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Harga Fire Protocol

Harga Fire ProtocolFIRE

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Bagaimana perasaan kamu tentang Fire Protocol hari ini?

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Harga Fire Protocol hari ini

Harga aktual Fire Protocol adalah $0.0007204 per (FIRE / USD) hari ini dengan kapitalisasi pasar saat ini sebesar $0.00 USD. Volume perdagangan 24 jam adalah $754.62 USD. Harga FIRE hingga USD diperbarui secara real time. Fire Protocol adalah -2.24% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Memiliki suplai yang beredar sebesar 0 .

Berapa harga tertinggi FIRE?

FIRE memiliki nilai tertinggi sepanjang masa (ATH) sebesar $3.25, tercatat pada 2021-03-19.

Berapa harga terendah FIRE?

FIRE memiliki nilai terendah sepanjang masa (ATL) sebesar $0.0004424, tercatat pada 2023-06-21.
Hitung profit Fire Protocol

Prediksi harga Fire Protocol

Berapa harga FIRE di 2025?

Berdasarkan model prediksi kinerja harga historis FIRE, harga FIRE diproyeksikan akan mencapai $0.001231 di 2025.

Berapa harga FIRE di 2030?

Di tahun 2030, harga FIRE diperkirakan akan mengalami perubahan sebesar -17.00%. Di akhir tahun 2030, harga FIRE diproyeksikan mencapai $0.002367, dengan ROI kumulatif sebesar +215.36%.

Riwayat harga Fire Protocol (USD)

Harga Fire Protocol +33.57% selama setahun terakhir. Harga tertinggi dalam USD pada tahun lalu adalah $0.003987 dan harga terendah dalam USD pada tahun lalu adalah $0.0004516.
WaktuPerubahan harga (%)Perubahan harga (%)Harga terendahHarga terendah {0} dalam periode waktu yang sesuai.Harga tertinggi Harga tertinggi
Sepanjang masa-98.49%$0.0004424(2023-06-21, 1 tahun yang lalu )$3.25(2021-03-19, 3 tahun yang lalu )

Informasi pasar Fire Protocol

Kapitalisasi pasar
Kapitalisasi pasar yang sepenuhnya terdilusi
Volume (24j)
Peringkat pasar
Tingkat peredaran
Volume 24j / kap. pasar
Suplai beredar
Suplai total / Suplai maksimum
100,000,000 FIRE
Beli Fire Protocol sekarang

Peringkat Fire Protocol

Penilaian rata-rata dari komunitas
Peringkat 100
Konten ini hanya untuk tujuan informasi.

Tentang Fire Protocol (FIRE)

Title: Fire Protocol: Masa Depan Cryptocurrency yang Inovatif

Cryptocurrency telah mencetak sejarah baru dalam dunia keuangan digital. Salah satu mata uang digital yang mengemuka adalah Fire Protocol. Fire Protocol merupakan sebuah platform blockchain yang memberdayakan pengguna untuk melakukan berbagai transaksi keuangan dengan cepat, aman, dan transparan. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mengulas pentingnya Fire Protocol dalam industri cryptocurrency dan fitur kunci yang membuatnya menonjol.

Pertama-tama, Fire Protocol menawarkan keamanan yang tinggi. Menggunakan teknologi enkripsi yang canggih, transaksi di jaringan blockchain Fire Protocol tidak dapat dicuri atau dimanipulasi oleh pihak yang tidak berwenang. Ini memberikan rasa aman dan kepercayaan bagi pengguna dalam mempergunakan mata uang digital mereka.

Kecepatan transaksi juga menjadi satu fitur utama dalam Fire Protocol. Dalam sistem tradisional, transfer uang secara internasional dapat memakan waktu berminggu-minggu, bahkan berbulan-bulan. Namun, dengan Fire Protocol, transaksi dapat diselesaikan dengan cepat dan efisien dalam hitungan detik. Ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengalami pengiriman dana yang instan tanpa harus menunggu waktu yang lama.

Fire Protocol juga menawarkan biaya transaksi yang rendah. Dalam sistem finansial konvensional, biaya transfer uang internasional seringkali mahal dan merugikan pengirim dan penerima. Namun, dengan Fire Protocol, biaya transaksi dapat diminimalkan hingga sekecil mungkin. Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan transaksi dengan biaya yang lebih efisien dan hemat.

Salah satu manfaat terbesar dari Fire Protocol adalah aksesibilitas yang luas. Dalam banyak negara berkembang, akses ke sistem keuangan tradisional sering kali terbatas. Namun, dengan menggunakan Fire Protocol, siapa pun dengan akses internet dapat membuka dompet digital dan memulai transaksi keuangan tanpa batasan geografis. Ini berarti Fire Protocol dapat memberdayakan masyarakat yang sebelumnya tidak memiliki akses ke sistem perbankan tradisional.

Dalam kesimpulan, Fire Protocol telah membawa inovasi besar dalam dunia cryptocurrency. Dengan keamanan yang tinggi, kecepatan transaksi yang cepat, biaya yang rendah, dan aksesibilitas yang luas, Fire Protocol telah membuka pintu bagi adopsi cryptocurrency yang lebih luas. Masa depan Fire Protocol terlihat cerah dan akan terus menjadi salah satu kekuatan utama dalam transformasi ekonomi digital global.

Cara Membeli Fire Protocol(FIRE)

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Beli Fire Protocol (FIRE)

Beli Fire Protocol (FIRE)

Gunakan beragam opsi pembayaran untuk membeli Fire Protocol di Bitget. Kami akan menunjukkan caranya.

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Berapa harga Fire Protocol saat ini?

Harga live Fire Protocol adalah $0 per (FIRE/USD) dengan kapitalisasi pasar saat ini sebesar $0 USD. Nilai Fire Protocol sering mengalami fluktuasi karena aktivitas 24/7 yang terus-menerus di pasar kripto. Harga Fire Protocol saat ini secara real-time dan data historisnya tersedia di Bitget.

Berapa volume perdagangan 24 jam dari Fire Protocol?

Selama 24 jam terakhir, volume perdagangan Fire Protocol adalah $754.62.

Berapa harga tertinggi sepanjang masa (ATH) dari Fire Protocol?

Harga tertinggi sepanjang masa dari Fire Protocol adalah $3.25. Harga tertinggi sepanjang masa ini adalah harga tertinggi untuk Fire Protocol sejak diluncurkan.

Bisakah saya membeli Fire Protocol di Bitget?

Ya, Fire Protocol saat ini tersedia di exchange tersentralisasi Bitget. Untuk petunjuk yang lebih detail, bacalah panduan Bagaimana cara membeli kami yang sangat membantu.

Apakah saya bisa mendapatkan penghasilan tetap dari berinvestasi di Fire Protocol?

Tentu saja, Bitget menyediakan platform perdagangan strategis, dengan bot trading cerdas untuk mengotomatiskan perdagangan Anda dan memperoleh profit.

Di mana saya bisa membeli Fire Protocol dengan biaya terendah?

Dengan bangga kami umumkan bahwa platform perdagangan strategis kini telah tersedia di exchange Bitget. Bitget menawarkan biaya dan kedalaman perdagangan terdepan di industri untuk memastikan investasi yang menguntungkan bagi para trader.

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Investasi mata uang kripto, termasuk membeli Fire Protocol secara online melalui Bitget, tunduk pada risiko pasar. Bitget menyediakan cara yang mudah dan nyaman bagi kamu untuk membeli Fire Protocol, dan kami berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk menginformasikan kepada pengguna kami secara lengkap tentang setiap mata uang kripto yang kami tawarkan di exchange. Namun, kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas hasil yang mungkin timbul dari pembelian Fire Protocol kamu. Halaman ini dan informasi apa pun yang disertakan bukan merupakan dukungan terhadap mata uang kripto tertentu.




1 FIRE = 0.0007204 USD
Bitget menawarkan biaya transaksi terendah di antara semua platform perdagangan utama. Semakin tinggi level VIP kamu, semakin menguntungkan tarifnya.

Insight Bitget

⚡️ Pumpfun Disables Streaming After Fraud Allegations Pumpfun, a platform for creating meme tokens
⚡️ Pumpfun Disables Streaming After Fraud Allegations Pumpfun, a platform for creating meme tokens on the Solana blockchain, has come under fire for enabling fraudulent activities. Creators of questionable tokens have exploited the platform’s streaming feature to execute schemes that defraud users. Critics argue that without stricter moderation or banning streams entirely, the platform risks losing user trust and attracting regulatory scrutiny. Following mounting complaints, Pumpfun has disabled the streaming function to address concerns.
$UNI Update: Massive Cup & Handle Formation on Monthly Chart In the world of cryptocurrencies, pric
$UNI Update: Massive Cup & Handle Formation on Monthly Chart In the world of cryptocurrencies, price patterns and technical analysis often provide traders and investors with valuable insights into potential future price movements. One such pattern that has been gaining attention recently is the Cup & Handle formation seen on the monthly chart of Uniswap (UNI). This pattern, known for its bullish implications, has sparked renewed interest in UNI, the governance token of the decentralized exchange Uniswap. In this article, we’ll delve into the Cup & Handle pattern, its significance, and how it could impact the price of UNI in the coming months. Understanding the Cup & Handle Formation The Cup & Handle pattern is a well-known technical chart formation used by traders to predict a potential breakout in price. The pattern consists of two main components: 1. The Cup: This is the first part of the pattern and represents a rounded bottom. It typically takes the form of a U-shape or a “cup” that can span weeks, months, or even years. The cup signifies a period of consolidation or a correction where the price declines, forms a bottom, and then begins to recover. 2. The Handle: After the cup is formed, the handle is the next phase where the price experiences a slight pullback or consolidation before the breakout. The handle is typically seen as a flag or a small downtrend that sets up the final leg of the upward move. The handle represents a period of digestion where traders take profits before the price moves higher. For a Cup & Handle to be considered a valid and strong signal, certain conditions should be met: The cup should form over a prolonged period, ideally months or years. The handle should form below the top of the cup, typically between 10% to 20% lower than the peak. The breakout should occur after the price breaks above the handle’s resistance level, accompanied by increased volume. The Massive Cup & Handle on UNI’s Monthly Chart Looking at Uniswap’s (UNI) monthly chart, a massive Cup & Handle pattern has been forming over the past few years. This pattern is significant because of the scale of the cup, the consolidation phase, and the potential for a powerful breakout. Here’s a breakdown of how this pattern has developed on UNI’s chart: 1. The Formation of the Cup: UNI’s price first saw a significant rise after its launch in 2020, reaching an all-time high of over $44 in May 2021. Following this peak, UNI entered a correction phase, as the broader cryptocurrency market experienced a pullback. The price of UNI then began to stabilize, forming a rounded bottom over several months. This long consolidation created the "cup" shape that is characteristic of the pattern. The depth of the cup, which measures the price drop from the peak, is crucial in assessing the strength of the pattern. 2. The Handle: After the completion of the cup, UNI entered the handle phase. This part of the pattern often represents a period of accumulation, where traders are deciding whether to buy or sell. In UNI’s case, the handle has been forming for several months in the $4 to $6 range, and it is now looking to break out above the previous resistance levels. The handle has a slightly downward slope, which is typical for this pattern, as it allows for a brief consolidation before the price can push higher. 3. Potential for a Breakout: The breakout for the Cup & Handle pattern occurs when the price of UNI rises above the resistance level created by the top of the handle. In UNI’s case, this resistance is around $8-$10, with the price needing to break through this level to confirm the bullish trend. The key point to watch is the volume during the breakout. A surge in volume as UNI breaks above this resistance level would confirm the strength of the breakout, signaling a potential rally. Why the Cup & Handle Pattern Is Significant for UNI The Cup & Handle pattern is often seen as a bullish continuation pattern. This means that it suggests the price will continue its upward trend after completing the formation. For UNI, this pattern is especially noteworthy because it has the potential to signal a major shift in its price action after a long period of consolidation. Several factors make this Cup & Handle formation significant for UNI: 1. Strong Support and Resistance Levels: The price of UNI has established strong support at the lower end of the handle, around the $4-$6 range. This support level has been tested multiple times, showing that buyers are stepping in at these levels. On the other hand, the resistance at the $8-$10 range has been holding strong, and a breakout above this level could trigger a significant rally. 2. Long-Term Bullish Outlook: The Cup & Handle pattern is a long-term formation, and its implications are typically seen over a period of months to years. If UNI does break out above the resistance level, it could signal the beginning of a new bull market for the token, potentially taking it back to previous highs or even surpassing its all-time high. 3. Macro Trends in Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Uniswap is one of the leading decentralized exchanges (DEXs) in the DeFi space. As DeFi continues to grow and evolve, the demand for decentralized trading platforms like Uniswap is expected to increase. Uniswap’s dominance in the DEX space, coupled with its recent upgrades, such as the introduction of v3 liquidity pools, positions UNI for long-term growth. Additionally, as more liquidity flows into the DeFi ecosystem, the utility of UNI as a governance token for Uniswap becomes even more significant. This growing demand for DeFi solutions could drive the price of UNI higher, supporting the potential for a breakout from the Cup & Handle pattern. 4. Fundamental Developments: Uniswap’s continued innovation, including its focus on improving liquidity, scalability, and user experience, could support a price breakout. Additionally, the broader cryptocurrency market, including growing institutional interest in DeFi, could add fuel to the fire for UNI’s price action. Price Target and Potential Gains If UNI successfully breaks out above the $8-$10 resistance level, the next target for the token could be the $20-$25 range, based on the typical price movement seen in a Cup & Handle formation. This target is calculated by measuring the depth of the cup and projecting that distance upward from the breakout point. However, it’s important to note that cryptocurrency markets are inherently volatile, and while the Cup & Handle pattern suggests a bullish outlook, there are always risks involved. Traders should closely monitor market conditions and volume during the breakout to confirm the strength of the trend. Conclusion The massive Cup & Handle formation on Uniswap’s monthly chart is an exciting technical development that suggests potential for significant price appreciation in the coming months. If UNI can break through its resistance level around $8-$10 with strong volume, the token could be set for a new bullish phase, potentially reaching new all-time highs. However, as with any technical analysis, it’s important for investors to approach the market with caution. While the Cup & Handle pattern is a reliable bullish signal, external factors such as broader market trends, regulatory developments, and shifts in the DeFi landscape can all impact UNI’s price action. For those looking to invest in UNI or trade around the breakout, careful attention to market trends and volume will be crucial in making informed decisions.
Wu Blockchain
Wu Blockchain
Pumpfun has come under fire for users allegedly broadcasting harmful and violent behavior through its livestream feature. Some users threatened to commit self-harm, violence, and even shootings if their tokens did not reach market cap targets. Pumpfun said it has arranged for a team to review the situation around the clock.
Solana Price Prediction: SOL Could Hit $500 in Bull Run As JetBolt Surge Continues
Solana (SOL) is on fire as it hits a new all-time high of $262.93, leaving crypto whales and enthusiasts stunned. This incredible feat raises the question if SOL could hit $500 or new ATHs as the bull run looms post-election. Solana benefits from the positive market sentiment surrounding the potential SEC approval of a SOL-based ETF. This development has sent shockwaves through the crypto market, igniting a rally that’s pushed SOL closer to a new record. As Solana steps into the spotlight, the JetBolt (JBOLT) surge continues, backed by its adoption of innovative zero-gas technology. With over 66 million tokens sold, JetBolt has positioned itself as a next generation altcoin in the market. Let’s dive in as we discuss the Solana price predictions and why the JetBolt surge continues.
(@Cryptosmith2 ✍️) XRP has been on fire lately, shooting up a solid 30% in just two days.The buzz started when news broke about Gary Gensler stepping down, and investors are all kinds of hyped. It’s looking like this could be a game-changer for XRP, with a lot of chatter about the price possibly making a serious leap toward that $1.96 mark soon. If this momentum keeps up, things could get really exciting for anyone holding $XRP XRP WHALE SCOOPS UP $124 MILLION WORTH OF TOKENS On November 20, during XRP’s price surge, a crypto whale made a huge move, transferring nearly 111 million XRP (worth about $123.59 million) from a big exchange to an unknown wallet. This massive withdrawal seems to reflect the market’s bullish vibes and XRP’s strong growth lately. Meanwhile, XRP reserves on exchanges keep dropping, which means it’s not just individual investors but also whales and institutions pulling their tokens off the exchanges. That’s generally a good sign since less supply on exchanges usually means lower selling pressure, giving the price room to climb. XRP TECHNICAL ANALYSIS AND MAJOR MILESTONES Right now, XRP’s charts are looking pretty exciting. On the 4-hour timeframe, it’s forming a “bullish pennant” pattern, which usually hints that a breakout is just around the corner. If XRP can break past this setup and close above $1.15, we could see the price take off by as much as 63%, hitting $1.90 in the short term. The indicators are backing this up too, both the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the 200 Exponential Moving Average (EMA) are showing strong bullish vibes, pointing to more upward action for XRP in the days ahead. STRONG OPEN INTEREST GROWTH On-chain data is really backing up the positive vibe for XRP right now. According to Coinglass, trading activity has been picking up, and it’s pushing Open Interest (OI) higher. In the last 24 hours, XRP’s OI has jumped by 4.5%, with a 2.78% rise just in the past 4 hours. This shows that more and more investors are getting interested in XRP, adding fuel to the bullish trend. KEY LIQUIDATION LEVELS AND MARKET SENTIMENT Market data is showing that traders are keeping an eye on two key price levels for XRP right now: •Low Liquidation Level: $1.069 •High Liquidation Level: $1.135 Coinglass points out that lots of traders are using high leverage around these levels, so there's a bigger chance of liquidations. If XRP breaks above $1.135, about $15.76 million worth of short positions could get wiped out. On the flip side, if the price drops below $1.069, around $49 million worth of long positions could be liquidated. The liquidation data also tells us that buyers have clearly been in control over the last 24 hours, which adds to the bullish mood and shows strong buying power in the market. $XRP

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