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Buy ETH with TRY on Bitget Turkey
ETH/TRY has been listed on Bitget Turkey!
Turkish users can now buy ETH with Turkish Lira through the ETH/TRY pair on Bitget Turkey! You can also easily transfer ETH from Bitget Turkey to Bitget Global after binding your accounts!
Buy ETH with TRY now!
What is Bitget Turkey?
Bitget Turkey is a fiat-to-crypto exchange that primarily specializes in fiat spot trading, catering to all Turkish citizens. With Bitget Turkey, you can now deposit and withdraw Turkish Lira (TRY) through bank transfers and engage in cryptocurrency trading directly via spot trading with TRY pairs.
On the Bitget Turkey website, users can deposit TRY via bank transfer and buy crypto to access all the featured services available on the Bitget Global website.
24/7 Turkish Lira deposit and withdrawal via bank transfer.
Crypto transfers between Bitget Turkey and Bitget Global with zero fees.
Deposit and withdraw TRY at 0% fees on Bitget Turkey.
Available fiat trading pairs: USDT/TRY, BTC/TRY, and ETH/TRY, with more to launch in the future.
Getting started
>>How to Register and Complete KYC on Bitget Turkey Site
>>How to Deposit Withdraw TRY on Bitget Turkey Site
>>How to Buy Crypto with TRY on Bitget Turkey Site
>>How to Link (Bind) Accounts Between Bitget Turkey and Bitget Global
>>How to Transfer Crypto Assets Between Bitget Turkey and Bitget Global
Note: These features are made available on Bitget Turkey through third-party services that Bitget occasionally partners with. They are not directly provided by Bitget. It is important to note that transactions are conducted locally and that there is no foreign remittance of money. Please refer to our Registration Guidelines for further information.
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