): Americans in 2013 lost $119 billion gambling , with an additional $70 billion—or $300 for every adult in the country—spent on lottery tickets. Federal and state governments, reliant on tax revenues from legal gambling and on lottery ticket sales, will do nothing to halt the expansion of the industry or the economic and psychological toll it exacts on those in financial distress. State-run lottery games had sales of $73.9 billion in 2015, according to the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. This revenue is vital to budgets beset by declining incomes, deindustrialization and austerity. “State lotteries provided more revenue than state corporate-income taxes in 11 of the 43 states where they were legal, including Delaware, Rhode Island, and South Dakota,” Derek Thompson wrote in The Atlantic. “The poorest third of households buy half of all lotto tickets,” he noted. Gambling is a stealth tax on poor people hoping to beat the nearly impossible odds. Governmental income from gambling is an effort to make up for the taxes the rich and corporations no longer pay. Hedges sees these machines, casinos, and gambling more generally as finely tuned to "cater to the longing to flee from the oppressive world of dead-end jobs, crippling debt and social stagnation and a dysfunctional political system." To make his case, he leans heavily on Natasha Schüll, citing her landmark study of machine gambling in Las Vegas (“Addiction by Design”). On close examination, gamblers are less addicted to winning than to the "world-dissolving state of subjective suspension and affective calm" that machine play offers. The shape and feel of consoles and seats, the displays and interfaces, the acoustics of the floor, the lack of natural sunlight, these and much more are engineered to maximize “time on device” and thus the casino’s profits. To further that end, casinos engage in an impressive array of surveillance to track gamblers, construct personal profiles, kick out winners, and determine the breaking points of losers—intervening just before they leave so that time on device can be maximized. Because of the extensive data collection involved in managing a casino (i.e. ensuring gamblers are losing as much as possible), casinos have also functioned as a testing grounds for other industries interested in surveillance. Schüll names "airports, financial trading floors, consumer shopping malls, insurance agencies, banks, and government programs like Homeland Security" as just some of the beneficiaries of Las Vegas's technological innovation. In a conversation with Hedges, Schüll doesn’t mince words: “When you look at contemporary slot machines, they don’t operate on volatility,” she continued. “One designer of the mathematics and algorithm of these games said we want an algorithm that makes you feel like you are reclining on a couch. The curves, architecture and the softly pixelated lights, they want you to sit back and go with the flow. I just couldn’t make sense of that for the longest time in my research. Gamblers would say, ‘It’s so weird, but sometimes when I win a big jackpot I feel angry and frustrated.’ What they’re playing for is not to win, but to stay in the zone. Winning disrupts that because suddenly the machine is frozen, it’s not letting you keep going. What are you going to do with that winning anyway? You’re just going to feed it back into the machines. This is more about mood modulation. Affect modulation. Using technologies to dampen anxieties and exit the world. We don’t just see it in Las Vegas. We see it in the subways every morning. The rise of all of these screen-based technologies and the little games that we’ve all become so absorbed in. What gamblers articulate is a desire to really lose a sense of self. They lose time, space, money value, and a sense of being in the world. What is that about? What does that say? How do we diagnose that?” “It’s the flip side to the incredible pressure, which is experienced as a burden, to self-manage, to make choices, to always be maximizing as you’re living life in this entrepreneurial mode,” she said. “We talk about this as the subjective side of the neoliberal agenda, where pressure is put on individuals to regulate themselves. In this case, they are regulating themselves, but they are regulating themselves away from that. This really is a mode of escape. It’s not action gambling. This is escape gambling. You can see it on their faces. The consequences and ethics are distasteful. It’s predatory. It’s predation on a type of escape where people are driven to exit the world. They’re not trying to win. The casinos are trying to win. They are trying to make revenue. They’re kind of in a partnership with the gamblers, but it’s a very asymmetrical partnership. The gamblers don’t want to win. They want to just keep going. Some people have likened gamblers to factory workers who are alienated by the machine. I don’t see it that way. This is more about machines designed to synchronize with what you want—in this case escape—and [to] profit from that.” This, Hedges argues, will be the building block of our future politics: perpetual immiseration obscured by public-private partnerships to build digitally mediated pleasure palaces, alongside robust efforts to improve access to various opioids and soma, and reinforced with a healthy dose of outright force when we step out of line. After CES, I think this vision doubles as a diagram that connects gambling and Vegas (as a laboratory of odious technologies of surveillance and social control and extraction and immiseration across society) to CES (as a place to fine tune hype narratives obfuscating the scramble for these tools) to capitalist technology and our political-economic order. On Gambling It may have been unleashed by the Supreme Court’s 2018 decision, but as I wrote in 2021 it was partly supercharged by the Covid-19 pandemic: speculative finance bullshit proliferated thanks to “fintech” that reduced barriers to losing money on stocks, crypto, and NFTs; more traditional finance bullshit in the form of SPACs; the aggressive lobbying by the gambling industry to set up online casinos, influencer gamblers targeting children , app-based sports gambling, and closer ties between sports leagues and gambling outfits. In 2022, Jay Caspian Kang wrote in his New York Times column that while he doubted this wave of sports betting legalization would lead to a "long-term epidemic of problem gambling” he was concerned that "he could “no longer really tell the difference between buying cryptocurrencies, betting on sports or trading stocks” because they’ve become part of a “mega gamble with payouts that could change your life.” Kang offers an agnostic version of Hedges’ theory at one point: we shouldn’t read too much into the firms behind this gambling boom because they’re simply “doing whatever it takes to maximize their user bases and profits” but at the same time one can’t shake the fear that it “it reflects a desperation in today’s youth” made worse by the pandemic. Is this true? When arguing that gambling was an outgrowth of a culture gripped by despair, corporate predation, and addiction by design, Hedges painted a pretty dire picture in 2017. How do things look today? The opioid crisis has gotten worse. Opioid overdose deaths grew to 81,806 by 2022 before starting to decline to an estimated 75,091 deaths in 2024. Painkillers were a $24 billion global market in 2015 and grew to $81 billion in 2023—the global opioid market is now about $23 billion , the United States accounting for $14.5 billion . Annual expenditures for marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, and heroin grew from $100 billion (across the 2000s) to almost $150 billion (by 2016), with weed’s market ($52 billion) becoming as large as coke’s ($24 billion) and meth’s ($27 billion) combined, while heroin’s market ($43 billion) grew to be the largest behind weed. Alcohol abuse has grown from 14 million adults to 28 million . Legal sports gambling hit $119 billion in 2023 and an estimated $150 billion in 2024. Illegal sports betting— which legalization was supposed to end —has metasized into a $64 billion market (this does not include the much larger $337 billion illegal online gambling market). A recent study found that sports betting increases a household’s likelihood of bankruptcy by 30 percent. Lottery sales have grown from $70 billion to $113 billion for FY 2024. In 2009, lotteries provided more revenue than revenue than corporate income taxes in 11 states—in 2022, this was true of 10 states . A 2024 analysis by The Economist found that the poorest households spend about 33 times more on lottery tickets than the richest households. And while lotteries are totted as a way to finance state aid for low-income residents, a Boston Globe investigation showed this couldn’t be further from the truth in Massachusetts, the state with the highest per capita spending on lottery tickets. I could go on and on like this but it’s clear there has been a long-term problem when it comes to gambling, both in terms of what is driving its proliferation and the impact of it. Hedges was in right in 2017 and is even more right now: a culture as committed to preying upon and immiserating its most vulnerable citizens as ours turns out to be a culture where people will retreat into various escapes/addictions, such as gambling or substance abuse. From that come a few interlinked points: (1) Regressively taxing the consumption of poor individuals is an easier political project to pitch than progressive taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals. The former lack the wealth or power to do anything about social policies that will further disempower and eventually kill them. Or as tech venture capitalist Marc Andreessen put it “I’m glad there’s OxyContin and video games to keep those people quiet.” (2) Sans popular pressure or legal advocacy, there’s not much political interest in seriously holding corporations accountable for preying on, poisoning, or killing poor people beyond fines and offering more sustainably harmful products. Forever chemicals, whose toxicity has been known for decades , poisoned every corner of this planet before the Biden administration introduced America’s first national drinking water standard aimed at reducing exposure for upwards of 100 million people. Johnson & Johnson knew for decades that the asbestos in its baby powder products was causing cancer, using the courts to evade multi-billion dollar settlements while opening a new front on the war against this country’s threadbare consumer protection laws . (J&J also agreed to pay $5 billion of a $26 billion settlement over its role in fueling the opioid crisis). (3) In the 12 years since “Addiction by Design” was published, things have changed a bit. In 2019, Kevin Litman-Navarro wrote about a nascent attempt by NBC Sports Washington to create an alternate broadcast that offered "predictive gaming" which enabled bets on every single aspect of the game (halftime score, turnover, dunks, etc.) "Predictive gaming is like fantasy football meets roulette, and if broadcasters adopt techniques perfected by casinos (and adopted by social media sites to keep people engaged, the future of sports gambling could make it a lot more addictive,” Litman-Navarro warned. In a 2023 talk, Schüll reflects on how online gambling would prove to be even more addictive than casino machines: It's solitary. It's you and the machine. There's no person interrupting or putting a social temporality on the experience—it's you and the machine. It's extremely rapid feedback and, again, it's continuous without a set ending. It's potentially never-ending! You could just keep going—even now in sports-betting, because when a game ends you just switch over to another game on the same app or site. It could be ping-pong in Poland, table tennis in Amsterdam. All of this creates a much deeper psychological engagement than offline sports betting. It feels more like a traditional slot machine in that sense and it's harder to stop. And to extend our third point, Schüll adds that while her book ended with the gambling industry expressing anxiety about its slot machine clientele aging out, online gambling has given them access to incredibly young blood that will make for lifelong customers (an anxiety familiar to the tobacco industry as it fought to stop older smokers from quitting , then aggressively targeted young people with “smokeless” products to cultivate a new generation of lifelong smokers). Weaponized pleasure and hedonic engineering are not new concepts when it comes to consumer products , nor is the idea that something can be ubiquitous yet designed in a way that slowly kills its consumers as profitably as possible. In fact, the usual response to this is “regrettable substitution” where the toxic compound or hazardous product is banned, but replaced with something nearly identical. Despite this, people will debate whether the supposed benefits (taxes, recreation, etc.), especially when it comes to gambling. I think it clearly causes more harm than its worth, however! And not just for gambling—which, again, is intentionally designed to be as addictive as possible with finely tuned physical environments as well as digital technologies and has served as a laboratory for tools of surveillance + social control—but for the multitude of industries and spheres of life that have been touched by gambling and its tech innovations. Gambling isn’t just concerning because it is powered by and advances noxious technologies, but because it is transforming how we engage with life. Nate Silver argues in his book “On the Edge” that risk-taking and a progressional gambler’s mindset are increasingly defining how decisions are made across our society: The River is a sprawling ecosystem of like-minded people that includes everyone from low-stakes poker pros just trying to grind out a living to crypto kings and venture-capital billionaires. It is a way of thinking and a mode of life. People don’t know very much about the River, but they should. Most Riverians aren’t rich and powerful. But rich and powerful people are disproportionately likely to be Riverians compared to the rest of the population. “Upriver” live the rationalists and effective altruists who rub shoulders with crypto and artificial intelligence evangelists. “Midriver” is where Silicon Valley and Wall Street investors seek returns at great cost to the rest of society . “Downriver” we find “lots of tourists and lots of gambling” as people flock to casino floors and sports books. And just further out we come across the “Archipelago” where “pretty much anything goes” —it’s here that the “weakest of the herd” are picked off by online poker, as well as sports betting and crypto speculation (and crypto casinos ). Silver doesn’t attempt to obfuscate the externalities of a world dominated by The River, but his bias is clear (this is his “tribe” and the book tends to celebrate it). Here he dips his toe into the AI risk debate (can we create superintelligent machines and what will they do with us) with a potential future called “Hyper-Commodified Casino Capitalism: “The world becomes more casino-like: gamified, commodified, quantified, monitored and manipulated, and more elaborately tiered between the haves and have-nots. People with a canny perception of risk might thrive, but most people won’t. GDP growth might be high, but the gains will be unevenly distributed. Agency will be more unequal still; a few large companies, aided by their AIs, will have more power than democratically elected governments. Most people won’t have fulfilling, meaningful jobs, and many will hand their decision-making over to AIs that purport to have their best interest in mind but instead trap them in a loop of button-clicking compulsions. Are these AIs making people happy? Well, they’re making people content, for that’s what the algorithms will optimize for. Happiness is hard to measure. The soul of humanity dies a slow and unmourned death at some point in the mid-2050s.” Silver offers this as a possible dystopia, but frankly it seems like one of the best-case outcomes available to us considering the ascendance of Silicon Valley’s reactionaries. The world that lies waiting for us will not come to pass because of gambling, though gambling is actively ruining the one we currently live in. On CES What does all of this have to do with CES? As long as I’ve been aware of CES, it has been related to me as a place where vendors use products that may or may not be real to peacock for investors ($$$), journalists (coverage), and other firms (deals). Sacrifice a virgin while dancing in the moonlight and you’re a superstitious nut. Sacrifice a pile of money while dancing in a windowless casino and you’re what Silicon Valley’s accelerationists call “hyperstitious” —able to “transmute lies into truths” by an obscure alchemical science known as wealth. And so: entrepreneurs and investors enter into a dance where half-baked ideas or narrow use cases are given new life (scale) with a sufficient infusion of capital; journalists are lied to, seduced, distracted, or otherwise deputized in an extravagant masturbatory ritual performed with ironic self-awareness. “Don’t you see that while A is obviously never happening, B would be a genuine improvement?” I'm assured by financiers and writers who’ve come to the conference every year seriously wondering where their promised robot servants and sentient assistants are! What was actually being offered at CES? This year, it was what Jared Newman called “AI gaslighting” as firms previewed plans to trick consumers into thinking long-offered features were new innovations made possible by “AI.” I saw a humanoid robots disclose “I am a text-based generative AI chatbot” before posing with audience members and answering questions as part of a transparent gimmick, crypto bros spin sleek trading platforms as financial AI agents, and salespeople use “AI” to refer to ecosystems of luxury surveillance devices . Newman saw TV makers rebrand extant personalized recommendation and actor recognition systems as cutting-edge “AI”, PCs that let you optimize graphics settings with chatbots instead of singular buttons, and hardware (like smart glasses) that simply grafted large language models onto their products. Newman offers a somewhat upbeat explanation for this: Hardware makers want to demonstrate that they’re part of the AI revolution, but they don’t make the AI themselves and are bound by the limits of what large language models can do (which is still far from what we’ve been promised they can do ). Outside of a few stray announcements, such as Nvidia’s $3,000 desktop AI computer for programmers , much of what happened at CES will have little direct bearing on where AI goes from here. … Device makers, in other words, are trying to take credit for the wrong thing. I left CES feeling upbeat about the state of consumer electronics, but with a strange feeling that I had to ignore a vast amount of its messaging to get there. I don’t think we can easily ignore the “vast amount” of gaslighting though there is something to Newman’s point about this being a “hardware” show amidst a “software” frenzy. Still, CES claims it there were an estimated 141,000 attendees, 4500 exhibitors, and 6000 "global media, content creators, and industry analysts.” We should be concerned if even a small fraction of this exhibition was vaporware—which it tends to be—and even more so if a significant portion of it is overtaken with snake oil salesmen insisting their products are now AI-powered—which it seemed to be. I, and many others, have written extensively about the danger that our delusions about “AI” pose. It threatens to narrow our institutional imagination to the dreams of monopolistic firms and flood the zone with propaganda to reinforce these nightmarish visions , rehabilitate reactionary ideologies that pine for the ancien régime, and serves to enrich some of the least among us: white South Africans who don’t seem to have gotten over the end of apartheid . The concern about the Subprime AI crisis , as Ed Zitron puts it, is that it will not only misallocate resources in a bubble that’ll burst and leave behind immiserated masses, dessicated public institutions, and an increasingly withered capacity for political action not aligned with Wall Street/Silicon Valley’s interests BUT that it’ll empower masters of the universe like Peter Thiel who seem interested in building the worst possible future for all but themselves. Take John Ganz’s read of a recent Financial Times op-ed by Thiel: Does Thiel believe, along with Girard, that the scapegoat mechanism no longer works, or just that we need new myths and scapegoats? Is he really a Christian or a pagan worshipping at the altar of technological Moloch? When the Silicon Valley occultists commune with the spirits are they talking to God or the Devil? It seems like as the alternative to violence spinning out of control, he wants to focus it on a few enemies, he wants the new regime to produce scapegoats. I think he doesn’t want it to look too savage and primitive. It has to have some semblance of order, otherwise, it will be too clear what’s going on—like the text, it needs to be a little esoteric. It has to have the appurtenances of justice and truth and be given a Christian covering, the possibility of forgiveness and mercy. If you are creeped out by now that’s the point: this is all meant to be a little scary. He likes the whiff of incense and the air of hocus pocus. The founder of Palantir wants to imagine himself as a sorcerer. It is meant to sound impressive and, yes, stupefying. But he is not just mystifying but also himself mystified: fetishizing the world of commodities and their production as a religion. Being in the position to forgive is being in a position of power. And perhaps the ultimate one. Another question we might put to all these characters: Who do you think you are? God? An honest look at Palo Alto’s past ( eugenics, environmental ruin, and surveillance ) and present ( “less a fascism of blood and soil than a nihilistic capitalism of the bottom line” as Quinn Slobodian puts it) suggests the world we’re racing towards will be dominated by bantustans, though I’m sure the Riverians won’t have much qualms about putting casinos inside of them. The sooner we free ourselves of delusions about Silicon Valley’s supposed right-wing turn , the sooner we can articulate the futures we do or don’t want (and the technologies involved in both) and speak a bit more bravely about the gap between the stakes and our willingness to act. Quickly approaching is the day when we will see the embrace of a genocidal telos (“ exterminism ”) that’ll seek to sacrifice the environment, genetically and socially engineer humanity, and liquidate the uncooperative elements. All of the ingredients are already there. Now we wait for the Great Work that will bring together the brigands laying waste to our world for one last orgy of violence. Will it be those that seek to purify capitalism of its democratic flaw and colored defects? Or those that promise us it will give birth to yet another stillborn god?
MOVE token jumped 16% Wednesday amid rumors that Elon Musk is considering the Movement blockchain for his government transparency initiative. Movement’s ( MOVE ) token gained 16% on Jan. 29 as reports surfaced that Elon Musk ‘s Department of Government Efficiency team is evaluating the blockchain for his transparency efforts . In an X post on Jan. 28, Walter Bloomberg, citing a source familiar with the matter, reported that “Movement among firms discussing blockchain use with Musk’s DOGE team.” *MOVEMENT AMONG FIRMS DISCUSSING BLOCKCHAIN USE WITH MUSK'S DOGE TEAM: SOURCE *BLOOMBERG REPORTED MUSK'S DOGE EVALUATING BLOCKCHAIN TECH FOR GOVT EFFICIENCY EFFORT — *Walter Bloomberg (@DeItaone) January 28, 2025 At the same time, on-chain analysts spotted a big purchase from World Liberty Financial, a crypto project linked to President Donald Trump . The firm bought about $2 million worth of MOVE tokens, pushing the price from $0.71 to over $0.88 before settling around $0.80. The purchase quickly sparked concerns over insider trading. Oof, this is NOT a good look WLFI multisig buys MOVE and then 10 minutes later the press reports the Movement talking to Musk story Insane crime pic.twitter.com/VZpla6WoOE — Eric Conner (@econoar) January 28, 2025 Amid those accusations, Movement Labs co-founder Rushi Manche said the team isn’t directly working with World Liberty Financial, telling crypto media that Movement is “not in direct communication with the Trump-backed DeFi project.” He also denied collaboration with Musk’s DOGE team, saying, “I don’t think we are in touch as far as I understand.” Meanwhile, Movement Labs has been busy launching a developer mainnet to bring Facebook’s Move Virtual Machine — also known as MoveVM — to Ethereum. The launch is a key step toward the public mainnet beta, expected in February.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has rescinded a rule that prevented banks from custodying cryptocurrencies. The rule, known as Staff Accounting Bulletin ( SAB 121 ) was introduced by former SEC chair Gary Gensler. It required banks and other financial institutions to list crypto assets as liabilities in their sheets. As expected, SAB121 was highly controversial. Most believed the complexities involved deterred banks from being involved in crypto custody. It was largely considered the SEC’s attempt to discourage corporate participation in the crypto market. However, the regulator has introduced a new policy, which paves the way for massive adoption. 🚨Chairman @RepFrenchHill : “Finally, the Biden-Harris misguided SAB 121 rule has been rescinded. Holding reserves against the assets held in custody is NOT standard financial services practice and am pleased this rule was nullified. I applaud @SECGov for taking strong steps… pic.twitter.com/PFz4PKeT2t — Financial Services GOP (@FinancialCmte) January 23, 2025 What is SAB 122? The new policy , SAB 122, provides an accommodating structure and enables banks and other financial institutions to observe international accounting standards or those from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). This staff accounting bulletin (“SAB”) rescinds the interpretive guidance included in Section FF of Topic 5 in the Staff Accounting Bulletin Series entitled Accounting for Obligations to Safeguard Crypto-Assets an Entity Holds for its Platform Users (“Topic 5.FF”),” the regulator explained. SAB 121 has been rescinded, allowing banks to custody Bitcoin. 🚀 pic.twitter.com/IZrzOfcdXG — Michael Saylor⚡️ (@saylor) January 23, 2025 The SEC requires banks to provide clients with details on the risks involved with custody assets. The bulletin wrote, “An entity that must safeguard crypto-assets for others should determine whether to recognize a liability related to the risk of loss under such an obligation and if so, the measurement of such a liability, by applying the recognition and measurement requirements for liabilities arising from contingencies in Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification.” Several key voices in crypto, such as Hester Peirce , hailed the new policy as a step in the right direction. Others believe SAB 122 could encourage companies to associate better with crypto. Bye, bye SAB 121! It’s not been fun: https://t.co/cIwUc0isUE | Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 122 — Hester Peirce (@HesterPeirce) January 23, 2025 Trump’s return to the White House has no doubt been a major win for the industry. The new administration has made several pro-crypto moves, including announcing plans to make the US the crypto capital of the world. Disclaimer The information discussed by Altcoin Buzz is not financial advice. This is for educational, entertainment, and informational purposes only. Any information or strategies are thoughts and opinions relevant to the accepted levels of risk tolerance of the writer/reviewers and their risk tolerance may be different than yours. We are not responsible for any losses that you may incur as a result of any investments directly or indirectly related to the information provided. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are high-risk investments so please do your due diligence. Copyright Altcoin Buzz Pte Ltd.
Key Takeaways The SEC, under the Trump administration, has repealed the controversial SAB121. SAB121 imposed stringent requirements on financial firms offering crypto custody services. Lawmakers and crypto proponents welcomed the move as a win for the industry. The Securities and Exchange Commission has withdrawn Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121 (SAB121) , one of the most contentious policies targeting the crypto industry under the Biden administration. The decision, made during the first week of Donald Trump’s presidency, signals a significant shift in the government’s stance on crypto regulation. Acting SEC Chair Mark Uyeda , appointed by Trump, spearheaded the repeal, marking a symbolic end to what critics dubbed the “madness” of Gary Gensler’s tenure as SEC chief. You May Also Like Crypto Gary Gensler’s Top 5 Crypto Crackdowns as SEC Chair: A Legacy of Legal Battles Crypto SEC Crypto Fines: 2024 Hits Record $4.6B, Contributing to Historic $8.2B in Remedies Crypto Outgoing SEC Head Gary Gensler Calls for More Progress On Crypto Regulations SAB121: A Brief History First introduced in March 2022, SAB121 mandated that financial institutions holding cryptocurrency on behalf of clients record those assets as liabilities on their balance sheets. The rule aimed to address perceived risks associated with crypto custody but faced immediate backlash from the financial and crypto industries. Crypto advocates argued that the rule was impractical, creating unnecessary burdens for financial firms and discouraging them from offering custody services to crypto companies. Despite this resistance, the Biden administration pushed the measure through in May 2022. House Financial Services Committee Chair French Hill criticized SAB121 from the outset, calling it a “misguided” policy. On the repeal, Hill stated : “Finally, the Biden-Harris misguided SAB121 rule has been rescinded. Holding reserves against the assets held in custody is NOT standard financial services practice, and I’m pleased this rule was nullified.” Gensler’s Approach to Crypto Regulation SAB121 became a symbol of what critics described as Gary Gensler’s inconsistent and heavy-handed approach to crypto regulation. During his tenure, the SEC chief claimed that existing financial laws were sufficient to govern the crypto sector. However, the issuance of SAB121 contradicted that stance, highlighting a willingness to impose new restrictions on the industry without offering clarity or tailored guidelines. Coinbase, the largest U.S.-based crypto exchange, filed a lawsuit against the SEC in 2023 , demanding regulatory clarity for the sector. The exchange argued that the lack of comprehensive rules left crypto firms operating in a regulatory gray area. Despite these calls, the SEC remained unyielding , insisting that crypto companies comply with decades-old financial laws. SAB121, however, demonstrated that the SEC was willing to create new rules when it suited their agenda, drawing accusations of hypocrisy and inconsistency. Operation Chokepoint 2.0 Allegations The repeal of SAB121 also reignited discussions about the Biden administration’s alleged anti-crypto campaign, often referred to as Operation Chokepoint 2.0. This purported initiative involved government agencies warning and restricting traditional financial firms from engaging with crypto companies, effectively cutting off the industry from essential banking services. Critics pointed to SAB121 as a key component of this strategy, aimed at stifling the growth of the crypto sector under the guise of investor protection. With the withdrawal of SAB121, the Trump administration has sent a clear message that it intends to take a more constructive approach to crypto regulation, prioritizing innovation and collaboration over restriction.
Let’s face it—crypto is a game of timing. Remember when Notcoin made headlines, and early investors laughed their way to the bank? If you’re reading this and kicking yourself for missing that ride, you’re not alone. But guess what? You’ve got a second shot at making it big. Enter BTFD Coin (BTFD) , the best crypto presale to buy right now, which has already raised over $5.5 million. With its presale in the 14th stage and over 66 billion coins sold to 9,200+ holders, BTFD is offering you an open door to the crypto elite. Now, let’s dive deeper into why BTFD Coin is the talk of the town and how it’s stepping into the spotlight after Notcoin paved the way. BTFD Coin: The Meme Coin Revolution You Can’t Ignore BTFD Coin (short for “Buy The Dip”) is the next big thing in the crypto world. Unlike most meme coins, BTFD isn’t just a trend—it’s a movement. Its presale is setting records, currently priced at $0.00016, and analysts are buzzing with predictions of a massive ROI post-listing. The coin is projected to hit $0.0006 after the presale ends, offering a whopping 275% return on investment. Imagine this: a $2,500 investment at the current presale price could turn into $9,375 once the coin hits its listing price. That’s the kind of math that gets hearts racing! But what makes BTFD stand out from other meme coins? Play-to-Earn Game: Launching on January 1, 2025, BTFD’s P2E game combines fun and financial rewards. Users can earn BTFD tokens while enjoying a thrilling gaming experience. Staking Rewards: With an incredible 90% APY, staking your BTFD tokens isn’t just profitable; it’s a ticket to passive income. Community Power: Dubbed the Bulls Squad, BTFD’s vibrant community is more than just holders—they’re investors, gamers, and die-hard enthusiasts. The presale performance speaks volumes about its potential. Over 66 billion coins sold, $5.5 million raised, and 9,200+ investors already on board. If you’re still hesitating, remember, that the train doesn’t wait forever. Referral Rewards: Multiply Your Gains Want to make even more money? BTFD’s referral program is as juicy as it gets. Here’s the breakdown: Share your unique referral code with your network. Earn 10% of every BTFD purchase made using your code if you rank in the top 20 on the leaderboard. Your referrals also get a 10% bonus for purchases above $50. The leaderboard resets monthly, so there’s always a new chance to win. With rewards tracked in real-time, you can watch your earnings stack up. Why just buy when you can help others join in and get paid for it? This is the beauty of this best crypto presale ! Notcoin: A Missed Opportunity That Still Haunts Notcoin made waves when it launched, proving that even a meme coin can deliver staggering returns if timed right. Launched with a playful theme and minimal hype, Notcoin became a sleeper hit, turning early $100 investments into tens of thousands of dollars within months. But as the price soared, the window of opportunity slammed shut for many. Notcoin’s history is a stark reminder of how quickly the crypto market can shift. From its humble beginnings to its peak price, Notcoin created millionaires almost overnight. Yet, not all news about Notcoin has been rosy. Its later stages saw diminished returns, with the market oversaturated and newer projects stealing the limelight. Fast forward to today, and Notcoin remains a reminder of what could have been. Analysts argue that its success was due to its early positioning in the meme coin space, coupled with a community-driven push that gave it its meteoric rise. However, those who got in late saw minimal gains—a lesson in why getting in early is crucial. With BTFD Coin following a similar trajectory but with far more utility and community engagement, it’s clear that history is repeating itself. The question is, will you seize this opportunity or let it pass you by again? Why Analysts Predict Big Things for BTFD Coin Crypto analysts are abuzz about BTFD’s potential. Its presale success alone sets it apart, but it’s the features and roadmap that have experts predicting a breakout year for the coin. The P2E game is already making headlines, with gamers excited to earn while they play. Plus, the staking rewards program—offering a jaw-dropping 90% APY —is expected to attract long-term holders, stabilizing the coin’s value. Analysts believe BTFD’s community-first approach, combined with its real-world utility, sets it apart from other meme coins. Unlike projects that rely solely on hype, BTFD is building an ecosystem where every participant benefits. Whether it’s through staking, gaming, or referrals, BTFD ensures there’s more than one way to earn. And let’s not forget the listing price of $0.0006. At that valuation, early investors are poised for returns that could rival Notcoin’s early success. If you’ve ever dreamed of turning a modest investment into a small fortune, BTFD’s presale is your golden ticket. Conclusion: Don’t Miss Out on the Best Crypto Presale to Buy If Notcoin taught us anything, it’s that early opportunities don’t wait. The best crypto presale to buy right now is undoubtedly BTFD Coin , with its stellar presale performance, engaging P2E game, and sky-high staking rewards. With $5.5 million already raised and the 14th presale stage underway, the clock is ticking. This isn’t just another meme coin; it’s a movement. Don’t let another golden opportunity slip through your fingers. Join the BTFD Coin presale today, and ride the wave of crypto’s next big thing. Sign up now before the dip turns into a peak! Find Out More: Website: https://www.btfd.io/ X/Twitter: https://x.com/BTFD_COIN Telegram: https://t.me/btfd_coin
Bitget has launched NOTUSDC for futures trading with a maximum leverage of 50 on January 23, 2025 (UTC+8). Welcome to try futures trading via our official website (www.bitget.com) or Bitget APP. NOTUSDC-M perpetual futures: Parameters Details Listing time January 23, 2025 15:00 (UTC+8) Underlying asset NOT Settlement asset USDC Tick size 0.000001 Maximum leverage 50x Funding fee settlement frequency Every eight hours Trading time 7*24 Depending on market risk conditions, Bitget may adjust the parameters from time to time, which may include the tick size, maximum leverage, and maintenance margin rate. [Futures] Bitget’s futures include: USDT-M Futures, Coin-M Futures and USDC-M Futures. Thank you for your support and attention to Bitget! Join Bitget, the World's Leading Crypto Exchange and Web 3 Company Sign up on Bitget now >>> Follow us on Twitter >>> Join our Community >>>
Phantom , a leading crypto wallet on the Solana blockchain, stated that a recently reported vulnerability does not pose a risk to user funds, following criticism from a security researcher known as @CloakdDev. In a public statement, Phantom apologized for communication delays and emphasized that it remains committed to security. It added: “We believe it does NOT make user funds vulnerable in any way.” However, Phantom did not provide further technical details or a timeline for any potential action. Similarly, Cloakd has also refrained from providing any technical details about the alleged vulnerability. The dispute The dispute became public on social media on Jan. 21 after Cloakd expressed frustration with Phantom’s response. The research stated in a social media post: “At this point, it’s becoming a joke – I can’t even get a response from their security team in terms of an update.” The researcher characterized the delay as concerning for a platform of Phantom’s scale and reach. Following Phantom’s response, Cloakd countered the wallet’s claim, asserting that the vulnerability “directly puts user funds at risk.” They urged Phantom users to take precautionary measures, including backing up their seed phrases and considering alternative wallets. The researcher advised: “Move to a different wallet as they clearly don’t take user security seriously – painfully obvious from this exercise.” The situation has sparked significant concern among users, with many questioning how wallet providers should balance transparency with ensuring security. Some community members sought advice from Cloakd on the severity of the risk and how to safeguard their assets. Cloakd’s recommendation to migrate to other wallets reflects growing dissatisfaction with how the issue has been handled. Mentioned in this article Phantom Disclaimer: Our writers' opinions are solely their own and do not reflect the opinion of CryptoSlate. None of the information you read on CryptoSlate should be taken as investment advice, nor does CryptoSlate endorse any project that may be mentioned or linked to in this article. Buying and trading cryptocurrencies should be considered a high-risk activity. Please do your own due diligence before taking any action related to content within this article. Finally, CryptoSlate takes no responsibility should you lose money trading cryptocurrencies.
Notcoin (CRYPTO:NOT) has faced significant downward pressure over the past month, with a decline of 20.12% leading to concerns about further losses. Currently trading at $0.0055, NOT has dropped by 2.72% in the last 24 hours, reflecting a broader trend of bearish sentiment among investors. Analyst Ali Martinez has suggested that if current market conditions persist, Notcoin could see a further dip to $0.0031. This prediction stems from a breakdown of key support levels and reduced demand for Notcoin, as liquidity shifts towards newly launched tokens like the TRUMP (CRYPTO:TRUMP) coin. As investor confidence wanes, many holders are closing their positions and seeking more stable alternatives. Market sentiment analysis indicates a negative weighted sentiment for Notcoin, which has remained consistent for the past six days. This bearish outlook is further supported by data showing that 51% of traders are currently taking short positions on NOT, reflecting widespread expectations of declining prices. Additionally, Notcoin's open interest has fallen sharply from $29 million to $24 million, indicating that traders are exiting the market amidst heightened volatility. Unless buyers perceive the recent dip as an opportunity to invest, Notcoin may continue its downward trajectory. If the price falls below $0.0046, analysts warn that it could lead to even lower valuations. Conversely, if buyers step in, there is potential for a reversal that could push the price back up to $0.0061. At the time of reporting, the Notcoin (NOT) price was $0.005108.
While President-elect Donald Trump's memecoin was largely met with skeptical enthusiasm from the crypto crowd, his wife's token launch has had a much harsher reaction. "This is obviously a huge disappointment as it will dilute the Trump coin as well as the fact that more are likely to come which will just make it into one giant mess," wrote popular trader Daan Crypto Trades on X. "Everything going to dillute each other, massive [player versus player] between every coin and in the end people are going to be severely hit." Melania Trump's token MELANIA went live just over an hour ago, amassing a $5.7 billion fully diluted valuation. Yet in achieving this, it has detracted massively from the Official Trump token , likely causing deep losses for many investors and potentially creating resentment among some of the 400,000 new entrants to the crypto space over the last few days. The price of TRUMP has fallen from $75 to around $45, bouncing off a low of $34 shortly following MELANIA's launch. "Incredible. They actually launched a second MELANIA memecoin right in the middle of the first, signaling zero scarcity and instantly crashing the value of TRUMP," said investor Balaji Srinivasan. "If this is actually true and it seems to be, Trump upside is probably very capped, no one wants to own something that constantly gets diluted," said popular crypto trader DonAlt on X. "All in all, a giant Trump fumble, might be the biggest self-inflicted mistake I've seen in crypto to date." Or put more simply, "DONALD NO!!! ONE WAS ENOUGH!!!" wrote Monad Director of Growth Kevin McCordic. Even worse tokenomics Memeland's Chief Chart Officer, known as Stats, commented, "The $TRUMP coin had the perfect dose of mystery and reality for people to think this might just be a big thing. Then they do this." They noted that while Donald Trump kept 80% of the supply for himself and his team, Melania Trump kept 88% (with an even faster vesting schedule ) and suggested the next Trump to launch a memecoin might keep even more. While Melania Trump's website says that around 45% of the supply is allocated to the community, public distribution and providing liquidity on decentralized exchanges, the current distribution is nowhere close. Blockchain data visualizer Bubblemaps noted that 89% of the supply of MELANIA remains in a single wallet, meaning just over 10% is currently available for trading. "The bubble map of $MELANIA does NOT match the distribution on their website," Bubblemaps said on X. Others noted that perhaps former SEC Chair Gary Gensler had not been exactly treated fairly in his crackdown on the crypto space. "I miss regulation by enforcement," joked Gwart, an anon once described as "crypto’s truth-telling funnyman." "Gensler is laughing at us," added db, a pseudonymous individual who runs a crypto news monitoring service. Much less planning Some observers pointed out the difference between the planning between the two memecoins. Conor Grogan, head of product business operations at Coinbase, said the wallet that created Melania Trump's token had previously traded on memecoin launchpad Pump.fun and wasn't a multisig (like Official Trump's was). "My guess is that this token was handled by a different team than TRUMP's. That one looks like professional market makers, this one honestly looks like a college kids," he posted on X. Cygaar, a software engineer contributing to Abstract Chain, pointed out Melania Trump's website was set up yesterday and doesn't even have Cloudflare protection. "So yeah, people are definitely grifting here. At least the Trump coin was planned weeks in advance," they noted.
EVAA Protocol, a DeFi lending platform for the TON ecosystem, raised $2.5 million in a private token sale. Participants in the recently closed round included Polymorphic, Baring Vostok, TON Ventures , Animoca Brands, CMT Digital, Mythos Ventures, Wagmi Ventures and angel investors, according to a release shared with The Block. EVAA Protocol provides lending, borrowing, shorting, leveraged staking and other decentralized finance (DeFi) services for the TON network . The platform aims to use its financing to eventually launch its own token called EVAA, with the overall goal of expanding TON's DeFi landscape. "DeFi technology continues to explode within the TON ecosystem," said EVAA Protocol Co-Founder Aleksandr Sudeikin in a statement. "With our unique product, global community, and financials, we are now in a great position to be a base layer for the whole TON DeFi." EVAA Protocol has integrated with OKX , Bitget, Tonkeeper, Tonhub, in addition to maintaining partnerships with TON Foundation, Notcoin, Storm Trade and other platforms, the release continues.
If you’re an experienced crypto investor or even an enthusiastic follower, you might have already been through this journey. You hear about a new coin like Notcoin, that seems too good to pass up, but somehow, you decide to sit it out. Maybe you thought, “It’s too early” or “The timing doesn’t feel right.” Now, fast forward, and Notcoin’s price has soared, and the opportunity has passed. You regret not jumping in earlier, knowing that you could have been part of something much bigger with just a little foresight. In this article, we’ll explore why Arctic Pablo Coin is quickly emerging as one of the best crypto presales to buy and how you can still secure your position in a project with huge potential for massive returns. Let’s dive into how this meme coin, built on adventure and mystery, is ready to reward early supporters with skyrocketing returns—something that may remind you of your missed opportunities with Notcoin. Arctic Pablo: A Tale of Treasure and Transformation Arctic Pablo is not just another meme coin—it’s a whole adventure wrapped in cryptocurrency form. Set against an icy, mythical land, Arctic Pablo Coin ($APC) embarks on an exploration like no other. Picture this: an explorer named Arctic Pablo, driving a snowmobile across vast frozen terrains, is in search of mystical treasures, each one representing wealth and potential for his community. This coin’s story is immersive and engaging, creating a world where your investment isn’t just about buying tokens, but about joining an adventure. As Arctic Pablo ventures through different realms—each representing a new “location” in the presale—he uncovers hidden treasures that unlock massive gains for early investors. Each week, Pablo moves to a new location, and with every new location comes a rise in the token price. And here’s the kicker: if the treasure is discovered earlier than expected, the price increases faster, and any unsold coins are burned at the end of every week, increasing scarcity and value. Arctic Pablo is a unique meme coin presale that combines adventure with deflationary economics. The early stages of this presale are set at low entry points, with the price increasing each week. But the real magic lies in the coin’s burn mechanism, ensuring that their value is driven up as fewer tokens circulate. Early investors in Arctic Pablo Coin ($APC) stand to gain huge returns, potentially over 39,900% in ROI, as the price rises during the presale stages and the official launch. It is one of the Best Crypto Presales to Buy . Notcoin: A Missed Opportunity or Just the Start? We all know the feeling—the “I should’ve gotten in earlier” regret. When Notcoin took off, many crypto enthusiasts saw its rapid rise and thought, “This is the one I missed.” During its presale, Notcoin was priced at a mere fraction of a dollar, offering a generous early-bird discount to those who were savvy enough to get involved. As the project gained momentum and demand grew, Notcoin’s price surged—leaving early investors sitting pretty with massive profits. But here’s the thing: Notcoin may have been a missed opportunity, but it’s not the end of the road. Just because you didn’t get in on Notcoin doesn’t mean you’ve lost your chance to make it big in the crypto world. Arctic Pablo Coin could be the next Notcoin—if not better. Unlike Notcoin, Arctic Pablo offers a compelling narrative that immerses investors in a world of adventure, scarcity, and wealth-building potential. Conclusion Based on our research and market trends, Arctic Pablo Coin ($APC) is quickly emerging as one of the best crypto presales to buy in 2025. Combining an engaging narrative, deflationary tokenomics, high ROI potential, and a staking program with an impressive 66% APY makes Arctic Pablo an exciting opportunity for new and seasoned investors. Don’t let another Notcoin pass you by—this is your chance to get in on the ground floor of something truly special. With its unique approach, growing community, and increasing demand, Arctic Pablo Coin is set to become one of the most talked-about projects of the year. Join the presale now, secure your tokens, and be part of the adventure that could lead you to massive returns. Now’s the time to act. Don’t miss out—join the Arctic Pablo presale today and start your journey to riches! For More Information: Arctic Pablo Coin: https://www.arcticpablo.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/ArcticPabloOfficial Twitter: https://x.com/arcticpabloHQ Disclaimer: This article is a sponsored press release for informational purposes only. Coinsprobe does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy, quality, or reliability of any content, products, or services mentioned. The views expressed do not reflect those of Coinsprobe and are not financial, legal, or investment advice. Investing in crypto assets carries significant risk. Readers should conduct their own research and act at their own risk. Coinsprobe is not liable for any losses or damages arising from reliance on this content.
From premia blue blog by Marty Please note that Premia does not provide investment advice, and nothing herein should be construed as such. Anyone considering trading or holding derivatives or crypto assets should be aware that the risk of loss can be very high, and it is upon each individual to seek advice from an appropriate professional advisor. This Wednesday 2pm EST (17hr UTC) is the return of the Marty x Premia show. We have a lot to cover with a returning guest. None other than the fishing macro pimp, CryptoISO himself. We will cover all of the topics below, including The Market vs The Fed. Tune in for Boomer and Vol talk. TL;DR: Reality Check BTC ATM IV 1W: 56.47% 1M: 57.62% 3M: 59.34% 6M: 60.35% Index Price: $91,681 DVOL: 59.81 ETH ATM IV 1W: 76.57% 1M: 70.41% 3M: 69.86% 6M: 70.38% Index Price: $3,009 DVOL: 73.15 Note: Yikes, last newsletter BTC 104k, ETH 4k… Check ETH front-end. Let’s get into it Marty's Thoughts If you're too sensitive and soft, and one directional headed into the market… Probably best you sit down for a reality check. I’m not strictly bullish nor bearish most of the time. We are market makers, we make money when people cross that sweet sweet spread. We hold a spot bag and think BTC goes up against fiat forever… That doesn't mean that my shitposting ends, it will never. When we see things losing or gaining steam, we will comment, X is my free-flowing thots. As a trader, things change in an instant. We rarely as a maker have strictly directional exposure, but we manage some treasuries with call overwriting programs, and this week we sold all the calls. ALL YOU CAN EAT. From far dated OTM wingy stuff, to front-end 10-20delta stuff, we sold it all. Below you can look into my masterclass of TA, the red memelines, they go undefeated. I wanted to take this one to make it more of a blog post into my thots, rather than a data filled word salad. I've always warned about memecoins and always pushed for people to try and find their own edge and stick with it. No one listens. I had a buddy get rinsed, full liquidated on 10x leverage knife catching. Another story I heard was someone running $100 to $1.2mm back to ZERO… I am not sure where these peoples minds are, never full port anything on leverage, and why not take something off the table while you're up 100000x… The human mind works against us sometimes. As Jim The Cat says… “Always Take Profit”. Lets go down memory lane, back to Nov 2024… The first week, BTC was 67k and ETH 2.4k… Now that we are mentally there, do you think we would kick off 2025 with 92k BTC, and 3k ETH. Though to be fair, ETH at 3k isn't saying much, kek… With BTC at ATH levels essentially, people's portfolios are at all time lows… How can this be Marty? They were led to slaughter by their favorite influenza, let's use Banks as an easy example… Banks is always early has turned into a meme, and he leads his audience to the slaughter house. I know there are skeletons in CT, and only one pimp that I've seen has been public about it… from 0 to a few hundred thousand and back to zero this week, going back to get a job in real life. These are the untold stories and walking skeletons that CT has, everyday. For us to win, someone has to lose and that’s the truth about the markets. Now this blog post is getting dark and negative… probably a bottom signal… but we continue nevertheless. Before the Hyperliquid airdrop there were about 50-100 people on CT that had over 50-100k liquid, and that’s the truth. A lot of people on Twitter just sit around and mope without ever making any money, and that’s ok… Just don't act like you're a baller. I wanted to show my new favorite charts in Cripto lately. Hyperliquid's very own trader PNL and liquidations charts. Total traders net PNL = -50mm+, while liquidations are up to near 18b… This goes to show you that majority don't know anything, and the house always wins. Sure, the house has risk and there is no free lunch, they are in the business of housing risk, managing it, and profiting from doing so. Again, for every winner there is a loser. That's the game we play. This is public on their website. For the past month or two, we have been writing about rebalance season. Rotations were getting and still are getting faster… We have seen this all come to fruition. Let’s get an update on the current returns below… As we approach chop city, your only goal is to survive. Crypto 1-Month Returns Charts from Velo Data: https://velodata.app/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeloData?s=20 From top to bottom… 1-month returns in large caps, mid caps, and small caps. Giga rinsed. This is the reality, and it’s barely just setting in for the majority of people. NOT ONE MID CAP IS GREEN… NOT ONE… Insane reality, but it is the truth. Majority of you guys would be better off getting a job and stacking sats, you would probably outperform your favorite influenza. We don't trade memes, we don't understand them, and we stay away, far far away. If this is your first read of the blog, I am sorry… But long term readers know this is just a faze, ill snap out of it. The boomer in me has taken over my body this week, and we are in preservation mode, not risk on mode. Someone play that OK BOOMER tiktok of that lady dancing and singing… sigh. Now what Marty? What's next? I’m not too sure. We front ran the upside of the market a lot after Trump announcement, 67k to 108k in the matter of weeks. In my last write up, I was and still am ready for the chop. Chop a 20-30k range while the market settles and reprices things. We started this, with price down 15k off the highs. Looking forward… This week is a BIG WEEK as Silbert would put it. We have PPI tomorrow, CPI the day after, and Trumpet joins office next Monday… BIG WEEK. If we zoom out a little, there are larger things at play here… It’s not just those dirty market makers hunting your stops… The FED has started cutting rates, trying to boost the economy while stating that the economy is stable and that they are going to use all their tools to get to their targets… The market is calling the FED's bluff, though rates are being cut, rates have gone HIGHER. This sort of disconnect in the market is not good, Mr. Market likes CERTAINTY. When we have uncertainty, we get what is happening now. Not just Cripto is down, stonks are also getting rinsed. BOOMERS IN CONTROL. This Wednesday 2pm EST (17hr UTC) is the return of the Marty x Premia show. We have a lot to cover with a returning guest. None other than the fishing macro pimp, CryptoISO himself. We will cover all of these topics, including The Market vs The Fed. Tune in for Boomer and Vol talk. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, now lets cover some quick options and wrap it up on this Monday. To Join Greekslive Block Marketplace: t.me/GreeksLive Find Greekslive On Twitter: https://twitter.com/GreeksLive What a week of trades, Mega bullish, some cashed, others getting rinsed. These are the largest block trades through the Greekslive marketplace. We can never see the traders’ whole portfolio, we just get this small insight to what the larger players are doing, it seems a few of them got caught on the wrong side, sellers in control. Wrap Up Boomers are in control, there are larger forces at work right now, cripto is just a follower of USD liquidity. This "negative” article is just a faze, a lil’ snap out of it. Bull Marty is the best version of Marty. Memes are just memes, that’s it, don't get caught holding the bag. We look forward to working with Mr. Weka my Editor In Chief the next month or so redoing the Premia Academy. Pumping out quality articles on options, perps, and all things derivatives in preparation for Kyan (Premia V4) . 2025 is the year of learning, and as always, it’s for free. If you are interested in learning the basics of derivatives, please check out current edition of the academy here academy.premia.blue . We will spend time on the next iteration of the academy making more practical and how-to tutorials on how to create various pay offs, or hedge various scenarios. If you would like to see a specific article, please reach out and we will include it on our to-do list! Thank you to all the readers who make this newsletter possible, we are sitting at about 4000+ email sign ups, and thousands of readers every 2 weeks. As for the Options Talk Show if you or someone you know wants to be a guest feel free to DM me , we are booking out March 2025 already.
Multiple market analysts say it is not unusual for Bitcoin to undergo a correction in the January that follows a halving year. This comes after BTC’s price has seen a 10% decline in the last few days. It has, however, marginally recovered to around $94,000 after falling from a peak of $102,300 on January 7. Historical trends of January dips after halving Bitcoin has seen more intense market corrections in previous halving years. After plunging more than 25% in 2021, the cryptocurrency gained 130% to record new highs around $69,000 later that same year. Before that, Bitcoin suffered a 30% decline in January 2017 before soaring 2,400% to reach $20,000 in the months that followed. According to crypto analyst and trader Axel Bitblaze , “Bitcoin dumping in January has historically been a common occurrence in post-halving years.” He added, “We all know what happened after the 2017 and 2021 dumps.” The recent 10% drop from Bitcoin’s all-time high price is nothing compared to previous pullbacks in the leading crypto’s price. Stockmoney Lizards also maintains a positive outlook for BTC. According to the analyst, “Bitcoin has NOT reached the ultimate hype/pump phase.” Stockmoney Lizards also referenced significant drivers that could boost BTC’s price, including wider market adoption, crypto legislation, and the introduction of spot Bitcoin ETFs. See also Bitcoin investors withdraw from spot ETFs at almost record rates as BTC corrects Considering previous market behaviors, if history repeats and Bitcoin follows the 130% increase that it experienced in 2021, its new price might reach $200,000 in Q4 2025. However, if this cycle follows the January pullbacks of previous years, the leading crypto’s price may fall further to $70,000. Key factors that could push the market forward in 2025 The crypto market is expected to be pushed by several key factors in 2025. First, increasing institutional adoption could bring more liquidity and price stability to the market, especially if spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs (exchange-traded funds) attract more capital. Additionally, a growing number of governments are introducing policies to promote crypto adoption that will create a more favorable environment for digital assets. Most notably, incoming US President Donald Trump is expected to introduce more favorable crypto policies that encourage innovation in the Web3 space. Other governments are also exploring the possibility of launching a strategic BTC reserve to combat inflation. Should these initiatives become a reality, they could introduce more buying power into the market and solidify BTC’s status as a hedge against inflation. Land a High-Paying Web3 Job in 90 Days: The Ultimate Roadmap
The cryptocurrency market is trying to recover from a bearish trend, with Bitcoin currently priced at around $94,000. Altcoins are also experiencing slight gains, although the market has been quiet over the weekend. Upcoming events, particularly Trump’s swearing-in, may influence market activity next week. Notcoin has emerged as a standout performer, experiencing a 7.09% price increase after a week of declines. On January 10, Notcoin (NOT) was trading at $0.0059 but quickly gained momentum, surpassing the $0.006 resistance level and currently trading at approximately $0.0064. As of the latest data, NOT is priced at $0.006426. Looking at the weekly performance, Notcoin has seen a 5.43% dip. It started the week at $0.006876 but dropped to around $0.005. If Notcoin maintains its current upward trend, it could reach higher prices. The price action of Notcoin shows a horizontal channel pattern, indicating consolidation of support and resistance levels. This pattern often leads to either a breakout or a decline. Technical analysis reveals that the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) signal line is above the MACD line, suggesting a favorable trading environment. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is at 45.84, approaching neutral market sentiment. These indicators, along with the trading pattern, imply that Notcoin may experience bullish trends soon. Other altcoins, including Ethereum and SUI, have also shown price increases recently. Overall, the market is cautiously optimistic about potential gains in the coming days.
As the countdown to Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 47th President of the United States enters its final week, crypto market participants are closely monitoring the situation. With just seven days remaining before the January 20 ceremony, investors and analysts alike are bracing for the impact of Trump’s return to the White House. Has the Market Already Priced in Trump’s Victory? Many in the cryptocurrency market are wondering if the market has already “priced in” his victory for Bitcoin. The term “priced in” refers to the idea that markets have already absorbed and reflected expectations about a future event or development in the current asset prices. Analysts like Dan Gambardello and Hoeem believe that the market has not yet priced in Trump’s inauguration. This means there is room for a crypto rally once Trump takes office. “People think the pro-crypto Trump presidency and governments racing to buy Bitcoin is priced in. It’s very simply not priced in,” Gambardello posted on X. Crypto expert Hoeem echoed the sentiments of many when he said, “Donald Trump’s inauguration is NOT priced in.” “Trump will back pedal anything that negatively impacts the crypto market. Trump will double down on anything that positively impacts the crypto market. He wants, from day one, the pump to pump and keep f*cking pumping not only for his team and families strong connections to the market but for simply his ego alone,” Hoeem added. It appears that even traditional finance markets are waiting to capitalize on a crypto bull run under Trump. According to a Bitwise survey, 56% of financial advisors said that Trump’s victory made them more likely to invest in crypto. Among those already investing in crypto, 99% plan to either maintain or increase their crypto allocations in 2025. Caution vs. Optimism: Crypto Market Prepares for Trump Amid hopes for a bull run once Trump takes office on January 20, some argue that caution is necessary. The New York Digital Investment Group said that it could take time before Trump delivers on his campaign promises. NYDIG warned that there won’t be any changes to crypto policy immediately after the inauguration, especially as some top government positions have yet to be filled. “We would caution on expecting immediate changes. Key officials still need to be named, those that have been named need to go through the confirmation process, and then once confirmed they need to assemble their staff,” NYDIG explained. Also, the authorities have not yet revealed who will head agencies like the CFTC, OCC, and FDIC. Nevertheless, NYDIG expects that “they will be pro-Bitcoin and crypto as well.” During his previous presidency, Trump’s policies significantly influenced financial markets, including cryptocurrency. His administration often took an ambiguous regulatory stance, contributing to the volatility of the digital asset space. Now that Trump has clearly vocalized his support for crypto, it needs to be seen how soon he can bring his promises to life. In the days leading up to the inauguration, the crypto community remains cautious yet optimistic.
From terminallyonchain xyz by YB Happy Friday Terminally Onchain fam! So I already had a post drafted for today in which I give a breakdown of Google's new 42 page paper on Agents. But I sat down at this coffee shop an hour ago and have something else on my mind that I feel like I just HAVE to get out today. Because I hate myself, I'm locking in for the next few hours and will "freestyle" this post and send the Google paper analysis next week. Okay, so what's this other topic on my mind that feels so urgent? Well, here's the thing. I never have considered myself a trader. And I realistically never will. And because of this, I naturally don't get fancy with my "tooling". No price alerts and no spending time on "Bloomberg terminal" type products and definitely no leverage/perps. As many of you know by now, my style is to pick a few projects or trends that hook me and spend an absurd amount of time diving into the nitty gritty. That's how I'm able to consistently produce 3k+ word deep dives twice a week. Don't worry, this is NOT changing lol. But I'll admit that I'm really struggling to keep up with everything that's going on in the crypto x AI sector and I consider that to be part of my job. I feel like everyday I wake up to a bunch of different things that I'm shocked I didn't know about. I'm not saying that I need to have insight about every single project and spread myself thin (most of them are total bs anyways). But I do feel like currently I'm still missing out on significantly important developments. Now let me ask you something. If I'm spending 10+ hours a day researching these topics and keeping up with crypto twitter, then how is it possible that I still feel so behind and am missing so many new narratives? The answer to that I believe is because I am not being efficient about my information inputs. I'm working hard, but not smart in terms of keeping up. Doing good research and writing is one thing (which I believe I do a decent job at). But the other part of the job is knowing what topics to research and when to research them. So with that being said, let's talk about how I'm going to start getting better at sourcing projects, trends, narratives, etc. To be clear, this isn't something I'm spending a lot of time on; rather, the goal is to build a ~10 minute daily routine while I have my morning coffee so I know what the rest of crypto agent (?) twitter is paying attention to. To start off, I'm going to focus on using Cookies.fun Cookie I want to clarify that this is not a sponsored post. I just think that by seriously integrating Cookies into my workflow, I'll do a much better job of keeping up. This morning, I decided to go ahead and spend ~$7.5k to buy 10k cookie tokens and access the premium features. Let's dive in. Know when to strike I've been quite impressed by the Cookies.fun team the last few months. When Goat launched back in October, the team immediately understood that the agent vertical was going to be the main narrative for this bull cycle. So they decided to go all in and make the best analytics & data platform for all things AI agents. There are other tools such as aiagenttoolkit , kaito (not just agents), etc. but I think Cookie is by far the best in terms of what most people need. I got a chance to talk to the founders back in December and loved hearing about how they're thinking about the months ahead as well as how they're trying to keep the product as crypto native as possible (i.e. token gated features, leaning into crypto twitter analysis, etc.) tl;dr of the tool itself: Tracking 1000+ agents: their mindshare on crypto twitter, social media engagement, market cap vs. presence, etc. Team has been indexing onchain and social media data to figure out what exactly is happening in the vertical - both from a qualitative and quantitative standpoint Basic features for anyone to go explore on the site. 10,000 $COOKIE needed to access premium features The $COOKIE token market cap is currently hovering between $150 million - $200 million and was just listed on Binance perps today Also have a rich API for others to integrate. An example is Virtuals including "mindshare" on their UI Let's get into the tool itself. Features & My Commentary Free Features This first section gives a glance into the agent vertical. Top left has # of agents + marketcap. I don't really care too much for the number of agents, a lot of them are slop. But the marketcap metric is definitely useful to see how much capital is pouring into the crypto agent space.I'm not saying we should compare market caps to other sectors, but I did find this chart by Messari below interesting. Pretty wild to see how closely the agent meta is tracking the defi market cap from 2020/2021.Defi peaked at a ~65 billion market cap before the entire crypto market tanked in May of 2021 (who else remembers that dreadful week?)We're about a 5x away from that number...maybe something to just keep in the back of our heads? As I mentioned in my last post though, let's not let these cycle comparisons get the best of us. How key agent ecosystems are performing (mainly Virtuals and ai16z) rn --> curious to see how this changes in the next 6 months.I was reading this article on a new agent framework (Pippin) earlier today and I thought it would be worth sharing the first two paragraphs. I don't have any comments on the framework itself, but I did find the quote below a good reality check on not getting too attached to any one ecosystem just yet. It's only been 3 months since Goat launched! One of the things I find most common in crypto, especially within hot new sectors, is that most people who find a "good project" that goes vertical will form tunnel vision. This may be good for the short term, but what happens when variables change, and you do not adapt properly? I think it is very naïve to think that the current leaders in a 4 month old sector will continue to be leaders, especially as more advanced developers and technology continue to come forward. AI Agents Mindshare - never have I used the word "mindshare" so much as I have in the last two months. But the reality is that it does matter a lot to see what the markets are most focused on. The majority of mindshare is dominated by platforms and large players such as aixbt and zerebro. But the interesting part here is to see the small players that rotate under the 5% mindshare level. Why did they pick up all of a sudden? Any interesting news? This feature is self-explanatory but basically the general chart of all the agents that can be sorted by mindshare and marketcap.Seems like the no brainer thing to do to is source new narratives that are emerging by finding the projects that rank abnormally high in mindshare compared to their marketcap. So if a sub $10m market cap project is on par with $100 million market cap projects in terms of mindshare, there's a good chance a new development is brewing. This is a REALLY COOL feature. You can see KOLs that mentioned a certain agent on Twitter and it takes you directly to their tweet. Basically tracking the types of influencers involved and how that's affecting the mindshare. It's also interesting to see how early certain folks got involved and then check what the context was in terms of how they came across it. A good way to refine your own sources of finding new narratives.Honestly such a creative feature and something I wouldn't even have thought of asking for. Premium Features Holders & Whales - for each token you can see a detailed breakdown of how much control the insiders have. Specifically, I think the top 10 holders % matters the most for projects that are under a month old and haven't picked up momentum. Easiest way to understand how much of the plan is to actually ship vs rug. One caveat here is making sure to check if the devs locked up their tokens in any liquidity pool (if that's the case, I'm guessing it wouldn't show up in the holder % but just wanted to mention that as a strong pro point).The reason I think this metric matters in terms of research perspective is because at times glorious, bold ideas are thrown out with a contract address and twitter account attached to them. But in reality, is the vision even practical at the current moment? Or is it all just big talk? For example, back in November, I mentioned a project called $CHAOS that I thought had a cool vision of robotics + agent blah blah. And although I still think the concept itself is cool, the project turned out to be a complete waste of time and I'm glad I didn't spend more efforts looking into it. Social media engagement - great way to see how the agents themselves are doing in terms of posting and what the main tweets people are engaging with are. Not much to say here other than the fact that it saves me a lot of time from trying to stalk through different accounts, play the twitter lists game, etc. The next two screenshots are from a special section where you get access to detailed mindshare dashboards by @s4mmyeth (a must follow if you haven't already). This first chart gives insight on most recent momentum shifts. It seems like this chart will be the one I probably use the most given how active I already am in the space. Anything that has a 12-24 hour spike will be essential for me to check so I can get into the weeds of anything new.For example, out of nowhere (or what it seemed like to me), it felt like there was a massive shift to agents x metaverse / avatars this week and it was tough for me to understand why. I looked into it and realized that Holoworld was the main driver. Then that forced me to go through the docs and form my own opinion. The second chart is similar to the first but measures market cap vs smart engagement on week to week basis. Basically showing us if things were just a quick hype moment or if they're actually sustaining interest. I'll want to double down on any projects where smart engagement continues to increase even when the agent vertical is having a correction. The last feature worth mentioning is the market cap and mindshare scatter plot. This is a fantastic graph because it gives you a real time understanding of what potential projects are "soon to pop off". The above screenshot is a zoomed out version so you can see the obvious one of aixbt in terms of having a much lower market cap compared to its mindshare. This is mainly because its not a "agent framework" and right now the narrative is pushing a lot of capital towards the infra "L1 plays" we talked about on Tuesday's post.But if you zoom into the bottom left corner, you can really start to see interesting alpha. I zoomed in like 4x to focus on all the agents under a $20m market cap. And I'm amazed to see so many projects I've never even heard of. But at least now I know it's worth my time to look into wtf Seraph, Kudai, Kween, Trust, etc. are. Makes my life like a million times easier in terms of making sure I'm not in my own little biased bubble.To be clear, just because the charts signal I should check out those projects doesn't mean that I will actually deep dive into all of them. All of the projects in this chart below might not be worth my time at all, but the point is that it's a much better filter to source projects this way rather than trying to find alpha on Twitter by doomscrolling. That's all I had for today's post in terms of taking time to go through the Cookies platform. I know the above details definitely leaned towards "trading vibes" and it feels weird to me because I always hated looking at charts when it came to projects. My preference is obviously whitepapers and calls with founders. But I think it's time to correct some of my bias and understand that the mindshare and smart engagement metrics that Cookie provides is different from just normal trading strategies. I'll keep you all posted the next few weeks on how useful I'm actually finding the premium features. Today was day 1 so there was definitely a lot more of that initial excitement, but let's see if it lasts. I hope everyone has a great weekend, see you all on Tuesday! - YB
Notcoin price has factored in a notable surge of 7.09% in the last 24 hours. The altcoin’s daily trading volume shows a notable 140.74% surge as per CMC data. The cryptocurrency market has been attempting to break free from bearish holds over the past day. With Bitcoin trading at the $94K level, the altcoins are fueling modest gains in their price actions. Meanwhile, the weekend slumber has cast its spell, leaving the community in silence. However, the following week might see interesting events as Trump’s swearing-in approaches. Notably, within the altcoin sector, one particular player has shown significant surges in the past day. Notcoin has factored in a 7.09% price increase following a long week of bearish movements. In the afternoon hours of January 10, NOT was trading at a low of $0.0059 before sparking bullish candles. Following this, it has surged to surpass the $0.006 resistance yet again and is currently trading at $0.0064 levels. The past few hours’ strides have resulted in the Notcoin price overpowering earlier bearish movements. At the time of writing, NOT was trading at $0.006426 as per CMC data . Zooming out, onto its weekly chart, NOT has recorded a 5.43% price dip. At the week’s beginning, the cryptocurrency was trading at a high of $0.006876 after which it fell to the $0.005 level. However, if Notcoin sustains current positive momentum then it can be expected to reach higher levels. Will Notcoin Price Stage a Bull Run? When analyzing the altcoin’s price action over the past few days, it traces a horizontal channel pattern. This pattern indicates that the cryptocurrency’s resistance and support levels are in consolidation. A horizontal channel is usually followed by either a price breakout or a decline. NOT/USDT Daily Price Chart (Source: TradingView ) Secondly, on analyzing its technical indicators – the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) signal line stands above the MACD line. This indicates a positive trading environment as per TradingView data . Additionally, its RSI stands at 45.84 inching closer to a neutral market sentiment. These aspects along with its trading pattern suggest that Notcoin might show bullish trends in the coming days. Other altcoins such as Ethereum and SUI have also shown price increases in the past day. Highlighted Crypto News Today: Can Bitcoin SV (BSV) Eye a $100 Target Amid Strong Bullish Pressure?
The UK Treasury has introduced an amendment to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), effective January 31, to exclude crypto staking from being classified as a collective investment scheme. Under this change, staking Ethereum ( ETH ) and Solana ( SOL ) will be recognized solely as a process for blockchain validation, no longer subject to the regulatory requirements applicable to collective investment schemes. Previously, vague regulatory definitions created the risk of categorizing staking alongside traditional pooled investment vehicles, which are subject to stricter FSMA regulations. The amendment clarifies that staking, which involves participants locking crypto to validate blockchain transactions and secure the network, is fundamentally different and warrants a tailored regulatory framework. Bill Hughes, a lawyer at Consensys , welcomed the move as a significant step for the industry, emphasizing that UK law traditionally regulates collective investment schemes with a heavy-handed approach which would have stifled growth. He added: “The way a blockchain works is NOT an investment scheme. It’s cybersecurity.” Consequently, businesses and individuals engaged in blockchain staking now have regulatory clarity, enabling them to operate without the burden of compliance measures designed for collective investment schemes. Notably, the move aligns with the UK’s broader strategy of fostering innovation in the crypto sector while maintaining proportionate oversight to protect market participants. In November last year, the UK government announced it would develop regulations to boost regional innovation. The plans included guidelines for stablecoins and a new regulatory status for staking. The goal is to avoid hindering technological innovation and leaving the UK behind in the crypto arms race. Unique process The amendment explicitly acknowledges the unique nature of staking, ensuring it is not subjected to inappropriate regulatory frameworks. It defines a “qualifying crypto asset” as crypto that meets criteria specified in existing UK legislation, which recognizes these assets for regulatory purposes. Meanwhile, “blockchain validation” addresses validating transactions on blockchain networks or similar distributed ledger technologies, often supported by staking mechanisms. The amendment is particularly relevant to significant blockchain networks like Ethereum and Solana, which rely on staking for transaction validation. The change could boost the value accrual for companies holding these assets and foster the offering of exchange-traded products that leverage staking in the UK. Mentioned in this article Ethereum Solana Consensys Disclaimer: Our writers' opinions are solely their own and do not reflect the opinion of CryptoSlate. None of the information you read on CryptoSlate should be taken as investment advice, nor does CryptoSlate endorse any project that may be mentioned or linked to in this article. Buying and trading cryptocurrencies should be considered a high-risk activity. Please do your own due diligence before taking any action related to content within this article. Finally, CryptoSlate takes no responsibility should you lose money trading cryptocurrencies.
Starhash’s ability to establish new standards for token launches and decentralized distribution is brought to light by this investment. TON Ventures has acquired hashing power inside its ecosystem, which has resulted in Starhash receiving a strategic investment. The announcement of strategic alliances with TON Ventures and DWF Labs is something that Starshash, an innovative mini-app on Telegram that is based on mining, is proud to announce. As a result of these cooperation, a significant turning point has occurred in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi), as Starshash is revolutionizing token distribution by maximizing accessibility, fairness, and transparency. Starshash is a mini-app that operates within Telegram and is based on mining. It redefines token distribution by incorporating fairness, transparency, and community-driven mechanics. Since its launch in December 2023, it has already amassed more than one million users, achieving rapid growth and establishing itself as a leading performer in the decentralized gaming and finance sectors. Through the integration of fairness and transparency into the fundamental components of its ecosystem, Starshash has revolutionized the mining and token distribution processes. Starshash is a cryptocurrency mining platform that runs on an adapted Ethash algorithm. It allows users to mine tokens using their own personal devices or dedicated servers. Since it was first introduced in December 2023, the platform has already processed more over 34 million Stars, which is equivalent to around $500,000, with over one million users and 10,000 active miners. The fact that Starshash is constantly ranked among the top five highest-grossing apps on Telegram is evidence that decentralized ecosystems have the capacity to provide long-term income and scalability. TON Ventures has acquired hashing power inside its ecosystem, which has resulted in Starhash receiving a strategic investment from the company. Starhash’s ability to establish new standards for token launches and decentralized distribution is brought to light by this investment. Starshash has been able to build a dedicated TON Ventures node as a result of the agreement, which has further enhanced transparency by distributing all validator incentives among users. Tony Khom, Chief Marketing Officer of Starhash stated: “StarsHash is pioneering a new era of gaming mechanics within Telegram, catering to a community that actively engages and contributes resources to shape the ecosystem. By moving beyond traditional airdrops and introducing a mining-based distribution model, we empower users to earn tokens through genuine participation. Whether mining on personal devices, renting dedicated servers, or contributing in other ways, our approach ensures a transparent, equitable, and community-driven token distribution process.” Inal Kardan, Partner at TON Ventures and former GameFi Lead at TON Foundation stated: “We all know that Telegram and TON games have the potential to attract millions of users. Projects like Notcoin and DOGS have already proven this. As we step into 2025, we see new opportunities emerging for innovative game genres and models. Starshash, in our opinion, is a fantastic community-driven project, and we are thrilled to join this movement. This project stands out as a promising and fair way to launch a new token in 2025. We believe this type of project will achieve significant success in the coming months.” TON Ventures is a leading venture capital firm that is committed to fostering innovation within the ecosystem of The Open Network (TON). TON Ventures is a company that focuses on providing financial investment, operational support, ecosystem expertise, and access to a global network of industry-leading partners. Its primary objective is to provide assistance to early-stage startups and cryptocurrency projects that make use of the distinctive capabilities offered by Telegram’s platform, such as Mini Apps, Wallet, and other integrated tools. TON Ventures is dedicated to accelerating the mass adoption of decentralized technologies and supporting the next generation of web3 entrepreneurs. This is accomplished by fostering collaboration between investors and projects. A hands-on approach has been taken by DWF Labs as part of this partnership. Specifically, the company has acquired dedicated mining infrastructure within the StarsHash platform. The community-driven ethos of the project is actively supported by this decision, which goes beyond the conventional investment strategies that one would normally employ. Through its integration into the mining ecosystem, DWF Labs makes a direct contribution to the decentralization and transparency that are the foundations of StarsHash ecosystem. Through its active participation in the mining process, DWF Labs demonstrates its dedication to establishing a level playing field for all of the participants. The ethos of the project is reflected in this initiative, which states that all contributors receive equal benefits from the ecosystem. This alignment serves to reinforce the principles of accessibility and fairness that are the defining characteristics of StarsHash. Andrei Grachev, Managing Partner of DWF Labs stated: “DWF Labs is proud to support StarsHash, a project that exemplifies the innovative potential of Web3 and decentralized ecosystems. By investing in StarsHash and participating in its mining infrastructure, we are contributing to a sustainable and transparent blockchain project that aligns with our mission to empower Web3 innovations.” Being one of the leading high-frequency cryptocurrency trading firms in the world, DWF Labs is the next generation of Web3 investors and market makers, which trades spot and derivatives markets on over 60 of the most prominent exchanges. Through the formation of this partnership with TON Ventures and DWF Labs, Starshash was able to strengthen its position in the decentralized finance space, as well as expand its infrastructure and develop new financial tools. Starshash is well positioned to lead the next wave of decentralized applications, as its token supply would be capped at 10 billion and its adoption rate would continue to rise.
The crypto world’s buzzing, and it’s not slowing down. If you’ve been on the hunt for the best meme coins to invest in this month , you’re in for a treat. With BTFD Coin’s presale blowing past $4.9 million in record time, meme coins are proving their staying power yet again. Not to mention, their rise isn’t just a trend – it’s a revolution. Remember 1973? The world economy took a nosedive, and savvy investors who bought the dips came out swinging with massive gains. Fast forward to today, meme coins are the modern-day opportunity hiding in the chaos. They’re the digital answer to investing in turbulent times – fun, engaging, and potentially life-changing. Among them, BTFD Coin stands tall, promising to redefine meme coin dominance with its P2E game, referral programme, staking rewards, and vibrant community. But what about its competitors? Let’s dive into why BTFD Coin, alongside Notcoin and Degen, are the best meme coins to invest in this month. BTFD Coin: The Bull That Never Quits BTFD Coin is smashing records faster than anyone expected. Starting at a humble $0.000004 in Stage 1 of its presale, it’s now in Stage 13, priced at $0.000142 – that’s a massive ROI! If you’re eyeing exponential returns, BTFD is where the magic’s at. Analysts are already predicting that by the end of its presale, priced at $0.0006, it’ll leave early investors grinning ear to ear. Why is BTFD so popular? It’s not just the presale hype. It’s got a robust ecosystem backing it. There’s the P2E game that’s launched to be a blockbuster in crypto gaming, offering players real rewards while having a blast. Then there’s the referral programme – share the word, and you’re rewarded in BTFD tokens. Add staking rewards to the mix, and it’s a trifecta of earning potential. Want numbers? Let’s talk big. Over $4.9 million raised in under a month. More than 7,600 bullish investors are already onboard, with over 62 billion coins sold. Missed earlier stages? Don’t fret. Use the BIG50 code to get 50% more coins at a mere $0.000142. That’s a deal you shouldn’t blink at. And getting in is easy. Just visit BTFD Coin’s presale page , connect your wallet, and enter the BIG50 code for a sweet bonus. It’s smooth sailing from there. Notcoin: Nostalgia Meets Next-Gen Utility Notcoin is like a throwback to the early days of meme coins when Dogecoin was just a joke. But don’t let its humour fool you – Notcoin’s got teeth. Riding on the meme coin craze, it’s managed to carve out a niche by blending nostalgia with utility. Think of it as the golden retriever of crypto – everyone loves it, and it’s loyal to its community. The big draw for Notcoin is its decentralised finance (DeFi) features. It’s giving holders access to staking, lending, and yield farming opportunities. Plus, its recent partnership with a popular NFT marketplace is turning heads. Collectors and investors alike are flocking to its platform to get in on the action. However, Notcoin’s presale performance hasn’t been as explosive as BTFD’s. While it’s holding steady, it lacks the overwhelming momentum that BTFD Coin is riding on. The community is smaller but fiercely loyal, making it a safer, albeit slower, option for those dipping their toes into meme coin waters. The question is, will slow and steady win the race? Time will tell. But for now, if you’re after fast ROI and adrenaline-fuelled investment excitement, BTFD Coin still has the edge. Degen: The Risk-Taker’s Delight If BTFD Coin is the bullish hero and Notcoin the nostalgic veteran, Degen is the wild card. It’s unapologetically chaotic, which is exactly what its fans love about it. Designed for the ultimate risk-takers, Degen thrives on volatility and high-risk, high-reward dynamics. Its selling point? Unpredictability. The team behind Degen intentionally keeps the roadmap vague, adding to its allure. You never know what’s coming next – it could be a massive pump, or a quirky partnership announcement, or a surprise burn event. While this keeps things exciting, it also makes Degen a less reliable option for risk-averse investors. That said, its small but devoted community is betting big on its potential. Early adopters have seen their portfolios swell in value, thanks to Degen’s explosive rallies. But without the structured ecosystem or long-term vision of BTFD Coin, Degen’s appeal feels more fleeting. If you’re after a moonshot gamble, Degen might be your play. But if you want a meme coin that balances fun with substance, BTFD Coin is the smarter bet. How to Join the BTFD Coin Presale Ready to jump in and snag some $BTFD? Here’s how: Head to the presale page . Connect your wallet (like MetaMask or Trust Wallet). Enter the bonus code BIG50 and click “Apply” for the bonus. Input the amount you want to invest, review the price, and confirm the transaction. It’s simple, fast, and a no-brainer for anyone serious about getting into one of the best meme coins to invest in this month. Bottom Line BTFD Coin is leading the charge as one of the best meme coins to invest in this month. Its explosive presale performance, innovative ecosystem, and strong community backing make it the top pick. Notcoin and Degen are exciting contenders, but they can’t quite match BTFD’s momentum. Don’t miss your chance to buy the dips and turn today’s chaos into tomorrow’s success. Use the BIG50 bonus code and secure your spot in BTFD Coin’s presale now! Find Out More: Website: https://www.btfd.io/ X/Twitter: https://x.com/BTFD_COIN Telegram: https://t.me/btfd_coin Disclaimer and Risk Warning This article is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. Crypto News Land does not endorse or is responsible for any content, quality, products, advertising, products, accuracy or any other materials on this article. This content does not reflect the views of Crypto News Land, nor is it intended to be used for legal, tax, investment, or financial advice. Crypto News Land will not be held responsible for image copyright matters. Readers are advised to always do your own research before making any significant decisions.
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